woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


woodworking stl files

bill clinton has put together the clintonglobal initiative it is money being raised for very very good causes i don't know thedetails of all the work that they do for it but maybe i'm na�ve but i trust them tobe doing great work throughout the country and throughout the world ok now after hilaryclinton stepped down as head of our state department she also joined the clinton globalinitiative so they're a part of it now as

woodworking stl files, well now while she secretary of state theintuitive had stopped taking money from foreign countries makes sense here's hilary clintonthe wife of bill clinton who's secretary of state some foreign countries might want toinfluence her by perhaps giving money to the clinton charity right now apparently thathas been lifted and for quite some time they

have been taking money again since hilaryclinton stepped down the from state department and the wall street journal has an articleabout that so here are some of the recent donor the clinton initiative united arab emiratessaudi arabia oman australia germany not just canada but the canadian government agencypromoting the keystone xl pipeline gee i wonder why they'd want to give to hilary clintonwho might be the next president of the united states interesting well in fact let's go tothat wall street journal explains one of the 2014 donations comes from a canadian agencypromoting the proposed keystone pipeline which is favored by republicans and under reviewby the obama administration the foreign affairs trade and development agency of canada a first-timedonor gave between $250,000 and $500,000 the

donations are given in ranges but we knowthrough another public appearance that the number is $480,000 they've never given tothe clinton foundation before she might be the next president of the united states theyjust happen to write a $480,000 for the first time just in case she might be a decisionmaking power over keystone xl pipeline now anybody think this might be at the very leastthe appearance of corruption now i don't know what hilary clintons motives are and lookshe's not collecting money for herself she's collecting money for her charity i understandthat right and maybe she's pure as the driven snow and he's not going to be influenced byany of this but does it at least give the appearance of corruption obviously and arethe donors giving the money so that they can

have favor with her of course of course herei'll give you more the united arab emirates a first-time donor gave between $1 millionand $5 million in 2014 a previous donor the kingdom of saudi arabia has given between$10 million and $25 million since the foundation was created in 1999 part of that came in 2014although the database doesn't specify how much now if saudi arabia and the united arabemirates and were that interested in the human rights and welfare and healthcare etc allthe different things that the clinton global foundation is pushing they could of showedit in other ways if i'm hilary clinton i go to saudi arabia hey you know what keep your$25 million let women drive and we'll call it a deal you think they about the charityyou think they care about the causes that

the clinton intuitive is pushing no they careabout influencing the next leader of the united states of america it's the most obvious thingin the world yet the clintons keep taking that money they are trying to build a $250million endowment again this is not a slight on the foundation i'm sure it does great workbut you can't do this you know they're trying to influence you that's obvious and you knowthat at it looks like it is corruption even if it's for charity let alone what it actuallyis when you really you're going to take a you're going to take a $10 to $25 millioncheck from somebody and you're not going to be influenced by them at all when they comecalling they're not going to be able to get you to return that favor even if you don'tbelieve that hilary clinton has bad motives

you think she's the most pure person in theworld you're not at least swayed by the fact that they did you this enormous favor anyhuman being would be so at a bare minimum this looks terrible but maybe it's becauseour politicians are so used to legalized bribery that they're like so what now we're takingyou know legal bribes for charity from foreign governments who cares i mean we take moneyfrom corporations they're owned sometimes by american shareholders and often times bynon-american shareholders by foreign shareholders who cares we take the money under any andall circumstances we're american politicians i guess they've gotten used it but the realityis this is how our country and our system gets bought