woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


woodworking sketchup files

hey everybody. it's jake. and welcome to day 1 of thelearn sketchup tutorial series. i'm super excitedabout this series, because sketchup and 3dmodeling is what i do for a living, so this series is justgoing to be the best.

woodworking sketchup files, absolutely the greatestthat i can put out there. first, i'm going to show you someof the things that i've done. these are clientsthat i've worked for. and i'm just going to show you someexamples of what you can do with sketchup.

so this is a landscape design. and just real quickly, we're going tozoom in here and pan over a little bit. and... just kind of show you someof the things you can build. so, like tables, and chairs,furniture, all of this stuff. just the layout. and i'm going to showyou another project, so let's bring that up. this is an interior. this is actually a projectdone for c. r. england,

and lisman studios. so this is their cafeteria area. yah, a truck inside. yup. that is boss. so interior designerswill like it a lot. also, here's a kitchen design. i'll pull that up. this is for the same lisman studios. okay.

sketchup's great for graphic designers,game designers use it, architects use it. and it's definitely powerfulenough to do all of those things. general contractors use it,landscape designers use it. and i wrote notes, but ihave no idea why i did, because i don't knowwhere they went. yes! they have used it for 3d printing. and... yeah. many other things. so let's show you theone last sample. here's another landscapedesign right here.

there's a pool. zoom in. hot tub, pizza oven... this is actually all built. thinking that i'll maybethrow some pictures up. this is an outdoormovie theater. all right. so that was just realquickly i wanted to show you guys what you can do with sketchup, which is pretty much everything. anything to do with design.

and now we're going to getstarted with the sample. this is going to bea project based— so we're actually goingto build a shed. it's the first thingwe're going to do. so i'm going to go aheadand exit out of those. so if you already havesketchup downloaded, let's go ahead andopen... sketchup. where did i put my sketchup file? not there?

do we need to open a new one? there we go. so go ahead and just hit"start using sketchup". "choose template". it usually will haveyou choose a template if this is the firsttime you've launched it. and just do "simple template- feet and inches". and then hit "start using sketchup". all right. so you should just have thetools right here on the left hand side.

if you don't, you canjust go up to "view". oh. you can go to "toolbars". and then you can just do"getting started" and "large tool set". i think that's all wehave open right now. and i would do "views" as well. go ahead and check that. and then you can just goahead and hit "close". okay. so the first thingwe're going to talk about is kind of gettingaround and navigating.

so to orbit, what you want todo, if you have a scroll wheel, you just want to click in yourscroll wheel on your mouse, and then just moveyour mouse around. and that'll allow you to orbitaround this young lady right here. now, if you want to pan,you just hold down shift, and you do that same mouse-wheel. right? click the mouse wheel inwhile you're holding down shift, and you can pan back and forth. move it around.orbit, just the mouse wheel.

and then you can do that. okay. also, if you open thiswindow, you can go "top view". right here, you'll see thesetools, with the house. and you can hit top view,and that'll go above her. you can hit "front",it'll go right in front of her. and all the others, left and right. so let's come over here. and the first tool we're going to go overis just the regular line tool, right here. so you click that pencil, right there.

and we're going to clickanywhere in this area. so just click once. and you'll see that it's kind ofcoming up on this red axis right here. that's your x axis. now, if you wanted to be helped— see how it's just kind offree-handing right now? oh. it's got to catch up. if you want it to draw a straight line,all you need to do is hold down shift, and it'll lock it to anyof these different axis.

right. so i'm holding down shift,and that's why i can draw straight. now, you can click anywhere afterthat, and it'll end the line. now, if you saw down here, you'llsee that it went a certain length. it showed the length, 30 feet. now, if we wanted thatto be exactly 30 feet... i'm going to go ahead and hit undo. now, you can go "edit", up here,and "undo draw line". but i would do either their alt+backspace,or i use control+z to do "undo". i'm going to hit escape.

if you start drawing a line, and you want to get outof it, like i just did, you can go ahead and just hit escape, and that'll take you awayfrom that operation. i'm going to hit control+z real fast, and you can do it too,just to undo that line real quick. and then go ahead anddraw another line, but we're just going to let itdrop on the x axis right there, and then you can takeyour hand off the mouse.

but we're just goingto type in 30 feet. and you'll see, right down here, that 30 came up, right? so if we just type "30". now right now, that's just 30 inches,because the default is to be in inches. so you actually do needto type that comma— or that apostrophe. so go ahead and hit enter. and then you'll see that that linethat was created is exactly 30 feet.

so let's go back here. i know, i'm still embarrassed that igot hung up on the apostrophe word. let's go back here, and we'regoing to do another one. and let's do this one 30 feet as well. go ahead and hit enter. and then we're going tolock to the x axis here. and this time we're notgoing to do 30 feet, because what we're going to do, is we're just goingto hold down shift.

and we're goingto go to the red, and you'll see that there'sthese little tiny lines. this green line that's goingfrom the pencil edge, and coming right out of the line. we're going to line that straightup with that edge right there. so it's going to lock to that.right there. you see that greendot that comes up? and then we can just click that. let me just expand thiswindow all the way up,

because we can geta fuller view. now we're going todraw the last line. and this one's actually goingto go to this point right here. now, you can hold down shift or not.it doesn't matter. it should just, as soon as you crossover that point, it'll lock to it. and then go ahead and click it,and just put it right there. so you'll see that that createdthis plane around the 4 lines. we want to bring this up, right? we want to extrude it.

and "extrude" just meansto pull away from. and it creates new surfacesto be pulled away, right? so we want to make this a box. and how we're going to do that, is we're going to goright up to here, and we're going to go to thepush/pull tool right there. it's that box. it's that little boxwith the arrow going up. and we're just going toclick that right there.

and then we're goingto come over, and you'll see that you'vegot the icon of the box. we're just going to click, and we're just going to hold down on the left mouse button, and we're going to pull up. you'll see there at the bottom-right,you've got your distance. and we were going to go up 10 feet. let's do... yeah, 10 feet.

so we're just goingtoo leave it. just let go of the mousebutton at 19 feet. and then we'regoing to type in... now, to do the math, we couldjust do 120, like that. right? because that wouldbe really quick, because it's all on the mouse pad,if you have the number pad. not mouse pad. number pad. but for the sake of this, we'rejust going to back up a little bit, and we're just goingto do 10 feet.

use the apostrophe. and click enter. now, we want to know thatthis is exactly 10 feet. let's say we wantedto check distances. well, there's a tool for that. and it's called the "measuring tape". so if you comeright over here... it looks like i'm dyslexic. it's actually the"tape measure".

so we'll go ahead, and weclick that right there. and then we can clickthis edge right here. and we can pull up,and we can check that. down at the bottom right,you'll see it says length: 10 feet. now, i cheat sometimes. i actually use just thisline tool, the pencil. and i'll come up... oh. you've got toescape out of it. okay. i'll grab the line tool a lot,and i'll just check that way.

but it's actually better formto use the measuring tape. go like that. and you can createthat right there. you can actually click it, andthen we'll have this as a point. so if i were to everdraw a line over here— and you don't need to do this... if i were to drawa line out here, i could go up, and if this was way faraway and i can't reference this point, then i could hold that, and i wouldknow that that's technically above,

because these referencelines go into infinity. so... let's go aheadand delete that. and what you do, isyou just select that with your left mouse button. and you can just hitdelete right there. same with this reference line. go ahead and delete that right there. all right. so now wehave this box here. now, we're going to bebuilding a shed, now.

and how we're goingto build the shed is, we're actually going to start withthis rectangle tool right up here. it's right next to that pencil. just go ahead and click that rectangletool, and just click down over here. you can line it upwith that if you want. you'll see that an invisibleline that's been created. it doesn't matter though.just click anywhere. and you'll see thatthese dimensions, how they're formatted,are a little bit different.

let's go ahead andpull this out. and we're going tomake a 10 by 10 shed. how this is formatted is, it'll take your x and thenit'll take your y dimension. and you'll see that there's thatcomma right there between the two. so what we're going to write, is we'regoing to write 10 feet, comma, 10 feet. and hit enter. and you'll see that it's 10 by 10. double-check it.

10 by 10. all right. now we're goingto make this 10 by 10. so we're going to come up. so... oh. i'm usingmy shortcut keys. wuh-oh. teaching a tutorial. okay. go back over here andhit your push/pull tool. click that again. and we're going topull that up 10 feet. so click right there.

go ahead and release it. and go ahead and hit... i'm just going to type 120 now,because 120 inches is 10 feet. boom! there you go. so 10 feet. okay. now what we want to do,is we want to delete this original box. because we no longer need it. now, to select, we can come up hereto the arrow tool right there. we can hit the arrow tool.

and then we can just clickthe left mouse button. and anything within thatbox will be selected. now, you have to have the fullline, or the full surface. so if i just go likethis and i release, the only thing that wasfully within that box was this line right here. you see that it turnedblue and was selected. but if i wanted to justhave a little bit in there, if i start from the bottom-right and move up,

you'll see that my boxis this dash line. the marquee is this dash line. and what that'lldo, is any piece of that component or partit touches will be selected. so if i let go right here, you'll see that this surfacewas fully selected, even though the whole surfacewasn't within that marquee. also these lines coming out righthere weren't fully in the marquee, but it still selected them, becausepart of them was in there.

again, if i click anywhere,it'll just deselect. so again, if i comedown here like this, it's not going to select anything unless ithas the full part of it within the marquee. the opposite is true.just a piece of it will select it. so go ahead and just select thiswhole thing and then hit delete. and we'll get rid of that there. okay. so let'szoom in on this box. this is going to be our shed. and what we're going to do, iswe're just going to draw a line.

again, i just did a shortcut. but come up here and clickthis pencil right here. and we will zoom into this space. now, if we want to lookat the face straight-on, we can just go ahead andclick that right there. and then we'll have astraight-on shot of it. so the first thing we... well, we don't reallyneed to figure this out, but we can determine whatwe want our pitch to be.

and how to do that, your pitch isgoing to be your run and your rise. so let's say that if we go up... and by "run" imean horizontally, and then "rise" is how far does itgo up for how far it goes over. so let's go ahead, and we'regoing to set this to probably... that's 5. let's just make it 45. so we're going to go up 5 feet. and we're going to hit enter. now, we're not going to worry aboutoverhang on this shed for right now.

we'll worry about that later, and howstructurally a shed would be built. we're just going for shape right now. okay. so we've got this line,and it's going to continue. so we're going to clickthat edge right there. boom. and then we've gotthat 45 degree angle, because we have 5feet going over... for every 5 feet we goover, we go up 5 feet. okay. now we're going toclick this point right here.

we're going select right here, and that'll create thatnew surface right there. now, we want to get ridof this line right here, because we only want topush this back once. we don't want to have to... like, if i came up here, if i orbit with thecenter mouse key —or the click-wheel— if i were to hit pushand then pull it out,

i'd have to do both sides. and so what we're going to do, is we'regoing to eliminate this line right here. and how we do that is withour eraser tool right here. so we just click this eraser tool. and we come over here. and if we hold down theleft mouse button, anything that we goover will get erased. so you see that itwent blue, right? that means it's going to be erasedonce i release that left mouse button.

so i'm going to release it,and it'll take it away. now, i'm going to undo thatreal quick with control+z. or command+z. i think it'scommand+z if you're on mac. but let's say... go ahead and click the arrow. or your space-bar. if i just wanted todelete this real quick, i could always just selectit and then hit delete. but that's more commands,

because i'd have to hit the space-bar,or the arrow button, click it, and then hit delete, versus if i'm usingthe eraser tool, i just go ahead and i hit. if i'm using hot-keys of course, i would hit my e for eraser. now, it's going to be different on yours,so i don't want to talk about hot-keys yet. but i would just click the eraser,and i swipe over it once. this is useful because sometimes you wantto delete more than one thing at a time,

and not just be individuallyclicking things. so if i hit undo again, and i wanted to erasethese 3 lines right here, i just hold down the left key (button)...boom, boom, boom. takes all 3 of them out. so go ahead and hit space-barright here to go back to that. now again, you don'thave to do that. i'm just showing you thatfor future reference. okay. and then i'lldo eraser again here.

get rid of that line. okay. now, space-bar again,back to the arrow. what we're going to do here, is we're going to push this backto this edge, this triangle. so come up over here,hit the push/pull tool, and we're going toselect that surface— well not select it,but hover over it. it'll turn blue onceit's ready to be pushed. and then we're going to go aheadand push it all the way to there.

now, let's undo this real quick, because you'll see that you'vegot this light blue surface, and it's not really matching. so in sketchup, there's reallyno material applied right now. but what the default is, is to have this white with thislight blue on the back side. so if i were to click this— well, let's just skipthat part, actually. what we're going to do, is we're goingto undo that real quick, with control+z.

and we're going to dothe push/pull tool, right there. and as we're pulling back like this,you'll see that it goes blue, right? i want you to just hit control. did you see that? i just hit control. now, on the mac it'll be command. if not, somebody commentand say it's not. but you're just going to pull it back,

and then drop it on thatpoint, right there. now this side is stillblue like this, and we want to switch that. so we're going to pressspace-bar for arrow, we're going to click on this, and we're going to click theright mouse button right there. and you'll see that thisdropdown menu came up. what we're going to do, iswe're going to reverse faces. boom!

there we go. get thewhite, right there. that's the one we want. and then we've got this side.that side's fine. all good and dandy. so now, what do we wantto do with our shed? we want to add a door to this. so how are we going to do that? we're going to go to ourrectangle, right here. and we could draw arectangle like this,

but we want our doorto be centered. so how are we going toget our center point? we're going to go ahead andundo that with control+z. and we can use the measuring tape. tape measuring. and what we can do,is we can come up here, and we can bring thisover just like that, and we can drop itright in the center. so now we've got our center point.

so what we're going to do here,is how tall do we want our door? let's make our door 8 feet. so we're going toclick right here. we're going to bringthis up 8 feet. go ahead and type in 8 feet. and now we want our doorto be 3 feet across. now, we can do mathhere, and we can say, "okay, we've got a 10foot span right here." so if we want this to be 3 feet,the difference is going to be 7 feet.

so we go three and ahalf feet off each edge. but let's just makeit easy on ourselves. we're going to go out, and we're goingto bring this out to one and a half feet. so i can actually do 1.5 feet, and that'll give us 42 inches. boom. right there. again, i can check rightthere with my pencil tool.

and you'll see that it's 1' 6". did i say 42? i did say 42. 18. i did some weird math there.i did one and a half feet. which is not... i did three and half feet forsome reason, in my head. okay. and then we're goingto come out from this line. and this one's easier because wejust know it's going to be 36.

again, we can check with this.3' 6". 3' 6". so this is where thedoor is going to be. now, let's go ahead and justselect our rectangle tool. and then we're just going tobring that down right there. and we're going to hitenter right there. so now let's erase theselines right here. remember what we talked about. the eraser tool.

come right up hereto the eraser tool, hold down your left mouse button as you scan over these. boom. take them away. and now you'rethinking to yourself, "okay, i think i made thisdoor a little too high. "i actually want it to beseven and a half feet." so what we're going to do now,is we're going to use the move tool. if we go right over to here,

you'll see these 4arrows right here. go ahead and click that.that's your move tool. and then what we're going to do,is we're going to come over here, and we're going to hoverover this line right here. and we're going todrag this down. make sure it's on theblue plane, the z plane. and then we're going to drop it. and after we'vealready let go of it, that's when we're goingto type in the 6 inches.

now, again, we can do ".5". or we can just type in "6", and hit enter. so let's go ahead and checkthat with the tape measure. again, you don't need to. but it's always good practice. so come up.7' 6". great. hit escape to get out of that,because you don't want to put that down. all right. so we've gotthis start to our shed.

we're getting about 20 minutes in,getting close to 20 minutes. so real quickly, i'm just going to showyou where this is going to lead to. we're going to getsomething like this. we're going to be buildingthis garden shed right here. not exactly. we're going tobe doing our own versions. you can see over here, i'vegot some other versions. and so we'll divert. but this is the amount of detail that we'regoing to move up to in the following days. and we're going to get windows in,we're going to go over a lot more tools.

and here's another sample ofanother shed that we will do. again, we will do differentsheds like this. by the time we get there, we'll divert. and it'll be really cool tosee all the different styles and different materials that youguys add to your sheds as well. so maybe i'll put a linkdown below or something. or an email that youcan send those. once your shed'scompletely done, you can send your shed,

and then we can all see itor share it or whatever. but for now, we're going to stop here,because we're getting a little long. so go into day 2, and we willcontinue along with our shed. again, my name is jacob williamsfrom wild academy. please like the video and share it. i know a lot of people don'teven know about sketchup, because it's completely— it's funny, it's acompletely free program. so many people are like, "oh! i didn'teven know this program exists."

so please share the videos so your friends know about it, on twitter, facebook, whatever's popularby the time you're watching this video. i know it changes all the time. but if you have any questions,you can contact me. just leave a comment. i can always help you out.i love helping people out. all right. thanks again.

have a good one, guys.