woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


wood branding iron set

[silence] >> so, in this bat, youcan see it says "rejects from the bat factory". that's all been wood-burned onto the piece before itwas finished, and, you know,

wood branding iron set, this is a wood burner overhere, and this has a tip that gets very hot,and i just plug that in to let it get, to heat it up. but before i start wood-burning,i have to make sure

that i lay it out correctly soi do that freehand on the wood, so we're just drawing twocurving, sort of, lines here, and then i want to have these,these are sort of the outlines of each of the letters. and then, you know, i'll startsketching the r for reject and the e. [background music]j, e, c, so i'd, you know, draw, lay this out, actually prettyneatly before i got started, i'm just doing a sample here,but just to give you an idea, there's no, sort of, magic.

and, if i don't do this,i've done this in the past where i just, kind of, doa little bit of layout, but don't spell everything out, sometimes i've wood-burnedmisspellings, which is a problem. so, we're just checkingthe temperature here. so, this is going to heatup and make burn marks. so, then i'll go to the wood andvery carefully curve this line, so i'm actually burninginto the wood.

this wood would have been sandeda little bit more before i got started on this part of it,and my guidelines are helpful to figure out theboundaries of the letter. oops, see, make mistakes. and now i'm curving itaround, you see i have to move my whole handaround, it's not like drawing with a pencil, this is aknife so you have to, sort of, follow the blade around. [silence] and, thiscomes down to here.

and, what i'm burning in noware the very ends of the letter and these are called serifs,sort of finishes off the shape. looks a little bit cleaner,that's what i have up here too, see how it extends out beyond,and then the letter is kind of thin, so i mightgo in and put another, make it a little bitthicker, a second line, maybe even a thirdline to thicken that line up a little bit. [ silence ]

and, in here the same thing. in a production setup, for baseball bats, they'd have a big brand,they'd actually brand the bat, heat it up really hot,and just brand it, but these are more individual,and i'm doing one at a time. and then after i finishburning, i would sand it lightly and then wire brush it toget all the burn marks, or any of the sawdustin any of the grooves out before puttinga finish on it.

so, that's how theletters come out.