woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


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[music] 00:05 speaker 1: g'day, knuckleheads! uncleknackers' here. big day today. finally, after eight long months, i'm gonna build myselfa workbench for my garage. but the first thing i had to do was clean the garage out. whata nightmare! i have to have a garage sale. seriously, it is doing my head in. anyway,let's get this show on the road. now, for

vintage woodworking tools for sale australia, my workbench, i need two, maybe three requirements.it's gotta be tough, it's gotta be sturdy, and it's gotta be cheap. and i think i havejust the plan that covers all those areas. so, let's get this build kicked off by makingthe legs. [noise]

00:55 s1: now, when making the leg for yourworkbench, there's no hard and fast rule. you can use any material you like, really.i've chosen 90x35 pine, two pieces screwed together to form one solid post. now, putone together and it looks like this. now, you'll notice here, one of these pieces is90 mils shorter than the other, and there's a good reason for that. a lot of guys justbolt the rail to the side of the post. there's nothing wrong with that, but you're relyingentirely upon those bolts to hold the rail in place. this method, the rail, sits in thatcheckout, making for an extremely strong joint. now that's my type of workbench. now, there'sone more thing we need to do to this post to finish it off. we've got our checkout herefor our front rail to fit into, but we also

need a checkout for the side rail to fit into,just like that. 02:02 s1: so, it's a process of removing thislittle section of timber here. now, before you say, "ah, that's too complicated!" it'sreally simple, and i'll show you how to do it right now. because the rails we're usingare 35 millimetres wide, we need to set our circular saw to a depth of 35 millimetres.now, just a quick little circular saw tip before we start cutting, you'll notice thatthe blade is right here. it's not plugged in, by the way. and it's a large section ofbase plate from the blade to here and a little section of base plate from the blade to there.you want this section, the big section of base plate to be on this bit of wood here.you don't want it to be hanging over the edge

of your timber. otherwise, the circular sawisn't gonna sit right, it's gonna tend to tilt. and you don't want that. so, let's cutthis timber out now. 03:07 s1: there you go! it's all cut! thatwasn't hard, was it? now, all we need to do is to chisel this stuff out. now, you couldjust bash it out, but if you want a really neat finish, this is what i do. and especiallyif you haven't done this before, is get a square or something straight, and just wherethose cuts finish, draw a line with your pencil. and what that does is it gives a nice referencepoint for us to put our chisel, therefore ensuring a really clean, straight cut. now,just take your time; there's no mad rush. just line your chisel up and just gently tapaway, working along that line you just marked.

04:07 s1: so there you have it, a beautifullycut and checked out workbench leg. now all you need to do is to drop your rail into thosecheckouts, and screw it off. now, the beauty of this join over the other method of justbolting the rail to the side of the post only, is that you finish up with a join that's niceand flush, that's nice and clean, and it's extremely strong. so, for the extra bit oftime that it takes to do it, it's well worth the effort. so, we've cut the legs, now it'stime for the rails. now for my particular workbench, i need to cut two long lengthsat 1880 and two short lengths at 570 millimetres. now you'll also notice that i've cut my railson a 45-degree angle. there's a good reason for that, and i'll explain it shortly.

05:08 s1: now very quickly, before i screwthose rails together, i just wanna show you why i like to cut the rail on a 45-degreeangle. you finish up with a really nice, neat corner, as opposed to just butting the tworails together like that. it's just as good but you have that end grain showing whichi don't particularly like. anyway, like i said, it's all personal choice. now i liketo keep all my screws in a nice, straight line. so, i line my boards up, then get mysquare, and just run a line through. just a light line, all the way through like that.and that way all my screws are going to line up nicely. next what you'll need to do isto pre-drill the holes with a countersinking bit. it'll stop your timber from splitting.with the screws partially started, let's finally

screw this thing together. so, put the twopieces together and screw away. beautiful. 06:52 s1: so there you go, a frame made. it'stime to put the legs on. and now it's time to install the legs. just simply drop it inplace, it should be nice and flush with both surfaces. and you'll notice that i have twoscrews here and one screw there. and shortly, i will be putting in two more bolts righthere. so, next thing you need to do is to make sure that your leg is nice and straight,nice and square, like that. you could clamp it in place if you want to, and now, justscrew it off. one. two. three. and there you have it, all screwed off. now all you needto do is put two bolts through here and repeat that process for the other three legs andwe're done.

07:57 s1: to drill the hole for the bolts,i've got a 10 mil timber drill bit. and now, you set the bolt. and then put on the washerto nut. so here it is, the basic frame, fully assembled. and i'll have to say, it's feelingreally solid. and i think that's due to a type of joint that we used to attach to theseposts, so i can highly recommend it. 08:51 s1: the next thing we need to do isadd some extra support for our bench top and you do that by adding these noggins that isfitting like that, and you screw it off. i've pre-drilled some screw holes with my countersinkingdrill bit, now all i need to do is screw these babies off. 09:29 s1: so, there you go. it's all screwedoff. now, that's going to make the top extremely

solid. now, i wanna add a shelf down here,which will serve two purposes. it'll brace the legs and make the bench more solid andalso, it'll give us some extra storage. 09:58 s1: with the shelf frame now in place,it's now time to install the ply to the top of the workbench and to the top of the storageshelf. now, i'm gonna cut this ply 40 millimetres bigger all the way around on the frame. andyou'll also notice that if you wanna cut a nice straight line over a long distance, it'sgood idea to clamp down something like a level or a straight edge, or a straight piece oftimber, clamp it off, and then run your saw along that edge, and you'll finish off witha beautiful, clean straight cut. 10:53 s1: alrighty, we're on the home stretch.it's time to glue and screw these shelves

down. now before you glue anything, i liketo dry-fit the whole thing first. so position your shelves or position your ply, and markwhere our screws are going to get. so following the noggin screws that we have here, justrun those across the ply using a square or a level. now the overhang that we have is40 millimetres. so, what i've done is i've cut a block, 40 millimetres wide, and i'veclamped it to the edge of the ply. that way, you just push the ply across, and when theblock hits, we have our 40-millimetre overhang. that's a good little trick. 11:59 s1: okay, let's get some glue down.okay, let's put this board on top like that. lovely. get the gap at the end, which is 40millimetres. that's it, hard up against the

edge on those blocks like that. okay, it'stime to screw off. 12:53 s1: check it out! all done! now, that'swhat i call a work bench. let's check this rig out a bit more closely. now, you see that,all the screws line up nicely, and i've also added a trim that i've nailed to the edgeof the ply top. that's just to protect the ply from any damage and it looks better. gotthe corners all nicely mitred at the end. and down at the shelf, done the same thing.put a trim on the edge, just there, just to protect the edge of the ply. so, there youhave it. i finally have my own garage work bench. 13:50 s1: what a top little project! greattip, knackers! and as per usual, if you found

this video useful, subscribe to my channel,the button's down there. thumbs up, the button's down there as well. and don't forget to lookme up on facebook at diy for knuckleheads. now also, i've left a list in the descriptionbox down below, of the materials and some of the dimensions for this project. and don'ttake off just yet because there'll be a couple of photos flashing backwards and forwardsof this little beauty in various stages of construction. so, till next time, happy building.i'm out of here. cheers!