woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


vintage woodworking tools ebay

hey there i'm and james wright welcome to my shop a wonderful time this week today is march the 15th 2016 and boyhave i had a lot of stuff going on this last week so let's not get onto it butfirst let's get the stickers first up the phone with working really coolchannel they are he just did this purple heart box release week at checkout

vintage woodworking tools ebay, teepee one of the coolest things i'veever come across rude working the pollen effect i love it came woodcraft ogtimber craft timber craft he does up tents and other things like that tab left does a lot of sweet shopprojects and things like that check him

out would really sweet furniture he has a atool cabinet that is unbelievable i like just like nothing i've ever seen beforereally really cool gotta check him out dominic's woodworking ok he's thefunniest youtube channel i've ever come across this woodworking he made a fezstool for a festival yeah check check him out retro weld he just made this really coolforge our furnace for heating up the middle of a sweet job i really kindaliked it and inspiring to me so go check him out my mighty mikes workshop does mysweet things of all evil eat all of them

below so please check that out and yeahthings have been able to do this week one of the biggest was finally gettingthe video for the turning saw that was really cool and if you haven't seen thatplease go check that right here you're going to absolutely love it i've had alot of really really good response from that and really cool video also this week iwas able to get out my pin which i've already sent off that is going off asactually being sent to the troops so yeah check out that video as well operably linked that somewhere aroundhere now i really thought i was going to

have a lot of time before i got twothousand thousand subscribers that i could make these hand planes and i wannamake a movie making to these one of my many keep and the other 1 i'm going togive to one lucky subscriber when i hit a thousand but wow you guys have beenjust blowing my mind is like a hundred and forty some subscribers in this lastweek just incredible and so i don't have much time left on reaching a thousandand so very soon i'm gonna be giving away a couple campaign so really beenworking on these and i don't want to show you a whole lot because i'm gonnabe doing probably a couple of videos on them when they actually come out but letme tell you they are stinking cool and i

am getting excited about these lookingfor using their gonna be small smoothing planes and really really high in thestudio working on his very thick quality 2012 steal the sores are purple heartthe body is ash and they're gonna look sweet so keep your eye open for that andsusan hit a thousand you will see some videos on the season on one of you willget them so i hope you like it there's next week i'm probably have acouple of videos coming out i'll be doing one on actually making thishatchet this this used to be an accident belong to my father a lot and i amrestoring it fixing it up sharpening it but also to make a handleand i don't want full access i don't

have a need for a tax right now but i dohave a need for good hatchet and so that is what i am i'm working on here andkind of playing with my own design is made of ash and this will be a reallyshould be fairly cool project hopefully we have that out early this week thenext video i'm hoping to get out this week is actually making a sharpeningstation for a while i've had this mess of waterstone's and and they were cheap junkie waterstonesyeah i'm able to get a good edge on them but they they took more time and effortso i'm really trying to work down my sharpening system to make it moreefficient to make it smoother and

something i can i can swap in a blazebecause i'm sharpening a chisel and iron probably ten to fifteen times a day onepoint or another so i'm actually making this sharpening station and i'll have avideo exactly how i'm doing it and what that will be what they'll be lookinglike so if you like that keep an eye open for it so this year i got to go tothe milwaukee woodworking show and if you've never been to one they're kind offun either not in this huge show but they have the the highlights in goodtime a good demonstrations they have all over the united states but they have onein milwaukee every year that i i try to go to be able to take my kids this yearand that was a lot of fun

my my two boys were the first time theyget to see something like that so it was kind of an eye-opening experience andenjoyable i've also got to meet several of you and i say thank you to those whocame up and said hi i love meet you guys and find more out about you so yeah ifyou ever see me feel free to come up and say hi i love to meet you got to seeseveral other you two personalities and spend some time there i think one of thehighlights for me was actually going to the the wood mizer demonstration and seemy my son's eyes light up by arthur was about ready to drop his life's savingson one of those but i told him that 53 cents just wasn't enough otherwise iwould have purchased one

but yeah a lot of great ideas lot ofgreat things going on if you get a chance to go to a woodworking show do so ok so next up a new friend of minecontacted me to my youtube channel and saw my video on my 45 and said why i sawthat you were looking for another set of blades i have an extra set would you bewilling to trade for something and i said i'd be very interested in so westarted talking about that and well we set up a trade but not only was it forthe blades it was within sight of planes for standing over 45 but that's what weall knew was coming this summer to know what's coming up

anyone guess what this is this this is astanley number 55 it is known as the king of planes ya beautiful whereas the stanley number 55 has 55blaze that it can run west and there are currently forty nine sets are missing acouple but that is far better than i had before these are really cool so there'sonly there's only a couple of pieces that are missing from this piece and itis a full blown stanley number 55 absolutely gorgeous sterling over 45really cool plane stanley number 55 extremely cool planner that's what ihave come up i'm probably gonna have a few videos coming up on working with 55what can do maybe some differences

between 45 and 55 if you ever comeacross the 55 pickup is a really really sweet playing with a lot of differentuses when i first got started in hand tools woodworking i came across one ofthe garage sale at an amazing price and i didn't think too much about it andthought that's really weird looking playing i don't think i want that andpassed it up and i'm kicking myself ever since this this is awesome this is a trade so i am actually goingto be making several things for him so number one ana making a tongue groupplans so very similar to my my simple grouping plane to make a matching pairof tongue and groups they work together

so you can either join boards togetheredged age or do some fancy box joining with it so that'll be a video coming upand then i'm also going to be making two different boxes for him because he alsohas a 55-45 his own shop but doesn't have a box for them so i'm gonna bemaking a a box to house the 55 its blades and a box 2045 in its blades sohave several videos coming up on making those and will be doing some box jointideas and things like that some yeah happy day one of the other cool things that showedup in the mail this week was the mortise and tenon magazine and this is somethingi have been looking forward to for a

while it's not exactly a magazine asmuch of a journal and it is just jam packed with traditional woodworking andactually tearing apart old voluntary apart but preserving old furniture andsee how is it made and looking at these individual pieces and getting to knowthat he would worker who originally created them so if you haven't ordered ajournal do so they're actually running demand has been much higher than theyexpected and it is it's well worth the money so yeah definitely i'm working myway through it slowly and savoring it but it's well worth it so i got a lot offun projects coming up and i'm really trying to figure out what i need to dofirst

nice things like a curving saw and areboot frame saw him making a tongue-and-groove planes set one of thetongue loans grew making boxes from my new 55 and 45 making a lot of otherthings coming up as well as the the dresser and several other projectsplease let me know what do you want me to do first so many things i just kindof figure out what should i actually start working on next and i'd love tohear what you have to say that that's about it for this week got a lot of funprojects coming up and i would love to hear what you want me to do next also if you have some fun idea for aproject please let me know if i decide

to do it as a video i'll give you ashout out if you like the the show hit the like button and subscribe you for your check out my other videosas well until next time have a wonderful day