woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


japanese woodworking files

there you are. where have you been? i've been worried about you how are you guys doing? i have much to show you today i've made progress in many areas

japanese woodworking files, the tool chest is completed that is, the box portion of the tool chestis completed it has a danish oil finish on it but we still need to make the trays that goinside

that's another show, i'll show you the box but then we will move on and do some otherthings and come back to that but then we're going move on and do some other things and then come back to that and like a said, another show just onthe trays another project came along and it's calleda stackable wine rack so i will show you that and then we're going to get to the hit ofthe show and that is joaneen's work bench it's finished, the base is done, the top iscompleted

we put the last coat of finish on the surfacelast night and we're gonna assemble it right on the showfor you so your gonna see the wonderful bench thatjoaneen has so that's that this by the way is one of the stretchers ithink i told you i was going to make for the leg assemblies and we'll get aroundto that so anyway let's have a look at the tool chest and here it is looks pretty much like it did last time butit has a coat of danish oil on it

which really brings out a nice color to it and also the end grain on the dovetails reallydarkens up so you get a lot of really nice contrast it looks really nice i think, nice smoothfinish on the outside the inside is finished also and we're going to be making traysthat fit inside the top and this is a model that i made outof foamcore more like a mockery wouldn't you say but it'sa tool tray mock up and it goes in like this

and it can slide back and forth and there will be another one just like it that fits underneath and that will slide backas well so you can have access to your tools in thetrays, you can slide them back and forth or you can lift them out of the way and have access to the things inside yourbox so these will be made out of quarter inchwood solid wood bottoms and they will have tiny little dovetails joiningthe corners

so they're gonna be a lot of fun to make and a lot of work, so we'll get around to that so that is our tool chest the next thing. on weekends and some weekdays i work in a store that sells woodworking toolsand supplies and on saturday mornings i like to have aproject going on so that when the customers come in they can watch me at work and sip there coffee and tell me what i didwrong and so forth

so that is called a stackable wine rack we sell the plans at the store so i pickedthem out and decided to build the wine rack the customers get to watch me do that i've got some shots of me putting thattogether and also assembling it so we're going to a cutaway now to see that so here it is, i'll give your the 3d look isn't that amazing and i have a bottle here, we have lotsof these laying around

there we go, there's the champagne bottleit holds it so the bubble goes to the back let's have a look at the finished producti have it right here here it is the wine rack it's been stained, and on the ends here i'm using milk paint real milk paint, and it's really neat stuff it has a unique look, a special look to it it's the oldest paint known to man

it's made from milk, it really has milk init, lime and a pigment of some kind and when it dries it really plasters itselfonto the wood, its extrememly durable extremely colorfast so i thought it would be fun to use it and, you can buy it easily in a lot ofstores comes in a bag usually in powder form and it looks like this it's a blue powder, in this case blue, itcomes in all colors and you mix it with an equal quantity of water,you stir it up

and in fifteen minutes you have paint it's water based, it's non-toxic and whenyou apply it here's a sample, this is the first coat, kind of a wash coat you can see the wood throughit, dries in about an hour here's the second coat, and that looks reallynice that's a solid color it's got nice streaks to it and it's deadflat now you can use it just like that or you can put a varnish or oil finish ontop, it's compatible with that and i don't know if you can see it here i'mtrying to get a sheen to appear

can you see it, is that working? so that deepens the color and it's also it's a more washable finish so a lot of people might prefer that you can also put one color as a first coat a second top coat, and as the top coatwears through from daily use you get a nice look where the firstcoat shows through in some areas so that's another nice thing you can do they used to think this paint was aboutfive or six thousand years old because they found it in the egyptian tombs

but they've recently discovered in france, cave paintings that go back twentyto twenty five thousand years are milk paint so it's prehistoric paint even neanderthals were having fun with milkpaint and using it in their little craft projects as well so get in touch with your inner cave man andhave some fun with your milk paint it's pretty neat stuff by the way if you you see the stuff that comes in a can called milk paint?

they're lying to you, it's not milk paint it's actually exterior acrylic. it doesn'tlook like milk paint it doesn't have any milk in it it's not what you want but they call it milk paint anyway, i'm notsure why but get this stuff, it's the real deal let's get to the the really cool thing aboutthis show the tool chest keep going, okay,

that would be the workbench this is one of stretchers, let me get theother parts, don't go anywhere this is the other stretcher that joins the leg assemblies, here's one leg assembly don't fall and here's the other one and we're going assemble this and then we're gonna put the top on

and you'll get to see the whole thing so, here we go now these bolts go through like that is it all together? okay, here we are, it's assembled it's a workbench on top of a workbench this is the same style as the one below it now these stretchers, you might be thinkingthese are a little bit overkill

but you would be wrong it's very important that they be this bigand massive because they really prevent racking a lot of tables you would normally have andapron that goes around and provides supportfor the table but i want the top to have nothing that gets in the way of my clamps so all the support has to be here so with these massive shoulders on these tenonsand mortises

and these bolts that go through providing a tremendous amount of force toclamp it together this will not rack, it won't go like that so it's rock steady, and it's just like theone below it it doesn't move it's not gonna rock so it'sa good solid work surface so now we're going to move this onto the floor and then we'll talk about the top alright, it has been moved it's all ready for the top

let me tell you a little bit about the top remember the last time it was laminatedup but it needed to be drum sanded flat, just like this top here so i was going to go back to the placethat did this top and when i talked to them they said they don't do that anymore they closed down there shop and they wouldn'tdo it so i went all over trying to find somebody that could drum sand this top nice and flat and was striking out all over the place

so the last place that i went to does architectural millwork for big institutions,big companies and retail stores and i was sure they couldn't help me but i went in the door anyway it turns out i went in the wrong door walked into their corporate offices wherevisitors aren't allowed and i'm wandering the halls trying to findmy way to the front and a guy comes down the hall and says"can i help you?" and it was the ceo and presidentof the company so i said "i'm sorry, i came in a wrongdoor, i'm trying to find my way to the front"

and he said "what are you here for?" and i said i'm making a workbench andi need somebody to help me mill the top down and i showed him a couple of photos here's a photo of this workbench and here's a photo of the top that i wantedto have work done on so he looked at the photographs and he said "that's very nice, you made that workbench?" and i said yes, he said "heck i can do that" so he gave me his card said "come on by next week, and i'll take care of it personally for you"

so that's what we did, we dragged the topto his place and he unleashed his workers there and they milled the top flat they cut the ends smooth, it came out lookingbeautifully he didn't want any money for it but imanaged to stuff a few twenties in his hand and i told him to buy beer for the crew so a hearty cheer went up in the shop and i went on my way so the top looks great

i will get it now and joaneen will help me okay, now you're on your own here joaneen is on the other end of the workbench you're sitting on a little tripod directlyon the workbench so we'll pick you up and move you ontothe bench, be careful don't fall, keep your balance, herewe go watch your step okay set her down

okay, there we are, it's in place and the bench is completed, that's what itlooks like rock solid, turned out better than i'd hoped the wood grain is beautiful i don't know if you can see it on camera but it's beautiful, it has nice beautiful knots and a great feel to it, it has several coatsof danish oil on it and in two or three weeks when this cures

we'll put a coat of paste wax on it so glue and paint don't stick to it it's rock solid and we will fasten the top with big screws like this they will attach the base to the top and then the top will be completed. now, we're going try to talk joaneen into giving us a tour of her workshop with thisworkbench in place i will get behind the camera

and she will be in front of the camera she's shaking her head "no" but she's going to do it, i think and she'll give us a tour of her workshop and it'll be fun, i'll be the camera man and she will be the on camera person so that's next time i think, or the time after so that's our show the stupid music i'm sure is in full force

so, see you next time.