woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


interchangeable wood branding iron set

[music] this video is actually a continuation of theeasy toddler pullover video, tutorial. and if you'd like to jump back and see theknitting part of this tutorial, i'll give you a link right here to this tutorial. in this tutorial, we are going to learn howto add fabric, or in this case felt, appliques

interchangeable wood branding iron set, to knitted fabric. and i'm making this a separate video, becausethis really applies to anything that you knit. you can use this technique. when i add a design to knitting, i usuallylike to use duplicate stitch.

which is a way of embroidering, using yarn,to embroider a design on to the knitted fabric, so that it actually looks like knit stitches. but depending on the level of detail thatyou want with what you're working on, the duplicate stitch might not be able to makeit look just right. if you picture each stitch, each knitted stitch,as a pixel, like in a digital photograph or something. the bigger the pixel, the less detailed designthat you can have. so to get a really detailed design, you'dneed to have a super fine gauge. and that is um, i decided to use the appliquehere, the felt pieces on these sweaters for

the puppets of pancake manor. because i could not get this level of detailusing duplicate stitch. this sweater is of the puppet zach, and i'llgive you a link to the pancake manor youtube channel right here. it's a channel for kids and awesome parents,is what they say. this video has a free download with it, andin it i will give you instructions, what you'll need, and how to do this. you'll also get the patterns for the puppetfaces. this is the template you'll use to cut outthe fabric pieces.

okay, to do this, i have, you want to startwith your knitted piece that has already been washed and blocked. you want it to be the exact size it's goingto be when it's actually going to be worn, because you don't want any shrinking afteryou get the fabric applique on there. you'll need a few things, the first one thatyou'll need, of course, is the felt that you're using. and i have wool felt here that i use. and i have fuse-able web. and the brand ofthis is called steam a seam lite. and i like to use this one because it hasa sticky side to it, and i'll show you how

that works out here as i use it. okay, this is new territory for me. i actually got to take a sewing lesson tolearn how to do this and get really good at this part. and i had a lot of fun working on these sweaters. but i usually stick with knitting! so, we'll see how my cutting skills and mysewing skills go here in this video. let's go ahead and take a look. this is the washed and blocked little pieceof knitting that i'm going to use for demonstration.

and i'm going to do this little elephant designon here. and i've already cut out the felt and thefusing, for this piece. so i have that done. and then next thing i want to do is the littleear piece. ear piece! the little ear. and to do that i'm going to use some pinkyarn, i'm just going to use the pattern piece right here. if you're wondering where i got this patternfor this little elephant, i have it here. excuse me.

i found this online at homemade-gifts-made-easydot com, with hyphens between each one of those words. if you do a google search for applique designs,an image search, you will end up with so many free things to choose from. and that's where i found this one. i thoughtit was pretty cute. so i have cut out a piece of felt that isbig enough for this pattern piece. and i'm going to cut out a piece of this fuse-ableweb, that is also big enough. and right now i'm just cutting boxes. okay.

with this fuse-able web, one side of it issticky. i'm going to cut off a little bit of that. so if you peel the paper away, you have oneside that's sticky. it's not like crazy super sticky, but it'sa little sticky, and it's sticky enough that i can put this felt on there, and it willhold. and i'll smooth out the back a little bit. this side, the non-sticky side of the fuse-ableweb is activated with steam and heat. now i have my little pattern piece, i'll putthat on there, and ...i'm trying to pick up a pin off the table!

i have these really little, fine pins i'mgoing to put this here to hold that in place while i cut this out. and you want to cut out the felt and the fuse-ableweb at the same time so you get a really good edge. my pin is a little big for this piece, buti'll just keep scooting it around. and this corner of the ear is a little rounded. yeah, i am perfectly confident with all thingsknitted, this is new territory for me! okay, and the ear goes like, this. but first i'm going to secure this piece down,and then i'll secure the second piece down.

and since i'm not exactly on an ironing board,i'm going to put this felt underneath. position my elephant just right. and then - i think my iron has cooled downa little bit. i'm going to spritz a little water on to this,so it's just a little damp. and then because i'm working with a knittedfabric, i don't want to press down with the iron. this iron is pretty heavy. i'm just going to hover it above, just barelytouching it, and i'm pumping out a lot of steam.

and you know i just cleaned my iron - hereis a lesson for all of us. i just cleaned my iron, and when i did thatsteam, a little bit of something came out! luckily, it's coming off. oh, that would be such a disaster! okay, i could actually probably pull thisoff, though, if i wanted to replace that piece. then you can check it by rolling the edge. you can see here, i'm stuck down pretty wellhere with that. that was easy. now i can position the ear.

if i was at home right now, i would actuallyturn off the iron, and really really work on making sure that nothing else is goingto come out to discolor my fabric here. is that a good spot for the ear? i'm looking back at the picture. that's a good spot. i'm going to do the same thing. whoops, i forgot to spritz. and then without pressing down, i'm blastingsteam. oh, do you know what i didn't - oh, i diddo that.

why isn't this sticking? see, we're all learning something here. i think it's because my iron is cooling down. okay, there it stuck. it's sticking, it would stick better if myiron wasn't cooling down! it's also running out of steam. oh my goodness. i swear, this works just fine when your ironisn't spitting out brown goo, and is staying hot!

okay, so here is my design, it is all stuckdown. i know for sure the white part is stuck down. the next thing i want to do is take a matchingcolor of thread, and a fine needle. and you want to do the running stitch aroundeach piece. and that's what i've done on these sweatershere. and it's not vital to the sweater that youdo this. but it does give it a nice finished look. and i was also thinking that if you give akid a sweater with felt pieces on it, they might pull on it.

and with the running stitch around each edge,it will help the piece stay down so that kids can't pull it off. and i am not going to demonstrate the runningstitch, because it would be really difficult to see. but what it is, is just little dashes. it makes little dashes. and i found that my little dashes looked alot better - because i'm not an expert at hand sewing or embroidering, but they lookeda lot better as long as i just kept them small. so even if there was a little bit of a differencebetween one stitch to the next.

if they were both small, you can't tell. plus if i use the same color of thread foreach one, it really doesn't show. but it does look neat, overall it does lookneat. and i can show you the other sweater here. this is the reggie sweater. and hopefully you can see my tiny stitchesthere. okay, well there's my elephant! this would actually make a really cute quiltblock, if you want to do a bunch of these with different designs on it.

i just thought of that. alright, so that is how to apply or how toadd fabric appliques to your knitted pieces. and this works for really anything. thanks to reb and billy very much for thecollaboration on the puppet sweaters. and good luck. [whooshing sounds]