woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


antique woodworking tools worth

hey in this video, i'm going to teach youhow to refinish a wood table, or really any sort of wood surface. my wife and i pickedup a coffee table for 25 bucks at a garage sale. and it was completely painted in white.but we could tell that it was going to be a beautiful piece of art and functional coffeetable once we refinished it. step number 1 is to get the right tools and equipment. sosome of the tools you'll need for refinishing

antique woodworking tools worth, include paint stripper, if it has paint onit, sand paper, wood filler if you want to fill any holes, a big tarp, and assortmentof brushes for restaining or repainting, a power sander if you need to really get inthere and sand it, some dirty rags that you'll be able to get messy, some polyurethane orother type of sealant to protect your wood

in the end, and then an assortment of toolsto basically scrape off all of the white paint from this piece of furniture in the beginning.step number two is to set up your work area. you want to make sure that the ground is coveredbecause using the paint stripper is going to get a little bit messy and make sure thatit is well ventilated. step 3 is stripping the paint. so using a paint stripper likeklean strip, we used the klean strip strip x which i talked to the guys and home depotabout. they said it works perfectly. you just apply it to the paint like you would paintingon the table. you let it sit for 15-20 minutes. then you use your paint-scraper tool to basicallyscrape it off. and if it is working, the paint should come off relatively easy. you'll alsohave to use all sorts of other tools like

toothpicks, screwdrivers, sand paper to getall the paint off, especially with this table there's lots of nooks and crannies that makeit super beautiful, but it also makes it harder to get all of that white paint off. and sothat was the most time-consuming part of this whole process, was taking off the paint. step4 is to sand down your table or whatever you're refinishing. start with something like a 60or 120 grit sandpaper that is a little bit rougher, but then move up to something above200 so that it gets super soft. step number 5 painting or staining. now we actually decidedto not stain or paint this table. after we took off the paint, we were saying wow thisis really beautiful wood. it's pine. it has lots of cool marks on it that we didn't wantto mess up. and we liked the color. and it

went well with the rest of our furniture,so if you want to this would be the step where you'd paint it or try staining it. step number6 is to seal it and protect your table from water and from other scratches. and we usedpolyurethane. it's basically a liquid plastic that people use all of the time to cover allsorts of things, tables, chairs, desks. a lot of furniture has polyurethane on it. andit just protects it. and so this just went on sort of like paint. you just paint it on.and we did a few coats. between each coat, you had to wait a couple hours. and the laststep was step number 7 where we basically let it sit for 7 full days. and this was thehardest step. it was just waiting. we couldn't wait to bring up our coffee table and startusing it, but now we have this beautiful work

of art. so for about $25 for the table andabout $40 worth of equipment, but hours and hours of fun labor, it was well worth it.so that is how you refinish a wood table. if you have any questions, please leave itbelow. and please subscribe to the channel and we'll see you in another video.