woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


antique woodworking tools wanted

hello there this is episode number four of the tool boxconstruction last time was the hardware show we had hinges, and handles, and chain stay and a mortise lock but most of the work i will be doing today

antique woodworking tools wanted, and that is attaching the hardware i've made the mortises here this is the mortise for the front lock a lot of wood sculpting going on there

and it fits like that i made mortises for the hinges here and also on the lid i left one mortise undone and i will do this one on camera so that should be very stressful for me and i'll show you some tools that i use to make this easier to do so, let's get started

i'll turn this so i can work on this side first, i mark where the hinges go so i put the lid in place and then i take a sharp marking knife and i measure where i want the hinge to be and i mark both the lid and the case i do the same thing over here and those two marks are what i use for reference so that's what i've done

now i need to mark this, scribe it and chisel it. to do that, i use a nice measuring tool called a marking guage and it has a rod with this brass part which slides up and downthe rod and a razor sharp wheel on the end and this will make accurate marks this is set for the width of the hinge leaf and i can transfer the same measurement with great accuracy for the other hinge so i will do that now

you can't see my marks but they're there here we go i keep this set for marking the other hinge, i don't change it i also need to scribe a line for the thicknessof the hinge leaf so i have another marking guage, this is alittle one this one set for the thickness of the hinge leaf so i'll move it along the case i need to move this a little bit so i can make the mark

now i have two scribed lines these are nice tools aren't they? brass, stainless steel, nicely made don't tell joaneen i just ordered another one because you need more that one as you can see and my plan is that so long asshe never sees two of these in the same place at the same time she'll never know that i own two of them wednesday it comes, in the mail

who's the lucky boy? alright, now i'm going to make my other marks using my marking knife this isn't easy to do on camera i'm putting this right on my little knife mark again you can't see it but i can see it and my square is right where it should be and i very carefully make my marks now i take my hinge

and i use the hinge to make my other mark i hold the hinge in place and then i make my other mark just a little mark there until i get my square now i have my hinge marked and my depth mark what i've done here, to save time while you were away i deepened my scribe marks

with a chisel and now i will use a mallet and a chisel and chop out the rest i must not go too deep okay, i've chopped it first i must adjust this this will keep it from moving now i will cut these out to finish this i will use a toolthat is more precise than a chisel

and that is called a router plane here it is it has a blade on the bottom here's another one, they come indifferent sizes and it moves along like this so it works like a chisel but you have more control i can adjust it up and down i can adjust it to make my depth perfect let's see how this works

let's start there alright, that is nice and flat and now i try my hinge and it fits perfectly now i will attach these attach the other hardware i'll return in a moment i'm finishing up here the hinges are attached

the mortise lock in the chain stay on and i'm attaching these handles if you are wondering what formula i used for placing this handle i just used my eyes i simply trusted my eyes after i decided on what height i wanted it to be i measured it and this handle is two thirdsup from the bottom and it is one third from the top so it is the ruleof thirds you might say

there it is, the other handle is on very nice and now to look inside i still have to put some some screws here there's our chain, this will be darkened and our mortise lock is here and here's a little key hole and i'll put the key in for you where is my key?

isn't that nice? so we are making progress we still have to make trays for the inside and do some other things but we're getting there also i'm working on another project and that is a workbench just like this one for joaneen, she wants a workbench like this so that will be a lot of work, this is a laminated top it is two by fours, the legs are mortise and tenon and when we come back we will showyou the parts that we have

and we're back, here's the top it is glued together it's heavy it needs to be flattened and the ends need to be squared it's heavy, it weighs a hundred and thirty pounds it is all we can do to move this thing around the room i used two quarts of glue to put this together it's quite a project but it is going to be a nice work bench it is beautiful wood and when it is finishedit will look very nice

the two by fours were eight feet long, this is a five foot section i used the cutoffs to make the legs i glued them together, and i have four legs and then there are also four joiners that join the legs into pairs the legs will go like this and this will go between them so we will have leg pairs that will be joined by long stretchers that are two by eights

these will have big tenons on their ends and i sure wish i had a second marking gaugebecause if i did i would be able to mark the tenon width and length with it's own marking gauge but i guess i'll have to do the best i can anyway here we are, i think that's our show thistime we'll come back and show you how we are doing i don't know where the stupid music got to

maybe it's in here is that better, okay, see you next time this is julia child, bon appetit!