woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


antique woodworking tools australia

hello and welcome to saw till show #11 i'm making a saw till for storing my hand saws last time i glued the drawers and i put knobs on the front and planed the sides also i put the bottoms on

antique woodworking tools australia, this panel is a quarter of an inch thick and this is a quarter inch groove. the bottom does not need a bevel the groove is close to the bottom edge

and the partial dovetail covers the groove nicely that is why i put a dovetail here. also along the bottom edge i put a slight bevel to create a small gap and a bevel here so the drawer doesn't catch when it slides into the case before i apply the danish oil i want to work on the drawer fronts they get dents and bumps

during the making of the drawer perhaps i bumped this with my hammer or i pressed it too tightly in the vise and there is a good way to remove these dents using a clothes iron and a damp towel so i will steam these dents out i'll take the knob off let me mention

i used hide glue hide glue will release with heat and steam so i must be very careful i'm dancing with the devil but i will be very careful and apply the steam only where i need it i'll clamp it so it doesn't move and place the damp towel on it

let's look it's amazing the dents have disappeared this is a very useful technique and on the internet you will find information oops! i got steam on my glasses you will find information on how to remove steam from your glasses no....you will find information

on how to how to do this it is just amazing! try it and you will see what i mean all those dents have disappeared i'll do the other ones and then i will apply the danish oil to the front and then i will apply shellac to the back so, i'll be back in a moment

i have danish oil here i have a brush and i will put danish oil on the front i will apply shellac to the back it soaks in quickly i will re-apply this for an hour and then i will wipe it completely dry wait three days and apply the danish oil again

wait three more days...i will do all three drawers and then i will apply the shellac i will be using flake shellac dissolved in grain alcohol i've never used this before i've always used canned shellac i will see you in seven days which for you, will be three seconds three...two....one

it's been seven days...it has two coats of danish oil the color is wonderful and the rest of the drawer is unfinished i could leave it that way but i decided to apply a thin coat of shellac i'm using shellac flakes but the smallest can is 32 ounces and i only need a few ounces so i will mix my own from flakes

this is a light color called super blonde it is also available in an amber color and what was that other color? garnet...thank you dear that is a darker color i've measured some out it looks like broken glass and it is dissolved in alcohol many people use denatured alcohol

but the best alcohol is pure grain alcohol in many places it is not legal to sell and in many states here in the us it's not legal to sell but in new jersey it is legal to sell in liquor stores so i travelled there and bought some good old new jersey, and here it is you can buy all you want in new jersey i will read the label "do not apply to open flame. contents may ignite or explode"

and it says "do not consume inexcessive quantities" it might burst into flames or explode,so don't drink too much okay...you're telling me we have our shellac and alcohol we're mixing a one pound cut of shellac that is a very thin mix and the proportion is one pound of shellac to a gallon of alcohol so i have one ounce of shellac

and i will pour eight ounces of alcohol that's enough i will grind this up to help it dissolve if you don't have one of these you can improvise there we are this is a very thin mix so it should dissolve quickly in about 24 hours

i hope you can see this i like the color i add eight ounces of alcohol that is a lot of alcohol it should dissolve in 24 hours so we'll be back in 24 hours and i must tell you it is illegal to bring this into pennsylvania from new jersey

so i am smuggling this. that makes me a bootlegger. i am not joking i am breaking the laws of the commonwealth of pennsylvania so hopefully, i will be here when you come back i will see you in 24 hours i said 24 hours but it only took 12 hours by this morning it was completely dissolved

i was planning on filtering this sometimes there will be shellac bug parts as a sediment but this is perfectly clear i'm using taklon brushes they have very soft synthetic fibers you can find these in an art supply store i bought three for five dollars i cut off the handle on this one so it will fit inside the drawer

i also have jars of alcohol to keep my brushes wet between coats and look at this i put numbers on my drawers this has a roman number two these drawer fronts are cut from the same board so i want to keep the drawers in order so they line up correctly aren't we clever

so i am ready to begin i will be moving quickly i will do the bottoms on one side and then i will do the other side the shellac dries quickly and this is two coats later the shellac has a beautiful sheen it is easy to apply with practice for the second coat

i did not use a brush i took a piece of fabric placed cotton balls in the middle and created a pad and applied shellac with the pad and that was faster and better than a brush so i prefer that technique the bottoms are on and the knob is on i have my roman number here

and here is a matching number so i can keep the drawers in order here's number two and here is number one this part is now completed the next time we will mount the saws and i finally have a plan for that so this episode is over thank you for visiting and see you next time

i'm trying to get warmed up here this is a behind the scenes look of me getting ready for the camera let's get serious...thank you very much