woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


woodworking tools files

i decided to make some better handles forthese cheap files. i bought the set for around $7 and expected their lifespan to be limitedto the immediate project. however, they proved to be useful and stuck around. i wanted to keep my mind off of somethingso a simple project like this was ideal. i started out by removing the plastic handles.they came off easily with a twist of my locking pliers.

woodworking tools files, there are a number of ways to mountand drill small spindle pieces on your lathe. i'll show you two of them. the first way is using a scroll chuck. ifyou don't have small pen jaws, you can turn a very small tenon that is captured in thecenter where the woodworm screw usually attaches.

you don't get the benefit of the dovetailedchuck jaws, but it does hold. you have to be sure to keep your knuckles away from thejaws as there is not a lot of clearance. they stick out further than the piece you are workingon and if you let them, they will bite you. ouch! the second way doesn't require a chuckat all. i'll show you that in just a minute. to drill out the handle, i first made a smallrecess in the center to help guide the bit. using locking pliers, i slowly worked thebit in. it is important to back out the bit to clear out the waste. for this depth wasn'tcritical, but when it is a piece of masking tape on the bit lets you know when to stop. using the roughing gouge and then my skewchisel, i brought the piece down into roughly

a teardrop shape. i like using a skew forspindle pieces when i can. using a planing cut and rolling out beads will give you fantasticsurfaces right off the tool. the sandpaper equivalent to a well-executed planing cutwith a sharp skew chisel can easily be 400 grit. the payoff of learning this tool istremendous, but it can be frightening to the uninitiated. find a mentor, take a skew skillsclass, study the tool, practice, and most importantly don't give up. i had made three shallow v-cuts with the skewfor decoration and used wire burner. the second way to mount small spindle pieceslike this is to turn part of the wood to match the taper on your lathe. the easiest way tomatch the taper is to make a small taper template

jig using 3 pieces of scrap wood. lay a drivecenter onto one piece of scrap and sandwich either side with smaller pieces of scrap.glue these pieces on and you can now turn a piece of wood to match the spindle'-s taperwithout having to constantly take it off and re-mount it or mess around with calipers. using a wooden mallet, tap the taper in andyou are all set. be mindful of any cuts that push directly out from the headstock, butif the fit is nice and snug you will have few problems. i like this method because youdon't have to worry about clearance from chuck jaws and it is very quick to set up once youhave your taper template made. the only real downside is the wood inside the taper isn'tusable for this project, so it might not be

ideal for exotic and expensive woods. butit is a rather elegant solution. after finishing up the handles, i used some fine grit sandpaper just to makesure things were cleaned up where i had parted the handles off of the lathe. after wipingoff the dust i simply used a coat of mineral oil. these are working tools, so an elaboratefinish is not necessary. the oil gives this alder wood a nice feel and emphasizes thegrain patterns. after letting the oil soak in i put the filesinto the handles. they have a decent pressure fit, but if they wiggle too much during usei'll think about using ca glue or epoxy to secure them. once you start making tool handles on a lathe,it is easy to start looking for other things

that "need" their handles replaced. files,chisels, awls, screwdrivers, lathe tools, power tool levers and knobs, are all beggingfor the upgrade. serving spoons, whisks, and other kitchen implements are also great candidates. thanks for watching wood frontier. i've gota new woodworking video each month so hit that subscribe button to make sure you seeit. also, feel free to let me know in the comments if there are any specific buildsyou want to see or questions you have. keep on turning!