woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


woodworking router joints

now that we've cut a 1/2 inch 1/4 inch deepslot i've changed the bit in my router to 1/4 inch bit instead of a 1/2 inch bit. weare going to cut down the same line but we have to readjust the router now to cut allthe way through this piece of wood but we can't do it all in one pass so we're goingto do it 1/4 of an inch at a time, so we're going to reset the router which is now setat 1/2 inch, i'm sorry, i mean 1/4 of an inch.

woodworking router joints, i'm going to rest the router now to 1/2 inch,set it right back where it was and make the first pass in cutting this slot and that isgoing to let our carriage bolts and hardware go through so we can so we can attach it tothe miter guide. okay there is our first pass. now in a perfect, perfect world, this slot,the 1/4 inch slot will travel precisely down

the center of the 1/2 inch slot, however,the world is not perfect so there might be a little bit of a variation here dependingon whether your stock is flat, whether this line is actually really straight. you don'thave to worry about that too much as long as this little assembly right here, the washerand the end of the screw carriage fits below the surface, you're fine and when we finishrouting all the way through this piece of wood we'll set it up on our miter guide andif we have to make some little adjustments so be it, it's just maybe a little filingor a little bit of sandpapering. you're going to find that using this jig is going to requireseveral instances where you kind of have to tweak it a little bit. it probably won't comeout absolutely perfect your first time. so

now i'm going to finish cutting this throughand when i get done with that we'll start fitting it to the saw.