woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


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marc - today we've got a reallyspecial treat for you. we're going to build thisretro arcade cabinet. ♫ hit it(funk music) so my friend brian ibbottasked me if i could help build an arcade cabinet.

wood projects made easy pdf, he had all the internalstuff, the raspberry pie it's actually "retro pie" as well as the buttons, joysticks, led lights, all that stuff.

and he just needed helpwith the cabinetry. so we kind of collaborated,went back and forth to come up with a design thatuses all the stuff that he had, and came up with this. this is a very retro gaming cabinet and let me give you a littlebit of a quick tour. this tabletop arcade is agamer's dream come true. and is built in a stylethat is equal parts retro and classy.

it features a classic six button layout as well as start and select buttons. there's also a usb portfor onboarding of games as well as plugging inkeyboards and other game pads. the speakers include a volume control, and custom 3d printed grills. and the custom marquee isbacklit using led strobes. in the back, there is a service door. that power cord you see there will be

turned into a switch later on. the inside is a bit of a mess but the final organization hasn't been done yet. the system is powered bya tiny computer called "raspberry pie", and we're using a great software package specifically for gaming called "retro pie". the only thing thatsucked about this project was that i didn't build it for myself.

but at least i'll get toplay it at brian's house. i'm using three-quarterinch walnut plywood for my cabinet but ifyou're painting yours, you can use just about anything you want. i use a drywall square to layeverything out ahead of time. i'll break down the sheet into strips. while these pieces might have relatively straight edges, theylikely aren't parallel. we'll use the table saw for that.

i set the fence to our final 22 inches, and give our two strips a parallel trim. now we need to cut our partsfrom the larger strips. start by squaring up one end from there it's a simple matter of measuring, marking and cutting. at the tablesaw, i trimall of the 22 inch parts to final width. there are several bevels in this project

and i did my best to simplifythem as much as possible. follow the diagram closely, then you should have no trouble. take your time with these cuts and make you sure provideconsistent pressure downward and against the fence. if you don't, the work piece will lift and your bevel won'tbe consistent and flat. you'll also want to avoid stopping in the

middle of the cuts, since that's likely going to create some nasty burn marks. now let's work on the cutouts, starting with the back. i drill a relief hole at each corner just big enough for the jigsaw blade. speaking of the blade,you'll want something with lots of teeth for a smooth cut in plywood. i stay just inside of my pencil lines so that i can do a finalclean up afterwards.

even with a good blade, jigsaw cuts are crappy at best. so i'm going to use arouter to clean things up. i line up a clamping toolguide with the pencil line, and clamp it in place. now if i flip the piece over,i can use a bearing-guided flush trim bit to make clean up passes. yeah it's a lot of extra work, but it's totally worth it.

especially when these edges will receive edge-banding later. to clean up the corners,i start by cutting in with a flush trim saw. and then doing a finalclean up with a chisel. and be sure to hang onto that cut out piece because that's our door. simply trim all foursides to clean them up and make sure you accountfor the fact that the

door and the opening will receive eighth-inch thick edgebanding. the next cut-out is for the screen. this one has to beprecisely laid out based on the size of the monitor. place the monitor onthe screen board so that it's centered from left to right. the vertical position is up to you, but keep in mind thatthere's a marquee at the top

and that'll consume some of that space. once in position, tracearound the perimeter of the monitor. now we need to measure the monitor bezel and subtract an eighth ofan inch for the edgebanding. transfer those measurementsdirectly to the screenboard. and do the cut out just likewe did for the back panel. to hold the monitor in place, we'll use a simple plywood cleatthat's held on with screws.

i carefully measure the hole pattern and transfer the locations to the cleat. check your screw length by screwing one in until it bottoms out, and then back it up by about a quarter-turn. if the screw head sits abovethe plywood, it's too long. and if it sits far below, it's too short. since i'm too lazy togo buy different screws, these 25 millimeter long screws will work

if i counter-bore the hole. now we can drill thethrough-holes for the screws. drop the monitor inplace on the screenboard and measure for thesupports that we'll have to attach at each end. we'll cut those supports from solid stock. they should slide perfectlyright under the cleat. pre-drill and countersinkfor two screws on each side, and don't use any glue on this joint.

and that's as far as we'lltake the monitor for now. now let's drill the holesfor the control panel. i printed my templatesfrom an instructables plan, but you can use the ones that we provide. it's a good idea to putas much space as you can between the left and right button sets as this directly impactshow much elbow rubbing you'll do when you'replaying with friends. using a screw, make a starterhole at each button location.

the front button placement isn't critical but i like things to lineup, so i make sure mine start in line with theleftmost buttons on each side. the larger buttons ontop of the control panel are 1 and eighth-inchdiameter, and we'll use a forstner bit at the drillpress to do the work. the joystick holes are drilled with a three-quarter inch bit. the buttons on the frontof the control panel

are a little bit smallerthan the buttons on the top so those are drilled at one inch. now we also need an additionalthree-quarter inch hole for the usb port on thefront of the control board. this guy is pressure-fitso we don't want to push it in just yet. now the marquee requirestwo grooves for the marquee panel. we can cut these at thetablesaw by taking a few passes.

i'm making mine a quarter-inch deep, but the width of thegroove depends on how thick you go with the marquee material. ours is about an eighth of an inch thick plus i give it some extra room for the custom vinyl print that goes on top. now for the speaker holes,we're using two inch speakers so the holes are laidout and drilled with a two-inch forstner bit.

for a hole this large,a whole saw might be a more economical choiceif you don't have this bit lying around. these speakers have alittle volume control that we'll install a few inchesfrom the left speaker. we'll need to drill athree-quarter inch hole a half-inch deep on the underside of the bottom marquee board. then we'll continuewith a quarter-inch hole

all the way through. now it's tricky to see, but the volume moduleinserts from the back and a small washer and nut is threaded on. and the volume knob drops onto the post with a friction fit. now let's dress up some of our edges with edgebanding. i cut some walnut face frame stock

into a few 25 inch long pieces. at the tablesaw, i rip them to about an eighth of an inch in width. i'm using a sacrificialgripper to do this, because it's safe enoughto push it all the way through the cut. but there are othermethods you might explore. check out the video imade on this very topic for more information.

you'll need somethinglike 25 of these strips to get the job done, though i don't recall the exact number. applying edgebandingisn't difficult but it is time consuming. i cut the pieces to length as needed, and apply glue to both faces. you don't need a ton ofpressure for edgebanding. one of my favorite tricksis to use pieces of

blue tape, like clamps. just stretch the pieces over the banding and rub them onto the sides. if you have a brad nailer, you can save yourself some time but you will create tiny holes that you might want to fill with putty later on. here i'm using a 23 gauge pinner. it has very very tiny pinsand holes are very small

as well, so i might nothave to fill those later on. i'll edgeband the screenboards and the back at this point. i'll also band the back door. the banding material is just a bit wider than our plywood. so we can either use thescraper to flush it up or hit it with some 220 grit sandpaper. keep in mind that you can easily burn

through the veneer on plywood and this process requiresa very light touch. gaps are inevitable. so if you see one, fill it with a little wood putty of the appropriate color. using a small block ofwood and some sandpaper, i sand the edgebanding nice and smooth. resist the urge to use a power sander here as that's really justgonna round over the edge

and, make it look like poo. other pieces we can edgeband now include the marquee top, the marquee bottom, and the case bottom. (jazz theme to "super mario bros.") now we hope to install a smallpower switch in the back, unfortunately after doinga little more research, we read reviews that mentionedfire hazards and melting.

so we're currently lookinginto our options here and hopefully we'll find something that fits into this hole nicely. at the top of the screenboard, we'll need two three-quarter inchholes for wire runs. and now we can start to do some assembly. i'm using inch-and-a-quarterbrad nails to do the holding. first, we'll put togetherthe control board front and top.

there's no edgebandingon the top piece yet, so we'll make the front piece flush with the edge of the topand pop some brad nails in to hold it together. the key to a successful joint here is to first apply as muchpressure as you can with your hand or a clamp, and then drive the nail through. once that joint is dry,attach the edgebanding

to the front. next, we'll assemble theback and the marquee top and here's a cool trick: place the pieces flat withthe tips of the bevels touching and stretch someblue tape across the joint, almost like you're stitching it. now flip the assemblyover and throw some glue on both sides of the joint. slowly lift and bringthe two pieces together.

next, we'll attach the bottom. we'll use glue and screws for this but using some clampingsquares really makes life a whole lot easier. (drilling sounds) we'll set that aside to dry completely since we don't want tostress the joints just yet. now let's attach the screenboard to the lower marquee board.

i pre-drilled the holelocations using my marks as reference, and then flip it over and countersink from the other side. (drilling sound) now with the help ofsome clamping squares, i bring the lower marqueepiece back in place, with some glue on the edge. with clamping pressureapplied, i can flip the assembly over and drive the screws.

we can now attach the screenboard to the monitor assembly. everything should beflush on the outside edges the vertical position should be obvious based on the screen bezel. double check that everythingis lined up from the front although now would bea really sucky time to discover that it's not. just for some extrasupport, i'm adding an extra

walnut cleat under the monitor. i don't really think it's necessary but it certainly can't hurt to helpfight the forces of gravity. at least that's what my wife tells me. (joke drum/symbol sound) once dry, take the monitorout by removing the screws, holding the cleat to the supports. now here's a crucial step: we have three sub-assembliesthat need to come together.

in all likelihood it won't be perfect. this is exactly why we haven'tcut our sides to shape yet. in my case when the topof the screen board is perpendicular to the top of the marquee, the marquee fronts are in alignment. and the control panelis perpendicular to the bottom of the case, mytwo bevels don't quite meet up in the middle. the pieces are just a bit too wide

so that they're pushingeach other apart when they try to come together. the only piece that we cansafely trim at this point is the top of the control panel. so i'll tilt the blade on the tablesaw to match the existing beveland slowly sneak up on that perfect fit. now look at how much betterthose pieces match up. now i can confidently attachthe control panel assembly

to the screen panel. we'll use the tapetrick on this joint too, although the pieces have to be vertical. at this point, we'llapply some edgebanding to any area that needs it,because we're actually ready to apply some finish. the next step is to begininstalling the electronics and we really don't want to worry about finishing around buttons and joysticks.

the finish i'm using is asatin wiping polyurethane. the first coat is easy: flood it on, and wipe off the excess. i'll apply a total of four coats with some light sanding with 320 paper in between. now for the electronics: this is brian's baby sohe's running the show. we start by connectingthe wires to the buttons

which provide signal and led lighting. once you have one set upproperly, leave it out as a sample so you can easilymatch up the rest of them. brian's also jazzingthings up a bit by adding numbers and letters aswell as a dot and a star to the start and select buttons. he's using something calledletraset dry transfer to burnish the figures into the buttons. you could probably justfind a set of decals

or stickers to do something similar, just keep in mind thatthese buttons light up so anything you put on the face could potentially block the light. each button is then droppedinto the desired hole and the plastic nut is screwed in place. brian realized afterthe project was complete that he actually wouldhave preferred a different order and different letters.

instead of a, b, c, 1, 2, 3 he'd prefer l, x, r, y, b, a which is a more standard layout and naming convention. so choose your lettersand positions wisely. after installing the smaller buttons, it becomes clear that theyaren't really intended for three-quarter inch thick material. by turning the nut around,you'll have enough room for the

threads to grab andthat gets the job done. each set of buttons thengets connected to its own circuit board. it actually doesn't matterwhich buttons go where, since the software willhelp you map them out later. while we're here, thepressure fit usb port is pushed into place. before we go any further,we're doing a test run. with the buttons connected to the usb hub

and the hub connectedto the raspberry pie, we'll fire it up. because the buttons aren't set up yet, we'll use a usb game padto navigate the menu. everything does seem to be working, so now we can continuewith the installation. i'll attach the buttoncircuit boards to the underside of the controlpanel by pre-drilling first and then driving four screws.

the joystick installation is pretty simple but it really helps to havetwo sets of hands and eyes. the stick needs to beperfectly centered in the hole. so as brian makes theadjustments, i'll hold the stick in place. he can then come around to my side and mark the screw locations. from there, we can attach thecable between the joystick and the circuit board.

and now i'll make sure thejoystick is dead center and then tighten up on the screws. now for the speakers, briansacrificed a small set of usb powered speakers by tearing them out of their casing. obviously, these partswere never meant to come out of their cases so if you go this route you have to be extra careful. with the screen panelclamped to the work bench

we can drop the speakers in place and attach them with screws. to attach the volume knob, we'll need to flip this thing upside down in order to thread the nut onto the shaft. we can then add the volume knob. back inside the marquee, we'lluse some plastic cable clips to secure the wires. now we'll add someadhesive-backed led strips

and two rows should do the trick. and those lights work perfectly. we then had an unexpectedvisit from quality control. - when it's ready, can i try it out? - yeah of course! - oh yeah! - and now for the final assembly. i'll bring the monitorin, and re-attach it. now i need to line upthe front control panel

up just behind the edgebanding on the bottom. and the top lines upwith the pencil line that you probably can't seefrom your vantage point. to attach the piecestogether, we use screws and no glue. i'll drill a three-eighths inch hole, three-eights of an inch deep and then i'll drill aneighth-inch pilot hole all the way into the adjoining piece.

now the screw head is driven deep enough that we can use a three-eighthsinch dowel as a plug. should we ever need to open this thing up, we can drill out the dowelsand access the screws. all of the screws forthe top and the bottom are done this way. finally we can work on the sides, now that the main body of the cabinet is locked into its final shape.

with the back panel flushagainst the back edge of the side panel, start tracing a line around the perimeter. cutting out and shaping the sides is really just a rehashof techniques you've already seen. rough cut with the jigsaw andthen refined with the router. though given the shape, you'll have to get creative using clamps anda straight piece of scrap

as a guide. after rough cutting theother side to shape, we'll use the first oneas a routing template to make two exact copies. double-stick tape holds them together and since this ispressure-sensitive stuff, i like to put a little weight on it. and of course the flush trim bit does the rest of the work.

(sawing sound) on the inside corner, i take the time to miter thetwo pieces where they meet for a cleaner look. that's a really nice fit. once all the edges are banded, we trim flush and sand smooth. don't forget to ease the edges and round over the corners.

to attach the sides we'll use screws and dowel caps. to cover up the holes,i'll first cut down some three-eighths inch poplar dowel. if you don't like a contrasting look, make sure you use thesame species that you have in your plywood. normally i'd use woodglue to attach these, but in this case i wantthese dowels to come out

if needed. so ca glue is a better choice. the bonds should be easierto break, if we have to. once the glue is dry,flush trim the dowels and give them a little sanding. and finally, we canapply the finish to catch the sides up to the rest of the cabinet. now we'll install the hinges for our door, starting with theself-centering drill bit.

these are simple no mortise hinges that are super easy to install. i start by spacing themout to my liking on the door's edge, with the barrel down and pushed against the door phase. i'll pre-drill the two interior holes. now i can attach the hinge to the door with the barrel up. and it will be in the perfect position.

the other hinge is installed the same way. now i hold the door inposition, and line it up by eye. i can then use a pencil to mark the holes for the top hinge. with the top hinge secure, locking down the bottom hinge is a breeze. the door needs some sort of a catch so i'll install a simpleone on a piece of scrap.

the magnet goes into a small hole and then i glue that piece to the inside of the door opening. on the door, i'll attacha small metal washer that'll engage with the magnet. looks like that's gonna work just fine! now brian has a 3d printer, and he used it to print up a cool custom knob for the back door.

and with that, this arcadecabinet is complete. - you might not have everheard of it, but here it is! it's ding-man!(laughs) - there's still lots ofprogramming to do and brian plans on tidying up the interior but it works and works well. the marquee is nice and bright,the audio is clear and loud, and the action of thejoysticks and buttons is smooth and satisfying.

oh and don't forget to make sure you brush your kid's hair beforeputting them in a video. special thanks to brianibbit for collaborating with me on this project, and to our wives fortolerating us geeking out on it for a few weeks. happy gaming, my friends. (jazz music)