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part one --official medicine 20.000 people died of cancer every day. this translates to 8 million deathsevery year, half a million of which are americans. at the beginning of the last century oneperson out of twenty would get cancer.

wood branding irons ontario, in the 1940s it was oneof every 16 people. in the 1970s one person outof ten. today one person out of three gets cancer inthe course of their life. over one million americans are diagnosedwith a new cancer every year.

all these people suddenly plunged intoa dark tunnel that will dramatically change their life for many years to come. faced with an apparently endless chain ofmedical tests, examinations, second opinions, medications, new tests, surgical operations,support therapies and follow-up checks, they find themselves at the completemercy of the disease. while in that tunnel, each patient feedsan immense medical apparatus that employs hundreds of thousands of peopleand generates millions and millions of dollars for the medical pharmaceuticalindustries. from research laboratories to medicalschools, from prevention clinics to

world wide drug sales, today cancer medical apparatus is solarge and expensive that it needs its patients in order to survive justas much as the patients need the apparatus. cancer is a big business, one of thebiggest businesses. the typical cancer patients spends at least50.000 dollars to treat his or her disease. with one million new american cancerpatients every year, that translates to 50 billion dollars annually spent oncancer treatment in the united states. but to modern oncology cancerstill remains a mystery. what a century ago we're just woodencontraptions able to lift only a few

feet off the ground, today have become sophisticated jetscapable of reaching incredible heights at three times the speed of sound. what a century ago was the creakingsounds of the telegraph over some rustling wires today has become a globalnetwork of fiber optics where millions of people exchange information in allpossible direction. what a century ago was still arelatively unknown planet, today has been left by day and night and it has been explored to the extentthat we can visited with every longitude

and latitude from the computersof our home. the only thing that has not changed inthe last hundred years is the apparent in capacity of medicalscience to understand and conquer a disease like cancer, why? the official theory maintains thatcancer is a problem that originates in the human cell. cancer is a group of over one hundreddiseases characterized by abnormal uncontrolled cell growth. cancer is a sometimes fatal diseasecaused by the abnormal growth and division

of cells. while normal cells havewell defined walls and nucleus, the uncontrolled growth in cancer cells causesthe creation of abnormal, unstructured masses of tissue knownas neoplasm sparked tumors. most cancer related deaths are due tometastasis, malignant cells thatpenetrates into the circulatory system and established colonies to other parts of the body. how and where the migrating cells startsare different in different cancer types. once the tumor cells are no longermoving, they can begin the process of forminga new tumor by leaving the blood vessel and beginning to reproduce in the newlocation.

if the new environment is suitable, the newly-arrived cell will begin togrow and a new tumor will develop. this official theory also calledmolecular theory is basically the same that wasformulated more than 50 years ago. cancer begins at the departure from normalcell growth that is harmful and diseasing. if the abnormal cell grows slowly ina limited area, they are called benign tumors. if the cells are spread to other partsof the body, they constitute a malignant tumor,one that is cancerous. cells of malignant grows, break offand travel through the blood stream

to other parts of the body. there they may start new cancerous growth. in the last 50 years the search for the cause of cancerwithin the human cells has been pushed beyond the limits of anyone'simagination. today the most advanced laboratories areworking directly on the human genome in order to identify the genes that seem tobe responsible according to some scientists with a different kindsof cancer. this opens the door to a dream-likescenario for the pharmaceutical industry.

a world where each patient who need itsown personal cure, tailored its own personal needs. one million new patients every year, one million new cures for each andeveryone of them. we want to do the max disease withthe cure are palliative treatment whatever it is by using the genomic schoolswhose that's really. the question whether we're going tobreak the cure barrier is not the question about if,it is a question when.

in the meantime, however, no one has beenable to prove that the official theory is the correct one and that the originof cancer isn't in fact of genetic nature. major advances are being made in thedetection, prevention and treatment of cancer. but the mechanisms that triggermalignant cell growth are still not completely understood. in the meantime statistics seem only toget worse. we lost the war on cancer

since the 1950s the outlookfor most cancer patients has remained the same: a one-in-three chance of livingfor five years after diagnosis using conventional therapy surgery, radiationchemotherapy drugs. the fact is that today two out of three american cancerpatients will be dead before five years. despite such dismal results, official oncology continues to oppose onpatients that only three therapies that have never been authorized in the lasthundred years, surgery, chemotherapy

and radiotherapy. and two of the three are actuallycarcinogenic. surgery is the oldest technique andthe most successful of the three. the surgery is usefull only when the canceris localized, the minority of cases. patients also fear radiation's dangerousside effects. one of these is that the radiationcan actually cause cancer. the use of radiation remains controversialeven in medical circles. as much as we could work with her sam and math problem she has not compehending yet.yet

it take a long time to get election and parts of olympic praying bar didn't mind paying more because of theradiation killed that part of the brain. that part of the brain responsiblefor memory was gone. chemotherapy is designed to kill cancercells throughout the body. it is highly toxic, however,and it also kills healthy cells. today chemotherapy is often given incombination

with surgery and radiation. your typical chemotherapy patientswho said he calls tiredness. there's a risk of sickness busgovernments in the streets these days at the controls chemotherapy frequentlycloses, tastes change examples sore mouth. the first signs that the many people askabout is hair loss. in fact many chemotherapy drugs arecarcinogenic. their toxicity is so high that all personnel handling them mustobserve very strict safety rules.

their disposal calls for a totaldestruction and incineration of anything that comes in contact with them. some of these drugs remainpartially toxic, even after incineration beyond1800 degrees fahrenheit. but there is something new aboutchemotherapy that has been emerging late. many women who undergong chemotherapy forbreast cancer describe several changes in their memory andconcentration. researchers at the university ofmichigan comprehensive cancer center saying this phenomenon is wery rare.women have complained of cognitive changes

that have occurred during the timethat they has been treated for breast cancer for a longtime now and the term "chemo brain" has been coined and this is used to describeloss of concentration, difficulty remembering things,having difficulty thinking clearly and not being able to functioneffectively in normal activities that person was able to do perfectly wellbefore they had treatment. simple little things i would have tohave to wait to think of something and it would be frustrating.

researchers say the chemotherapy createsmemory problems that can last for years. children are also beginning to reportlong-term effects of chemotherapy drugs. like my homework, like, let's say, like math homework, when its real noisy i can't focus. this make me feel that my mindhave been erased. but is there any benefit of chemotherapy? john caims of harvard university published a study in scientific american.he found that

chemotherapy drugs benefit at most fivepercent, one out of twenty of the cancer patients are given to.if these conventional therapy has its limited results, why isn't the medical profession willingto investigate alternatives approaches? the answer to this question may be foundin some historic events that took place almost a century ago when official medicine finally managedto gain the upper hand on the so-called empirical doctors who cured patientswith herbs and natural remedies. in the 1800 the society both approaches to healing

patients had a choice is using theirdoctors called allopath or natural healers called empiricsor homeopath. the two groups waged a bitterphilosophical debate. the allopathic doctors call theirapproach heroic medicine. they believed the physician must aggressivelydrive the disease from the body. they base their practice on what theyconsidered scientific theory. the allopaths used three main techniques:they bled the body to drain out the bad tumours; they gave huge doses of toxic mineralslike mercury and lead to displace the

original disease. they also used surgery, but it was a brutal procedure beforeanaesthesia and infection control. few patients were willing to havesurgery, most patients feared allopathic methods altogether. satirist of the day remarked that, withallopathic treatment, the patient died of the cure. competing with the doctors were theempiric healers. contrary to the doctors, they believed instimulating the body's own defenses to

heal itself. instead of poisonous minerals, they used vegetable products and non-toxicsubstances in small quantities, they especially favored herbs learned fromnative american and old european traditions. the empirics said that they base theirremedies not on a theory but in an observation and experience.satirist of the day added that wasn't her treatment the patient died of thedisease, not the cure and the balance of medical power remainequal until the turn of the century. then new medical treatments emerge thatwere potentially very profitable.

the ama joined with strong financialforces to transform medicine into an industry. the fortunes of carnegie, morgan androckefeller financed surgery, radiation and synthetic drugs. they were to become the economicfoundations of the new medical economy. the takeover of the medical industry wasaccomplished by a takeover of the medical schools. well the people that we're talking aboutrockefeller and carnegie, in particular, came to the picture and said we will putup money. they offer tremendous amounts of moneyto the schools that would agree to

cooperate with them. the donors said to the schools we're we're giving you all this moneynow wouldn't be too much to ask if we could put some of our people onyour board of directors to see that our money isbeing spent wisely. almost overnight all of the majoruniversities received large grants from these sources andalso accepted one, two or three of these people, that imentioned, on their board of directors and the schools literally were taken over

by the financial interests that put upthe money. know what happened as a result of thatis that the schools did receive an infusion of money they were able tobuild new buildings, they were able to add expensive equipment to theirlaboratories, they were able to hire top-notch teachers, but at the same timeas doing that they squid the whole thing in the direction of pharmaceuticaldrugs. that was the efficiency in ?? the doctors from that point forward inhistory would be thought pharmaceutical drugs.

all of the great teaching institutionsin america were captured by the pharmaceutical interests in thisfashion and it's amazing how little money itreally took to do it. surgery became viable with anaesthesia,and infection control and doctors advocated expensive radicaloperations. these intern produced the need for alarge lucrative hospital system. radiant fever swept medicine.the price of radium rose 1000 percent almost overnight. another costly technological industryentered the hospital system.

the drug industry grew out of thebooming patent medicine business. the doctors changed educationalstandards and licensing regulations to exclude the empirics. soon only ama approved doctors couldlegally practice medicine. in a brief twenty years, the ama cameto dominate medical practice. organized medicine launched immediate campaign to associate the empirics with quacks. the code word for competitionwas quackery. so now the average doctor go to school,he gets a grade education;

he has to be really smart to getthrough it; he learns all about drugs; he doesn't know too much about basicnutrition. i found that the average wife of thesepositions knows more about nutrition than he does. but they sure know their drugs and ifyou go near typical doctor today i don't care what it is, chances are you gonna walk out of therewhere the prescription, why? because that's what he has beentrained to do. the companies that make up thepharmaceutical industry are among the

largest corporations in the world. together these businesses have come tobe known as "big pharma". in 2004 their combinedglobal sales were over half a trillion dollars with pfizer and johnson andjohnson leading the pack. in the us the core of big pharmacy immense profits isfrom sales of prescription medication and since these drugs can only beprescribed medical professionals, most of the industry's promotional and marketingactivities are directed at doctors, pharmacists and the other health careproviders. this starts out in the first year inmedical school and many medical schools

evenly incoming students that you knowor two years away from from prints and the patient will start toget gifts from the pharmaceutical industryand as, as the students get farther along intheir medical education, the interactions gets escalate to free lunches, dinners.champagne brunches, happy hours, new york jet tickets. no matter where you spend the money,you make money.

and my boss always told me, "don't worryabout it, they'll always be more funding". spend what you can. in fact if i give youa 100.000 dollars to spend, gene i want you to spend 200.000. before 1980 most clinical research wasfunded by the national institutes of health. during the 90s most of that research gotpulled out a universities and was being done, was brought tofor-profit research organizations. the problem is that that gave virtualcomplete control over the research to the drug companies. they could design thestudies, they have control data so that that manyof the authors of the most important

articles are published our best journals,aren't even allowed to see their own data. they don't get free access to their owndata and they have control of publication. to sum it all up, the pharmaceuticalindustry first gained control of the teaching system. then it gave the ama the power to excludeall of the doctors from practicing. then it took over the entire drugtesting process, both heavily influencing the medical publications thatreview those drugs. and finally big pharma extended itscontrol over the federal entity that is supposed to verify those drug safetyand efficacy.

at the opposite end of the other 6 citizensand in the middle of the doctors who must cure them based on information theycan only get from the pharmaceutical industry which could no longerbe verified. chemotherapy drugs are in fact among themost expensive of all. a one month supply of erlotinib,a chemotherapy drug produced by roche cost 2300 dollars. the same supply of sorafenib, bayer'schemotherapy drugs cost 5500 dollars. the monthly supplyof sunitinib, a chemotherapy drugs produced by pfizer cost almost7000 dollars.

the drug industry is the most successfulglobal industries in the world. while they don't want you to get better,if you get better their market is gone. fear, it's darkness humanity down toschools if you need to keep inflation we thank you and paralyzed last he has simply aninstant available fiction and deployed all too often by day's intent on the flictingcontroll over the masses. fear preys on the missile movements. fearsells

and nowhere is fear more strenuouslythan in the fields of medicine and human nutrition. fear and ?? it consists making us believe that wecan do little of our own to prevent or treat diseases, and forces the whole nations to me that thewaters of the drug industry and of course the fear mongers is alsopreying on fear of disease and the solution that the fear mongersgive us are drugs. as if i designed health choices islimited

information is scarce, lives are ruined and the truth be damned. the fear machine is well oiledby petro chemical dollars and near world wide monopoly inhealth care into into the tend to prevent the truthabout dietary supplements from getting out to the public. anything that comes from naturecannot be patented. they're not interested in that. so, we translate that into the realworld of fda approval.

surely, these drug companies aren'tgoing to spend 20 million dollars or more testing any substance from naturebecause it can't be patented. that, and of course the fda says,it's illegal to use unless it's been tested forefficacy and safety. but you see the catch-22 in there. nothing from nature, regardless of how effective it might be,will ever be proven safe or effective according to the fda. it'll never be! because nobody's going to spend themoney to go through the test.

so therefore everything from nature willalways be condemned by the fda as unproven and unproven cancer cure. in a small town in northern ontario,the year 1922, rene caisse first learned of the cancerremedy which she termed essiac. unbeknownst to history, this fragilecanadian nurse has heroically managed to cure thousands of people from cancerwith a simple concoction of herbs. while nursing old patient, rene noticedthat she had a scar in her breast. the patient said it was left over from thecancer she cured over thirty years before, using a mixture of herbs to justify themedicine man from the local ojibwe tribe.

rene tried the same formula on her aunt whohad recently been diagnosed with cancer. i went down and i asked our doctorfisher who later was dean at the university of toronto and she would watch over her if iwould tried some of these herbs and he said he would,and it took quite a while but she got better and she live for 21 years. after that successful experience, renequit the hospital and began curing people with a mixture of herbs that wouldbecome known as essiac

which is her last name spelled backwards. soon the voice spread and the number ofpatients heal from cancer started to multiply. in about 1943 i was diagnosed this kind oftwo to return home finance him growth in the bow which is inoperable and that was in january and my husband just told that when the snow is gone i probablybe gone with it. so through friends i was directed toms. caisse and

i came to her and had treatmentsfarmer for practically three years and found that i was cured thathad no return since. de carava steiger have praised rage sent me in patient cancer in the bow and their trust in and i'd cured him so and activity he went to florida towncouncil and mayor

and persuade them to give me abuilding that had they had taken for taxes as a clinic that i had made a great discovery andthat i should be supported in my own hometown. so they set up that clinic where i treated for eight and half years. in a few months the clinic was ferventwith activities with patients flocking in

from all different places. the clinic was full every timewe were there under people came in and around since wewere not able to come in the treatment, that rene have to go out and administering the medicinein the ambulace. and time went on and we watched these people be able to walk in and finally they drive in with their own car

to get essiac. i treated from 300 to 600 patients a week and the only way they would allowme to do this was free of charge and i had to have doctors diagnosesfor every case i treated. who was on her diagnosis merits caisse high-tech treatment for her every weekabout a year.

i have no cancer today. it was one doctor leonardo from buffalo would immediately recognize thepotential for rene's cancer cure to warn her of what was waiting ahead. dr. leanardo, he was a cancer surgeon and he said, "you think you have a curefor cancer?", i said, a way beyond thinking i know them here. i have five other doctors in

examining patients anymore defeated and that the into aninpatient inaccurately therein. so, then he told me you have it, but the medical profession will never let you do this to us. after a while, a mysterious group of entrepreneurshipoffered rene one million dollars for the secret formula, but she flatly refuse as they would notguarantee that her cure would be made

available for free to anyone who everneeded it. rene caisse was called before thelegislature in 1938 to determine essiac's legal status. i tried legalize my treatment. and patients opened up this petition line 55.000 names on it. and had a different legacy to you

i lost by three votes. public outcry for the establishment of a cancercommission to investigate herbal remedies. the greatest majority of rene's evidencewas rejected. you see, they sent the doctors only mistaken diagnosis identifying patients that they are cured. i kept on

my clinics as long as i could until they stopped the doctors giving the diagnosis, then i had to stop. and it's sad thing thanks emily ends came and they havestumbled interviews ill with cancer in the medicalprofession can't do nothing for them and they beg me to defeat them. it's a very, very sad thing to turn themaway. i had nervous break down over there, i really had to stop.

how they can and he can make in is refused n from recognizing because if you had the proof you have the diagnosis from the doctor who categorized co-findings and you find

you have the living patient to show that that they are still aliveafter the mediacal profession has given them up. and yet they refused to admit that it is a cure. after she recovered from the breakdown,rene started again from scratch, brewing the herbal mixtures, curing patients inher own basement. i had to grind them

i used to get them ...soon the authorities began harassing her again, having her arrested more than once forthe most preposterous reasons. but the famous essiac had already crossedthe border as one day rene received an invitation to scientifically testerherbal remedy from a clinic in massachusetts. about 20 years ago 1958 here in this laboratory... its director wasdoctor charles brush who was also

president kennedy's personal positionand a close friend. ...undertook the study effects of drug or herb called essiac. and we found it was non-toxic indeed affects and helped in the treatmetof cancer and as a result of this... at that pointdoctor brush recommended essiac to be tested for toxicity in order to beapproved by the fda that if it is possible

cancer cure. once the herbs arrived at sloan-kettering,one of the most important cancer research centers in the country, the process somehow gotbogged down and dealys and eventually never came to aconclusion. the results that i reported to rene caisse were studies and sarcoma one eighty in micesin which we were aboard looking not only for possible primary innovationof the tumour which did not occur

but also for regressions and there was and respond precentage in a smallgroup of regressions but we never had the opportunity to confirmthis and to see whether we could obtain better results. nevertheless, essiac was not approvedby the fda, exactly as predicted by dr leonardo30 years before. further attempts to legalize the curewere made by different groups of

patients who went as far as suing themedical authorities for denial possible cure for cancerempty can't essiac yes asking to be given the right he uses the essiac that thetax plan summary has any interest for you you can't burn the cancer out of the body with radiation, you can't poisoned out of the bodywithout poisoning the body as well and i feel that nature holds the answer,the only abswer for the cancer patients and as such we should have it.our constitutional rights at the moment

being denied to us and it's shouldn't even come down toa court hearing. it should be a matter of fact that we have what we want forour body. i had cancer from head to toe into theworld you're going to try and tell me that ifi think there's something that going to give me a little bit late that are not going to try it. but the response from the medicalauthorities has always been the same at the cost of looking foolish for therediculous excuses that often had to

concoct to resist its approval. if we release laetrile and essiac and provide them and so on, how i cangive you a very long less you'll have a very wide choise and when there is something effectivehow did you know what choose from? someone far better to prevent essiac forbeing used in the future but doctors who may eventually respond to a highercalling of their conscience. at brown california valid point one eighty eight

but they like that kind of native pal by dr king you have any other than theother badly expected nothing out treatment for cancer there and they nolonger than a hundred thank you surgery, chemo therapy, radiation ever back in black and i think that leichtberg that there back on track exhausted and frustrated bythe endless fight, rene is simply returned home and went ontreating patients on a personal basis

until the day she died in 1978. one year before that, many cured patients can be done andideas birthday to thank what she has done for them. ex-patients and supporters arrivesbridge ontario they came to help rene celebrate her90th birthday, they have experienced the benefits ofessiac many of the people here philly over myfamily detainees patni path

and i have given my life for activity really meant testing dates let me get this done to see it used and used by the people. very similar to rene's story is the one ofharry hoxsey, a texas businessman, his father had passed on to him herbalformula that would reveal highly effective against cancer.

unlike rene, however, hoxie was verywealthy, he was a natural born fighter who feared no one. the set the premise for one of the mostprolonged and virulent fights between an american citizen and the medicalauthorities in the history united states. the trouble began with what seemed likegood news. and we now have in our files, records manythousands of case histories, records, pathological proof, x-ray photographic studies that we do,

we can cure cancer,both internal and external names of doctors...the doctors label hoxsey worst cancer quack of the century. but hoxsey'ssupporters called him an effective healer persecuted by medical stressed. ...now they have newer proven, that thistreatment don't cure cancer. the ex coal miner with an eighth gradeeducation became a legend in his own time. according to the hoxsey legend, theremedies were discovered by his

great-grandfather experimenting on asick horse. as the story goes, john hoxsey wasa vetenarian whose price duncan got cancer he put it out to pasture to die. but three weeks later the tumor hadstabilized he observes the horse eating unusualplants, not part of its normal diet. within the year the horse was well. so, john hoxsey began to experiment onanimals with the herbs andy added other popular home remedies. he claimed success

and pass the formulas down through thefamily who eventually used them on people. hoxie said his father was the first totry the medicines on people he gave young harry the formulas with thedeath bed wish to make the treatment available to people whether or not they could pay. prophetically, he warnedthe boy against the high priests of medicine who are fighting jealously. it didn't take long. hoxsey started his first clinic inillinois in 1924 and he

immediately incurred the wrath oforganized medicine. he was arrested more times than anyother man in medical history. yet, by the 1950s the hoxseyclinic of dallas, texas was the largest privately owned cancer center in theworld. hoxsey clinics reached through seventeenstates endorsing the treatment for senators, judges and even somedoctors. two federal courts upheld itstherapeutic value. if the treatment was worthless, how didit gained so much support?

to claim a cure for cancer is to invitethe evaluation. while the medical profession turned itsback on hoxsey, numerous individuals did make personalinvestigation. these experiences repeatedly turned skeptics into believers. among them was esquire magazine writerjames wakefield burke who 1939 began covering hoxseys story. landlords are very great

one bedford why don't you go down totexas and lets exposed this startedgetting too big and american medical association like puthim out of business is said you go down and get a quiet weather thatsays it will do couple of pieces on and then but in the end of this. so, this was assignment. i came to texas i started this day about a day

get my information to release. i became fascinated. i stayed for six weeks. everyday harry would pick me up bring me to theclinic, we commented in the morning and he would put his arm around his old men and women say, "that damn docs been cut you up,

i don't let some of the bitches kill you it's great demand childlike in prisonthey get better and began to get well. so i wrote a outline for peace back probably trackcalled "a quack who cured cancer". and i send it to back to the editors but it never came out. assistant district attorney al templetonwas more than a skeptic; he arrested hoxsey more than one hundredtimes in two years.

that is own brother, mike, got terminalcancer and he secretly went to hoxsey. when mike templeton got well, al templetongave hoxsey the credit. hoxseys prosecutor became his lawyer. more and more people supporting hoxsey'sclaims of a cure as bold as promoter was christianevangelist gerald when dr his radio broadcast reached millions oflisteners with sensational reports of hoxsey's mounting successes. finally regular broadcast by reading foryou what i regarded the very important

statement and i quote the group about the role of twelvemillion of a problem on corporate pop that the hoxsey treatment cures cancer then doctors number of cures reaches forthousands and former united states senator thomas studied a large number ofcures. i had made by only investigation thatsatisfied myself that cacer has really been cured by the hoxsey method. the problem reporter can only say,"god bless these quacks". the only quacks who arecuring cancers today.

but a new cancer treatment needs morethan personal investigations to gain acceptance; it needs a formalscientific review. and what i say to you, all i want is tohave them come here. the american medical association,food and drugs federal covernment, anybody.come here and make an investigation. if i don't prove to them that our cureis superior to radio surgery, then lock the door for thisinstitution forever. but the medical profession did notrespond to his call. got doctor ornish

coimbra at they already knew from their medical andeducation that his remedies were had no efficaciousness at all, no cure they were just talking norway sin patterned after dinner plate according to hoxsey there wasa more sinister reason

the medical profession wouldn'tinvestigate. hoxsey said the ama doctors invitedhim to demonstrate the treatment. among them was doctor morris fishbein editor of the influential amajournal. according to hoxsey the day after his successfuldemonstration, a high ama official has to buy the rights to the formulas the alleged offer would have given allrights to a group of doctors including doctor fishbein.

just like redneck, hoxsey turned out they offered because itcould not get the guaranteed that the formula would have been made availablefor free to anyone who ever needed it. but one thing was certain,hoxsey had made a very powerful enemy. by crossing swords with doctor fishbein,he alienated the most influential figure in medicine. dr fishbein held a unique position. as journal editor he controlled themain income producing organ of the ama and thus the organization.

he also published the accepted standardsof medical practice. after the chicago incident, dr. fishbein blackballed hoxsey bybranding him a quack in the journal. it commented that hoxsey's most enthusiasticsupporter was the local undertaker. the ama attack was relentless. dr. fishbein and hoxsey would battle eachother for 25 years to come in a drama of national dimensions. but rather than settling the disputethrough scientific means they played out in the media.

at the association's head quarters inchicago vigilance against quackerydoctor morris fishbein. there is no combination of drugs that weknow, that will definitely cure cancer. when hoxsey approach the national cancerinstitute for an investigation,the agency refused. the nci said his medical recordsare incomplete. hoxsey said doctors refuse to supplynecessary records because of doctor fishbein's influence.

the government concluded that would be awaste of public funds to investigate. having struck oil in texas, hoxie offeredto pay for a test himself. his challenges for putting doctorfishbein under public pressure and the doctor fought back hardin the public arena. but when he wrote about the blood money inthe hearst sunday papers, he went too far. hoxey sued doctor fishbein and hearstnewspaper empire for libel and slander. he didn't seem to stand a chance,the nation's most notorious quack tasted who's who of american medicine. surprisingly harry hoxsey became the firstman ever to win his judgement

against doctor fishbein and ama. dr fishbein had to resignfrom his post at ama. but the hoxsey - fishbein trials calledeven more shocking revealation. dr fishbein admitted in court that hoxseysupposedly brutal pastes actually did cure external cancers. the most dangerous external cancer ismelanoma that can spread rapidly through the body. doctors advise extremely radical surgery,even so, melanoma is often fatal. we have not gotten proven cases of melanoma files of patients to talk to

that has been cured attracted to himin any other decision tomorrow about the prospect that we have the back to backit up. hoxsey went as far as producing his ownmovie to make his voice heard from the medical profession. it would be an innovation man of themedical profession if instead of promoting so much time andmoney to court trials, sniping tactics, smear campaign. they would come to the clinic, newsom investigating, check into ourmethods

speak to some of our patients. then they would understand why ourtreatment has been as effective and in most cases, far more successful andanything they've had to offer as solution to the cancer problem. but instead of accepting the invitation, the medical establishment escalated thewar. mildred nelson has directed hoxsey's clinicfrom the beginning. but he was never investigated exceptin a criminal type of way to see what it might be doing wrong.

the food and drug have always been famousmuch for her at some point; go to people's houses, take their medicine but it was delivered to what doing wrong. when the government couldn't stophoxsey in the court, the fda decided to take onpresidented action. suffers from cancer their familiesphysicians all concerned with the care of cancer patients are hereby advisedand warned

that so-called hoxsey treatment forinternal cancer has been found on the basis of evidence presented by the fdato be one st and it was so successful that the fda than what i had and issued a post reform which was put up in post offices aroundthe country. actually had blacked out cac camp combining and heartland and kane i'm thinkingabout what they are doing to me,

i'm thinking about the 12.000 patients for this clinic humanity. but the government did just morethan warn the public. although federal prosecutors couldn'tprove the treatment was worthless, they did outlawed on technicalitieslike falsely labeling. at one time we had seventeen clinicsopened cross-country. food and drug walked in. the same date there were one of thepadlock them

generated carrying out the money toprotect the poor state-by-state. after losing all his clinics, harryhoxsey eventually gave up his twenty five year long fight against the medicalestablishment. he built a new clinic in mexico,put mildred nelson in charge, went back to texas where he died in1974. the mexican clinic has been treatedthousands of patients over the years and it is still active today, under differentdoctors, after mildred nelson passed away. but the hoxsey treatment has never beenmade available to american patients and it cannot even be shipped legallyinto the country.

those who wish to use the hoxseytreatment must travel each time to mexico and are alloved to bring back onlythe amount needed for their personal use. all the diets the health of principlesand the nutritional concepts that we share today have a single fathers maximally in person dr person was the first ever suggestthat could help depends primarily unhealthy first morning germany in eighteen eighteenpoint

max gerson was inspired by the figure atthe end at some of us the hungarian doctor who discovered that in order toavoid infections in pregnant women positions simply needed to wash theirhands chlorine solution prior to receiving his doctors who's inthe legal system max pierson suffered from severerepeated migraine headaches living in this century in a perfect fordays after two years of experience doctor hurst was able to eliminate hismigraines leaving only certain rights

by nineteen eighteen were distributeddecreased my greenday but on one occasion of patient returned with an observation marveling at the margin would be distant acquaintances is stunning news spread like wildfire in april nineteen twenty four famous one specialist doctor freedmancelebrants offered to do a clinical trial

forbidden fruit condition all-too-common study starbucks at the curse in private superb group booby every word of commercial street formed in forty six two four elevenfifty patients recover over ninety nine percent ducted christians believe lecture

three daughters beyond this shot gold children should keep a specialinterest in it for this work for the late nineteen twenties figureshis fame it spread to procure especially after he toured doctor albertschweitzer's white pulmonary tuberculosis switches daughter skin disease but fortunes seventy-five years old

gerson therapy aims to achieve acomplete detoxification body through a series of intestinal washes based onorganic coffee and a strict diet raw vegetables and fruits grown in a optimal terrain. meat is absolutely to be avoided as explained by charlotte doctoredpersons eighty two-year-old because he needs in the body registered plans as causes eleven17 phosforic acids and passion

in this kind of a city that by therecipient of the function the body has to maintain on these daysit has to be intended very exactly have alkalinity versus acidity. once detoxic the talks of fire human body firms being a wonderful capable of healing itself from any given disease. between 1932 and ww 2 personwhose family fled

nazi persecution entries settling in new york computers from seven sins before the start the commercial success because new york city stormed the medical community below zero dark forces dr christmas tree patients with cancer them as a consequence who testifiedbefore the united states senate

and german first certain there 1946 five rooms recovered calculations medical records shuru stunning was his testimony but on the evening of july the third andcan produce loaned abc news correspondent raymond groomsman brutal as radio broadcast to the entirelunited states

for the first time in history discovered the cure for cancer. the public response was overwhelming,staggering many of the switchboards abc nonstop out of control unbelievable. what happened next was even more so two weeks later

raymond brown fired position atabc held for over 30 years and the paper nearly anti-cancer bill document number 8947now gathers dust in the archives that he can you guys. behind it all it wasn't hard to see them handle morrisfishbein ama. fishbein had already been in the longstruggled with person since the german

doctor was the first ever denounced thedangers of smoking at a time when the largest advertising contributor for theama was in fact philip morris. i a repeated national survey doctors in all branches of medicine,doctors in the all parts of the country were asked: "what cicarette you are smoking once again the brand name most was camel. yes according to this repeatednationwide survey more doctors smoke camel than any other cigarette.

max gerson was faster size from theentire medical community labeled him a quack continuously attacked him andharassed. latin american veteran their rhetoric arrogant from are sarandon breaking regret programbarry correct character even graham parisians were program program

one are you going to do you're right and i don't rememberanything about her or now how greg evaporated when i've been moderate dotknickerbocker bird i have a comparable and bloomberg program myron reluctantly burger barbara banker program then worldwide whatever kind of invented and i remember correctly

non-political man it took person ten years to write thebook which presented fifty fully documented terminal cases he had carriedwith his therapy yet curse and found no major publisherwilling to release the book in the united states at that uh... he was totally and for ever bannedfrom uh... from publication in the united states why was the americanmedical association so opposed to the garrison therapy and i think

all the medical associations wereopposed to the gerson therapy here comes a new approach andnutritional approach an effective approach the medical pharmaceutical industry if it even once a cure for cancer sensorso much profit in this disease certainly does not want to cure to be anutritional one doctor dryer since that the rest of hislife secluded his new york apartment where he kept caring patience with thesame thera that in the meantime

was being forbidden united states this is where an dr cursed and now winds up until the day instead where he had a clinic where he sawpatients where patients recover thank where he documented so many re have reached yet those recoveries are not available to the public

does published articles have beenpublished in your not been allowed to be published inamerican journal the reason four that is that fact that it's not a patentedmedicines and it's not an infant in medicine this is the crux of the matter this is anatural that allows people too to control of their own health

required drug intervention if they get asense that they were permitted inside the united states and i believe that itshould be we would see a dramatic decrease anddeaths from cancer i would estimate defect aloni rate but go down by atleast fifty percent very possibly marcel exactly like mildred nelson charlotte person ethical all the way tomexico open a clinic fewer people after her father's death over the years comparison clinic hasseen a continuous flow of patients all

over the medical records from over fifteen six are available to anybody who wishesto examine them throw that any physician is practically invented to come to themexican hospital and visit and see a patient they have a visit with thepatients and with their permission then they wouldhave access to their medical records but the medical establishment keptignoring the call while officially continuing to deny thevalidity of the gerson therapy

dr dena down his popular radio andtelevision program fixture in american television doctor caddell has beenrepresenting the voice of official medicine on national television for manyyears sab unloaded their sincerity is ever to ordered terminally ill patient peopleget very confused by this uh... if you think that they simply what's but in their sincerity really wouldn'texpect it to cure cancer the people

sometimes can secures itself there is arate of cancer goes away by itself some people didn't really have cancer is amisdiagnosis nineteen eighty six and thankful to paint expenses which is spent in my neighbor well-planned and spinning doctors told me i had three months tolive to go home finances in order

and prepare to die my husband just wouldn't accept it and iwas only forty six party and for we in-home therapy for two years after three months my doctors hear whenit was still yes that would have a cat scan answered promptly said i don't know whatto do it we don't wanna communities the dodgers at that time

instead i would never live to c_n_n_'ssecond grandchild which he is now nineteen years old improving after good therapy revert back to uh... you talk to a specialist on blood andshe uh... said what what was so clean and clearthat she couldn't tell i've ever had cancer and she said i was the firstpatient of ever happened tourism after i had uh... gone back to the on colleges stafford onthe person therapy for a couple months

at that time weren't they have foundthat i was cured of cancer from the c_t_ scan that they have done my abdomen uh... he couldn't believe that hethought it was a miracle ten years following being on the person therapy which took in your hand istarted going back to the mayo clinic uh... in seemed actress got to listenand colleges there just for checkups to be sure it wasclear he said everything was likeeighteen-year-old e_m_i_ blood profile was perfect and

he couldn't believe how i looked and howmuch energy i had any estimate done and i went over theperson therapy with him doctor scott said that's great that he said that wecan sell it doctor wallace sampson is the editor ofthe scientific review alternative medicine aber ich medical practiceswhich claims to present an objective viewpoint as occurs in therapy ever at cured ofcancer patients of course not they won't even really set a record so what wouldit take for you to be convinced that this there p

is that the credit has credibility offerstill have to show some reason why it should work real life whitetail cancers behave and uh... we know the kinds of thingsthat cause cancer so they have to come up with some kind of though believable theory of why their dietshould work the second of all that have to convinced us that everything we know about it in the past

fifty years is wrong and they're right now how they're goingto come up with material like that this impossible they don't have it dr kurz then documented some anyrehydration yet those recoveries doctor steven bharat can be consideredtoday's equivalent of morris fishbein study at the helm of this publicationquack watch doctor baruch denounces every form oftherapy that the official medicine considers to be a fraud or a fake

take the gerson therapy for example uh... person was a physician who claimedthat tahiti cure cancer with diet and a number of other methods there's absolutely no scientificevidence that he's cured anyone parent are program green regret program baron correct

character in graham oregon your own newsroom were program retiring mariah doesn't have the was known simpsonvisible doctors know sister concerned personshome today that there's an atrocity once in theholocaust doctor gore hammer is the founder of theso-called new term in medicine dr hammer believes that each can serveas a consequence of a deep psychological trauma that was not completely resolvedby the individual

manifesting in a specific kind of tumorforty two kind of trauma despite the large popular movement inhis favor despite the support of many otherdoctors from all over the world and despite the scientific evidencepresented by dr medical institutions have never undertaken a seriousevaluation of his work and i proceeded to revoke his license instead since then european authorities havebeen continuously harassing doctor hammer until one day he was arrested inspain simply for having advised other citizens on the curative method theyshould follow

dr hammer ended up spending nineteenmonths in a french president today doctor hammer is a free citizenagain but he cannot practice medicine no kennypromoting anyway his theory which appears to have the potential of helpingthousands of people all over the world in the nineteen seventies doctor ernst tcrabs perfected the so-called trophy plastic theory of cancer that had beenoriginally proposed by doctor john beard one century ago the same theory have been developed andpublicized by the father doctor kurtz crabs

according to krebs vitamin b seventeenwhich is found in the seeds of the paper cuts and other similar fruits is aneffective cure against many kinds of cancers and especially breast long colon and prostate cancers vitamin b seventeen also known as lay atrail has been one of the most popular remedies against cancer since thenineteen fifties and in the last decade has collected the support of manyscientists and on colleges from all over the world in italy dr quill betty from the terrainuniversity undertook a scientific study

on lake trail it showed very promisingresults doctor dean burke head of the cycle chemistry section ofthe national cancer institute has reported that in a series of tests on animal tissue the b_-seventeen had no effect on normalcells but released so much cyanide invensysaldehyde when it came in contact with cancer cells that not one of them couldsurvive he said when we adlai drilled to acounter-culture under the microscope

we can see the cancer cells dying offlike flies also sloan-kettering the new york-basedcancer research institute seems to have known about thetherapeutic qualities of layer trail for a long time this was confirmed by one of theforemost cancer researchers of the time dr kalam matsu secure a in a magazineinterview published in nineteen seventy seven as the news began to spread sloan-kettering pressured secure up torefute his statements but he refused to

do so forcing sloan-kettering toofficially denied the anticancer qualities electra sloan-kettering was later accused offalsifying the research on which they base their negative statement electra this was not the only case in the majorwar waged by the medical industry in the nineteen seventies against leo terrell and dr john richardson andy who's now deceased had a by cancerclinic a very thriving cancer clinic up in the san francisco area

yet in the seventies when he met thedoctor kurtz d krebs junior had many conferences with him became familiar with the the theory thescience behind it and began to cautiously use it in his practice he was losing most of his patients andhe was treated with cancer he went from that to a high success rate almost overnight by using this substance

and so it became very enthusiastic aboutit the word got around his patients werevery happy of course and they told their friends and was a very long before people werecoming from all over the united states and in some cases even from europe to be treated at therichardson clinic then he got into trouble with themedical authorities the hospital uh... administration contacted him andsaid you have to stop using this material

because it is not approved by the f_d_a_ and he said yeah i know it's not approve but it works they said we don't care whether it works or not it is not unapproved substance in yourin violation of the law medical authorities have never recognizethe therapeutic use of land trial all the f_d_a_ has listed among thetoxic substances making it in fact illegal to be sold in the united states

in nineteen ninety-two doctor williamlane published a book called sharks don't get cancer in which he maintained that sharkcartilage has the capacity of inhibiting the growth of tumors in order to grow beyond a certain sizeevery tumor needs to build its owned capillaries system the creation of new blood vessels iscalled ngo genesis shark cartilage has a specific antiangiogenic characteristic and that they didn't tell ups thegrowing tumor and literally suffocated

by not allowing the new capillary systemto grow the entire angiogenic characteristic ofshark cartilage is well-known to official medicine and it's confirmed bya number of different scientific studies but shark cartilage for some reason isnot suggested as a cure for cancer while the pharmaceutical companies arecompeting in secret to produce a similar compound in the lapd or to extract from the cartilage aspecific compound that can be patented and exploited commercially what they are interested in findingsomething

perhaps within something in nature if they can find some sub component that they can extract and then make it a man-made chemicals itworks the same way then they can patent that then they're interested but not ifit comes from nature another well-known remedy against cancerparticularly popular in europe is mistletoe a semi parasitic plant found althoughspin other similar trees mistletoe is used to produce differentmedicines like iska door whose

effectiveness against cancer has beenknown for many years bigger deserves america cuz it's nothing new stuff and that's beenaround a long time israel over seventy eight years austrian scientist and full awesome forrudolf steiner the founder of astro-ph logical medicinesuggested the use of mistletoe against cancer almost a hundred years ago this plant has been considered sacredsince the times of the celts who worship that and used it as a universal him

in a cancer patient mistletoe causes animmediate increase in the macrophages which is normally followed by aregression the disease we do know that it has been used in luxury propertiesparticularly genocide occurrence they can see the magical within the sortof there's this purported cement mistletoethey're actually cytotoxic meeting actually nikhil cancer cells where youcan put to sleep in steiner clinics iska dork is used aspart of a larger program against cancer that includes all the emotionalpsychological and spiritual aspects of the individual

in the united states mistletoe is almostunknown but the task of denying its curative qualities has been taken out inthis case by the british sanitary system with resorted to the well-known excuseof absence tough evidence the pcc has reviewed the evidence relating to mistletoe in the management of breastcancer and we found and i'm on one of thepeople it's looks at the evidence we found that there's no convincingsupporting evidence recently american author and actresssuzanne somers announced that she defeated cancer using mistletoe

you mentioned you can see are back intwo thousand one you on this program announce it you'd been battling cancerin most people would just go to doctor dickey more you want a differentbrowsing how are you now and i'd just micellar sounds tested actually not that's your immune systemman i've been injecting that is going on for eight years selamat called and then anything you don't have cancer anticancer anymore

the list of historic cases in which apotential cure for cancer has fallen into oblivion could literally continuefor college from the vitamin c kill or like nobleprize winner linus pauling to the infamous krabi isn't by dr ivy from the molecular cures through themicroscope dr right to doctor calls toxins the dynamics ofalways been the same the doctors have been ostracizingprovided or persecuted without their therapies ever beingconsidered for serious scientific

evaluation the last person to propose a naturalcure against cancer is studio c machining an italian oncologist whofinds himself in the middle of the storm after having declared that the portionof cancer and is not genetic but it is due to the aggression of afungus called can deduct albicans based on this hypothesis doctor cementjeannie treats cancer with sodium bicarbonate which is one of thestrongest an abuse of fungi in nature how discipline to scan in the body wheredo you think this all starts from years of research it is a name to me

immediately picked eight b_ then makepollution because the foremost is that undervalued waikiki eat it isundervalued because of if he's not understood from the very beginning of his studiesdoctor seema cheney felt the need to reconsider the cancer paradigm fromscratch and began looking for a different originof the disease what puzzled him the most was the factthat all tumors behave in the same way even though the appear completelydifferent from one another then he started looking for a commondenominator and eventually found one

most cancers appear white this tumor specimens show thatdevastating impact disease can have a on the body this is a liver riddled with cancer white bubbles are all too much if you enter at the body and uh... you reach an organ affective affected by the concert you can see thatin the lance are always winds sometimes discord

man with the lab already did the defensereaction bottoms every post more panic examination the scientists find the why lumps thewhite masses that these form guy this is a the program who entered with acamera and look the prayer on he shouldn't be breadthbaat you can see all the lamps older cancer that his wife this is a heartbeatand this is a bronchial cancer locally we went into the room capital today howwhites and then in the column concept this is a red because there is a littlebit block i wash the doc it is always y

like candied can deduct albert terrance in latinmeans glowing white it should be clarified that the presenceof fungi and tumors is nothing new in the medical world all this time has the finding a lot moregas sections landing the uncle leave unusually high uh... nobody in one way or the senatethese c only microorganism present intensification

official on college e however believesthat their presence in tumors is due to their opportunistic nature which bringsthem to build colonies wherever they find a suitable environment disbelief though seems contradicted bycareful observation of the animal world sports from the parasitic fungus calledcadiz it's confused reaches and spotted undermined new solutions discovered by the workersinterstate highway can't jump too far away from a colony and it seems extreme cuts this is thereason why

denial fruiting body of the cadizobstructs frumpy instead sixteen take three weeks to grownunplanned finished they'd at least boris will burst from its too factory and command facilities will bein serious response gas the fungus is so few beating like a colonies accounts and it's not just once that file fiftystatistical in this case it was the fungus becausethe beds death

not the death of the apt to invite thepresence of the fungus what normally appears to be a simpleopportunist is in fact before fledged assassin it and we are and a half canada oracle dandelion handlebar are

acadia hardware not all the way timeline there are lots of the food morale and becoming teen boy from microorganism any animals solely the enchantment lol

microorganism anything cannot createmore often inside and begin the healing in math that has the file in a mall candidate is a very familiar fungusknown especially to women who sometimes experience an infection inthe sexual organs the vagina is a must be working out inthe evening outside of the body to the u_s_ who want the moisture is now create aperfect environment microorganisms

debris for example bacteria called lactobacillus which are naturally president of china co-exist with these fungus called lp normally the lactobacillus created anacidic environment keeps naturally he's population inbalance when conditions within the vagina changethat either decreased the numbers of

lactobacillus or decrease pcb easily spunk i begin tomorrow normally the immune system keeps thefungi under control and doesn't allow them to establishcolonies in your body his white cell spots a fungus in theblood stream taxact and destroys it if the systems defenses instead getlower than usual weekend detection manage to aggregate into small coloniespractically everywhere in the body

it as well cap xcode about it homicide k killer the back on earth k review

far from being a wild uncontrolledcellular replication according to cement chini the growth of the tumor diesellucid and desperate reaction from the organism in extreme attempt to rejectthe intruder by the same token doctor steven chaney believes that thetest isis are not cancerous cells that leaves the primary tumor to go start anew one somewhere else but small groups of fungi belonging to the primary tumor that fallinto the bloodstream during biopsies or during our regular surgical operation

these runaway fungi settled intoenvironment and prepare to take advantage of a weakened organism toestablish their new colony once this provocation has startedbecomes necessary to restore the immune system to its maximum potency as soon aspossible if the patient is given chemotherapyinstead this only accelerates the destruction of his natural defenses asthe drug kills indiscriminately cancerous and healthy cells while possibly prolonging the survivalby a few months chemotherapy makes it impossible for theorganism to recover its defense

capabilities making it but i want tosuccumb sooner or later for the multiplyingfungal attacks in order to test his theory doctorseeming chini began treating cancer with sodium bicarbonate sodom bicarbonate isthe strongest and since then spankings informed form that they cannot abduct togo to a soul because they're not it is not the complex still stands that's whythe the the antifungal driving two days time to fill in thebronx out ineffective because beautiful nap before ngai canadapt themselves in p four days for

reform those you've given and peoplebedrock you can you think you know that first lady out bob the cycle in a apapthey get used in the yes riots chemotherapy everything genocide german role is the firstpatient ever cured by dr c_n_n_'s jeannie moos sodium bicarbonate in nineteen eighty three he wasdiagnosed with lung cancer and was given a life expectancy of six seven months ofbest in two thousand six twenty three yearslater he gave this interview were there

they were in the evening around if the body but rather a different whatrepresentative unity review the road pod that forever too

lol they got it your way through that doorriveted to it terribly and would any really good headed to interactivity that it would here reelect their american that you did

onto after a few successful treatments doctorseeming chini presented as documentation to the italian department of health hoping that his theory was put to testunder proper scientific protocols not only were his findings completelyignored but doctor semen chigney ended up being disbarred from the italianmedical order for having prescribed cures that had not been approved by theauthorities this is rather unfortunate as even theancient hindu books of medicine prescribe the use of sodium bicarbonateagainst cancer

alkali of strong potency should be usedin diseases arising from analog mission as well made up cancerous growths and such others whichare very difficult to cure this book is over one thousand years old as soon as the news of his treatmentstarted to circulate dr semen chini became the target of amajor smear campaign orchestrated through the italian media in which hewas treated as a charlatan swindlers tuesday showed you keep up with a wouldyou guess tonight you can teach it equal

rights he can more easily become bona c we just was here at jim in your decision onp_c_r_ colorado interest rate on the political so that's the problem aftershe bought a completely disagree a little more time with parents digitalis about important matters thestory symbols of the car but i thought theywere reported decision was made and the limit but i guess i believe

doctors say mentioning was alsorepeatedly sued for wrongful death and in one case sentenced to three yearsin prison for having allegedly caused the death of patients with undergone histreatment the media seized briefly on the trialsdelivering the final blow to dr semen cheese credibility bruce if i just forwarded to get themission if you go as the hilariously tacky outfit equality nobodygives us that they the shivers to almost perfect lynnecheney

and for you will into world for most ofwhat would be good for the sake of the base your image aberdeen thenthey're going to go at the scene beads l willingness tocommuted the consistent rooms for millions of children who can look forpeople out in fifteen from g name you proceeded ina temple may not be before we still need a counselor the cancool calm and so simple the brutal seemed assembled here also ifif if they'd be got one of these audio a promoter quid pro quo or even less of asort of a sort of a person who was an internal not not worth it

reactivity will also because to some sample ability important it will begin that itscreening team at the boat issue important e_c_u_ both local will makethat a orphaned children died of cancer and it has been uploaded it often think of the image of thebattle between the via local casick himself a bulls t newport and people that they met in capemode the paradox is the two male semen cheneyis not an alternative doctor nor is he

against the system at all but he ispossibly the most telepathic and orthodox love them all ho hallway cathy the country thing use it action you there

star he lied homeless primary care hot cross pig into your bear hanging in there

dot in the meantime is perfected specialtechniques that allow them to deliver the sodium bicarbonate next to the tumorin order to obtain the maximum effectiveness with a minimal amount ofsodium bicarbonate side on my cover is infective if you can it is boarding contact custody seldom backed out of the withthe concept

soul if you want to read you the prostatecancer and you'll have to locate said before and cabinet in that will they not out the that thereaches the prostate you can administer throughout the portget connected to the did the column the the sodom by poverty to the prostate and peel

form guy because the concentration ofthe people of the sold is very high because you used the austerity that is directly if feeding uh... the altman your guns that for the comedies mira they bury them and we have to to tolocate aprons pretty tall now or to transport thepalermo problem

although considered only anecdotalmaterial and not scientific evidence there are now dozens of fully documentedtestimonies which appear under actor seem inching his website does seem tosupport the politically was innovative approach to cancer steric you're talking about sodium bicarbonate delivered directlyinto the tumor side i wonder where the harness seems like a very harmless therapy it isn't a potentdangerous medicine

no with martin is not dangerous becauseit there is a and remote posted the deal the infection baat there is that the life on the other hand and then some type of cancer breast cancer

doesn't need with other bladder cancer brain cancer they burt breast them by the concept have you with us a little bicarbonatecame here looking ninety nine percent without surgery without chemo that'd bewithout right at their peak they let me ordinance their doctor seamen chinibelieves but also skin cancers are caused by a fungus and treats them withregular iodine picture in some cases patients have reportedeven the nastiest melanomas to fall off within weeks like simple steps thecancer's gone

liberal with their you're there about what thebegan not every cancer can be treated with the same facts phone cancers for example receivedhardly any blood at all and a very difficult to reach for the proper amountof sodium bicarbonate different techniques in some cases canbe applied the last testimony is from someone whofound himself on both sides of the fence at the same time

a doctor who got cancer leader remembermom goes the disputed unitarian or after the removal of a primary tumor inthe bile doctor lombardo learned he had some attached to sustain a sliver but just before undergoing deliversurgery he learned the also developed about cassese's in each of his lungs american men whatever

brutal but after returning home doctor lombardofound out about doctor seem ingenious therapy and chose to use the ports thathad been prepared for the chemo to introduce the bicarbonate solutioninstead i think that it took me like a newinitiatives that the british particularly because when after the errrgravity interact with the main office well sir k fl rabin radio after a few cycles of sodium bicarbonatea cat scan revealed both tourist had

disappeared from his lungs career willard so it's interesting we preparatory people we you will need they are messages that strictly image what caused electric karen redirecting me but there worried them more

on the gore or in the oracle when we return returned then where we can hold vetting process community there regarding bands there dictating

and injecting heroin monday