woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


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hey y'all! grill girl here. today we're goingto be talking about major components inside every grill so that when you're ready to pull outyour grill and start cooking on it this season, you know exactly what you might need to fix. this is actuallyour company grill so you'll see that it has been used. this right here is the warmingrack. a lot of times you're not going to be able to find the exact replacement for thewarming rack but there are a number of universal

wood branding irons canada, pieces that will do the trick. this righthere is your main cooking surface. we like to call this the cooking grid. some peoplealso refer to it as the cooking grates. underneath your cooking grid is the area of the grillused to disperse the heat that comes up out of the burners. this is an infrared burnerright here. these are actually very rare despite

some of the branding of other grill companies.this is an actual infrared burner. it doesn't need any kind of heat dispersal. however,if you have a burner that has flames coming out of it, like the rest of these burnersin this grill do, you'll need something to disperse the heat. this system right here is calleda briquette grate with briquettes. you can also put lava rock on top of this. basicallywhat happens is when the flames hit the lava rock or briquettes, it disperses the heatso you have a really even area to cook of the heat once you put your cooking grids backin. this keeps flare ups from happening as easily and it also catches grease so you don'thave that grease hitting right down onto your burners. underneath the heat dispersal areais your burners. the flame will actually come

out of these here. that's where the heat comesfrom. this is called your electrode and the little box surrounding it is the collectorbox. so when your gas comes out of the burner, it actually gets collected into this box righthere and when you push the ignitor, the electrode sparks and lights the gas that has collectedinside this box. then that lit gas continues the flame around your burner. in some grillsyou'll have a system similar to this but you'll only have one electrode and then you'll havewhat we call a carry-over tube that goes along the back. then the lit gas will go along theback to each burner that way. okay, now we're looking up underneath thecontrol panel of the grill. the control panel is where your knobs are and that's how youcontrol his much gas you need. so you'll see

here, this piece right here, is actually theend of the burner. we call this the venturi end of the burner. it's the tube that goesover the actual valve. this is the valve right here. you very rarely ever need to replaceanything on the valve. but if the valve is broken, then you actually will need to replacethat piece. if your valve is attached to a tube at the front of your grill, that's calledthe manifold. how many burners you have is how many valves you'll have. so you can seethere are three valves in this grill. that's for our regular flame burners and our oneinfrared burner. they're all attached to the manifold here. the gas regulator hose is attachedto the tank, which is right there. and that comes straight up, attaches to the manifold,brings the gas into the manifold, the manifold

distributes it into the valves and the valvestake it into your burner. you'll also see, now that we're looking up underneath, thisis the wire for the electrode. so, again, it's similar of the spark of the electrodeto the gas in the grill. you've got a module at the front that the wires connect to. andthose wires go to the electrode bringing the spark from the module to the electrode, thenthe electrode, like we talked about before, sparks the gas. and the gas, the lit gas lightsthe rest of the burner. alright, so, we've talked about the burners,the heat dispersal, the cooking grid. and then we've also shown you the ignition systemand the way the gas flows through most grills. this should be about everything you need toknow when you're opening up your grill. but,

as always, if you have any questions, or youhave anything that looks odd and you don't know what it is, give the experts over atgrillpartssearch.com a call and they would be happy to help you. and for now, i'm goingto fire this grill up and cook some burgers!