woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


wood branding iron wedding

m.gorky central film studiofor youth and children father frost script writersm. volpln, n. erdman directed byalexander row director of photographyd. surensky

wood branding iron wedding, production designera. klopotovsky music by n. budashklnsound bya. dlkan cast: jack frost -alexander khvylya

nastenka - n. sedykhlvan - e. lzotov marfoushka - l. churlkova old man - p. pavlenkoold woman -v. altalskaya baba yaga - g.mlllyargrandfather mushroom - g.borlsova bandit chieftain -a. kubatsky english subtitles bytatiana kameneva once there lived an old manwith his old woman. they had two daughters: nastenka, the old man's girl,marfoushka, the old woman's.

come on, move, old man! marfoushka is pested by mosquitoes,she can't sleep. -what are you doing?- knitting stockings for marfoushka. you told me to. l told you to knit,not to click your needles! -you'll wake marfoushka up.- can she hearthrough the wall? you cannot hear itafter working hard all day. and she dozed all day, any stir may wake her up now.

you knit here,then you will not wake her. here the moon is bright, the place is cool and right. the stocking should be readyby the first roosters' crows, or l will tear your braidsright off! sit, tiapa! have pity on me, dear rooster,l've got just one row to knit. you ought to ask dawn. have pity on me, rosy dawn!

have mercy, golden sun! my knitting must be finished,or l'll be punished. stepmother'll tear my braids off. thank you, rosy dawn! rooster, the golden comb, thank you, dear bird! l'm done! well, is it ready? you've done it, you witch,you wicked little viper!

next timel'll give you much harder work. go feed the chicken,water the cattle, split the wood,sweep the yard. the same morning, the same day, but a different place,and a different village. - sonny!-what is it now? take care of yourself. - don't forget your mother.-all right. do not hurt the weak

honor those who are old. oh, you dear boy, lvan,come to meet me at the gate! l got a brand-new sarafan,all of silk and lace it's made! vania, vania, wait a bit,where have you been to? don't pass by, we must meet.look into my window! please, lvan, don't leave forever,on the porch we'll sit together. of an apple take a bite.we'll be talking side by side. hey, you people, step aside, make the road real wide.

me, a handsome, jolly lad, strolling in the village. hey-liuli, hey-liuli,let the road be smooth and free. ain't l great? l'm just delight. nothing's wrong with me, l'm just right. l can walk all over seas, moving mountains over.

l will find a girl of my dreams, fair and sweet as clover. we'll rob'em, we won't rob'em,we'll eat'em, we won't eat'em. we'll beat'em, we will be beaten... hold it! we're going to rob you. - me?-you. go ahead, rob me. why don't the clubs fall down?

just wait.the'll fall down by next winter. he's got muscle! whether lvan wandered overfor a long time, or not, that we don't know. but he found himselfin a far-away, strange land. lvanushka! who's playing hide-and-seek? - l do.-who? you? are you a sorcerer, granddad?

l dabble a bit at sorcery.but l get bored. bored? let's play who is faster! with you? you must be kidding.l'll catch you in no time. lf you catch me,l'll give you a bow with arrows. agreed. you can't catch me! - can you?-all right, you win. since you admit it,l'll give you what l promised.

well, this is a miracle! where would we bewithout miracles? so, you are a sorcerer! lvan! - come back!-why? -you forgot the important thing.-what is it? you forgot to thank an old man, and bow your head before him. lf l bow before everybody,l'll lose my head.

let a bear bow to you. well, let it belike you wish. the bear will bow to me, but it's your back that will bend. find a feather in the fieldand throw it to the wind. lf you follow that feather,you will find your destiny. you will find your destiny... you keep cooing, my dear cuckoo. a long life you promise me,silly one.

but you don't know how hard it is for an orphan to have no mother. as a birch can't grow without sun, so a girl can't live all alone. so why d'you coo, my dear cuckoo? a long life you promise me,silly one? how do you do, fair maid? how do you do, lovely girl! don't be afraid of me.look at me, my darling.

-am l not nice?- l've got no time. -what are you doing?-watering this old stump. how long will you water it? until flowers bloom on it. - flowers?- my stepmother told me to. - she must be very wicked.- no, she's just a stepmother. -what's your name?- my name is nastya. but they call me different names: my father calls me nastenka.

my sister calls me nastka. my stepmother calls me a witchand a wicked viper. nastenka... -will you marry me?-you're too quick! why not?l'm not crippled, nor cross-eyed. right, but we don't makea good couple. -why?- l'm not a braggart. you think l'm bragging?l can do anything! with a plough l'm a pro,in a fight l'm a knight.

l'm a dancer, l'm a worker,l'm a hunter, l'm a stalker. - l'll fell it with one arrow.- no, it's got cubs! big deal! tiapa! tiapa! what's the matter, nastya? she's alive! what have you done to me,the witch? lvanushka!l haven't done anything to you! damn you!

wicked viper! l killed you with an arrow,and you ruined me with a feather. lf you hadn't acted like a bear,you wouldn't look like a bear. oh, lvan, the bear head! forgive me, granddad mushroom. lt is just the way you said: the bear bows to me,but it's your back that bends. you taught me a good lesson. please, tell me what l should doto be a man again?

all right, the bear head. look at the way you lived. you just boastedand admired yourself. loved yourself and hurt others. - nastenka, for one.- nastenka? nobody saw any good from you. that's my answer and my advice. to take it you have to be wise. what's so wise about it?l'll go and do a good deed.

and through a good deedl'll get myformer self, indeed. you haven't understood anything. what good deed can l do foryou? wait, you fools! don't run away! l want to do good foryou! wait! a bear! awerewolf!

hello, dearflowerson the dry stump. l come here every day, l charm you in every little way. am l bothering you? no, l am not. tell me, flowers,is lvanushka still alive? he is. ls he still angrywith me? no, he is not.

shall we ever meet again? have mercy,brothers and sisters. give almsfor my subsistence. whateveryou can, for an orphanwho is hungry and wan. - how much is in your cup?- not a half copeck. lf that's so, here's a copeck. lt seems a copeckis not enough for a good deed. where are you going?

awere wolf!run for your life! what good deed shall l do? nastya, give us the braid! mom, whiten her brows! oh, my lovely darling! nastka's braid is nicerthan mine. for yours we paid at the fair. cut her braid off! what shall l drag her by, then?

we'll hide her braid under a rag. all right. love to munchwhen the stove's all smudged? go like that, you viper!you'll do betterwiping. trythat... oh, you're a princess! - really?-you are a princess... - l'm tired, l'm hot.- shut up and bearthe lot.

no, you're not a princess. -who, then?-a queen! what good deed could l do? - granny, let me help you.- please, be so good. with pleasure.l need badlyto do good. - then do it.- climb on. -where to?- on my hump. - do you live farfrom here?-veryfar, my dear. up the hill, then down the hill,then up the hill again.

that's great! lt's great, but don't get sweaty. come on, let's go! my daughter is so right.she works day and night. she sweeps, she sews, she knits,she won't say a word against it. she starts a stove in the morning,she gets it cooking and broiling. the floor she mops all shining,she's great at wining and dining. yeah, such a wonderyou can't even dream of. matchmaker, you're overdoing it.

we hearyou have another daughter. people babble like it's scrabble. l'm the daughter,the other is a stepdaughter. be so kind, show us the other kind. mommy! lfyou insist, here she is. nastenka! nastenka! come here! you viper!

nastenka, my sweetie,my honeycomb! show up to our guests. this one is no good at all. she's a scarecrow in the mall! our little fool is neither pretty,norfull. takes after herfather. l keep mum... what can l offeryou? fish or meat,we're thankful for it. my dear sonadores goose giblets.

nastka! let your lovely daughtertake care of it. and we'll seehow good she is at work. -are you sweating, dear?- lt's mighty hot. - can you see a ramshackle hut?- l'm seeing it. that's my palace. come on down! faster! here we are! here it is, my palace.thank you, handsome!

are you laughing at me? can't you see how handsome l am? no, l can't. lt's been about 10 yearssince l went blind. l wish l have gone blind. granddad mushroom lied to me. l'll never look at myself again! how is the bride? he likes her a lot.

fair and bonny, she's not phoney. - marfoushka! daughter!- help! save me, quick! you should've tied it tighter! are you rejecting my child? why? he is a young lad,and readyto wed. but not this one! the other one!

the one called nastenka. how can grannywalkwithout her stick? l've got to take it to her! good boy, lvanushka! maybe l'mjust dreaming,maybe l'm seeing ghosts, or it's the old sorcerer's tricksat theirworst. the feather had brought me here. here l met nastenka. look, the stump is blooming!

the evil sorcereris playing tricks on me. l'll never be free of his spell. so, there's only one choice... farewell, nastenka! nastenka! manyweeks had passed,the sky's with snow overcast! the old man took his daughterto the forest, 'cause he ought to. not of his own free will,on the old woman's grill. she nagged him!she scolded him!

she pecked him!she moulded him! l tryto get marfoushka married, but everybody looksat nastya, the weird. take herto the woodsand dump her! out of my sight, wicked viper! l don't care ifthe old nagkills me, but l'm not leaving youin the forest, believe me. come on, zorka! turn back home! let her beat me with a poker,orwith a pitchfork.

l'm not afraid of her anymore! l'm not afraid of anyone!l'll tell herwhat l think! she'll make you miserable, dad,she will drive you mad. goodbye, daddy. remember me well. nastya! c'mon, zorka, go! hey, you in the house, move up! open the doors wide!

- mommy!-what? that's enough!l'm not putting up with... l'm keeping mum... marfoushka, go back in,you'll catch a cold, darling. you'd betterwatch out! our nastenka is gone... little hut, turn your backto the forest, and yourface to me. what do you want? lvan?

we didn't expect you. you turned the cabin,disturbed the old lady. lt was not to your heartthat it showed a wrong facade. don't be angry, granny. help me to find nastyaand save her. don't expect me to help.you'd better run before you yelp. come on, little cabin! turn yourface to the forestand your back to lvan. face me!

back to lvan! back to the forest, face me! face the forest, back to lvan! you hooligan! lt will be myway!cabin, face me! - face me!- face me! lt won't be yourwayfor long! do not rely on your strength. you'll use strength,l'll use magic!

be brave, hercules! one! two! this way, you boaster, you'll make a fine roaster! no use, lvan, to fight, don't show all your might. l'll have you for dinner anyway. - l didn't mean it.-you didn't? l've never been put on a shovel.

show mehowto sit on a shovel. get down. the young people oftoday.what do theyteach you at school? there's nothing tricky about it. good riddance! beat it,before l turn you to kindling! you rotten stuff! have mercy, lvanushka,l'm sizzling, l'm hot! a steambath never hurts, granny.

tell me, witch, where's nastya? how can l save nastenka? hang in, granny, hang it. the firtree thrives and grows, and laughs at winter snows. ln summer sun and winter cloud stands the fir, green and proud. the gales ofwinter blow sing: ''sleep, little firtree,

''sleep till spring.'' where'd that marvel come from? from home. are you warm, girlie? l'm warm, father frost. and now, are you warm? l'm warm, dear frost.l'm warm, father frost. that's a good girl,a very agreeable girl. take my coat, dear.

and you, won't you be cold? me, cold? a bird! don't bother, girl. don't bother, dear. ln my scepter lies the powerthat spreads the frost. you're wicked, you're cruel. l do pitythis little bird, too. but whoevertouches my scepter,will neverwake up again.

-what's the matter, girl?- goodbye, father frost. -what's the matter, dear?- l'm freezing. hey, myfast-running sleigh!hey, my magic ice sleigh! c'mon, don't get cold, dear. we are yet to danceat yourwedding. ho ho ho, myfast slegh! feeling warmer, sweetheart? nastenka...love...rubbish! foryou not to get cold,have a sheepskin coat.

right! bless your heart. what? this sleigh is fast,magically self-propelled. lt will ride by itself,will get you to nastya herself. the coat is almost new.don't forget to return it. a nastytrick l've played on him! oh, howtired l am! my back is killing me. whoa! my good sleigh!

oh, l feel so bad! lt's neitherfever, nor a cold. lt's not an illness that wastes me, lt's a wickedness that drains me. l can't sleep any more,l can't eat any more. this stranger hurt me,poor baba yaga. l wanted to eat him,but couldn't swallow. lnstead l myselfended up on a shovel. pussy-cat, pussy-cat,come and have a little pat.

you've gotten silken fur,you utter a giant purr. you got to help me, you know,run flying overthe snow. and ruin lvan's bride! nowwe'll have a laugh! don't worry, little girl.everything'll be all right. he will neverforget you. now l'll go and have a walk, checking on the forest's stock. see if everything is in order.

and you stay in charge here. don't feel lonely.l'll be back soon. ls nastenka in trouble? where are you going?get back! pussy-cat! whoevertouches my scepter,will neverwake up again. this will not do.we must sprinkle you with frost. oh, what a dimwit l am!l'mjust an old ham. l've left myfreezing scepterat home.

hello! who lives in this house? who will open up for me? lt's me, nastenka, l'm back. nastenka, dear girl! what a dimwit l am!l'mjust an old ham. l couldn't watch over nastenka. well? good foryou! l'll reward you the witch way.

forthis kitty,the cream, rich and meaty. you've earned it, blackey. and forthis red devil,the ham all deviled. you've earned it, reddy. hello, lvan, a widow's son! hello, grandfather frost. have you come for nastenka? she's asleep. why's she sleeping at daytime?

she's sleeping at nightime, too. forgive me, nastenka, for having hurt yourfeelings. please, forgive me! lvanushka, how nice you're now! -am l really?- nicerthan you had been. l've changed. l used to be selfish. now l'm readyto do good deeds.

-what is it on your cheek?-what is there? lt looks likethe bearfur's growing again. l wasjustjoking, lvanushka. begone! vanish! you cheats! you spongers! what shall we do? let's try it! the other old men're stupid, too,but you're the limit. to drag your own daughterto the forest!

to amuse grandfather frost,to feed a pack ofwolves. l'm mum, l'm mum. l used to pull her by her braid,and mywhole daywas made. you've got no hairto speak of,nothing to get hold of. lt's all yourfault, that l hitmy darling, you dolt! and if nastka were here... they are coming! this is myfiancee, lvanushka. l'll explain, dearfather.

jack frost me tracedand welcomed to his place. he had me with lvan betrothed, with a rich dowry me endowed. real precious stones! lsn't the bridegroom handsome! nastenka is a real princess! and marfoushka looks likea bag of potatoes! get out of here!and never come back! l'll showyou a bag of potatoes!l'll teach you a lesson!

l want a fiancee!l want precious stones! so, to marfoushka's wishes,on the old woman's orders, the old man took marfoushkato the forest and left her under a tall firtree. are you crazy, old man? can't you see thatmy hands and feet are frozen? who is this weird creature? are you warm, girl? bring on myfiancee,and my dowry, too.

a real big dowry! that's better! sleep, oh bears, in your lairs,spend a quiet night. the fox lies lowbeneath the snow. ln the tree sitsthe nest ofthe crow. but the bandit's lairisn't anywhere. we are cold all!we are hungry all! silence! take your positions! we are going to rob!

look! here comes the granny. fresh like a new penny. woodland pundits,robber bandits! howwould you like... two tubs of gold nuggets,six pails of sterling ingots, all the copper l've gotfor a piece of cakejob. all right! copperwill do forthem,and you will get gold.

but only afteryou do yourjob. don't you trust us? don't you trust me to trust you? quiet now! all right, you scoundrels,yours is an easyjob. coming through this sitewill be lvan and his bride. them you must capture,them you must torture. - got it?- got it! take your positions!

hold on, nastenka! good work, isn't it? -where's our gold?-just hold. robbed an old lady, spongers! surrender, lvan! oryou'll payforthe shovel! follow me! cowards! charge!

my broom! those are our clubs! look out, lvanushka! -you old witch!- take pity on the poor granny! no pityforyou! nastenka got a trunkand a box ofjewels. but marfoushka'll get 4 trunksand two boxes ofjewels. no, she'll get fourtrunksand four boxes. for nastenka he found a peasant,

but for marfoushkahe is sure to get a prince. where's your dowry? stupid girl! go to the devil! to the wedding l came,drank ale, ate game. the bride and groom werethe loveliest couple in the land. and here our storywill... end