woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


wood branding iron temperature

okay lovely foodtubers, now it's timeto learn how to do the perfect steak ever in the whole wide world. it will change the waythat you cook steak forever. no more tough steaks! rights these are the conventional primecuts of steak. the sirloin, â£32 a kilo today. rib eye, that's â£32 a kilo as well. fillet, that's the prize jewels. â£54 a kilo. and here rump is

wood branding iron temperature, â£25 a kilo. i have a little secret steak that i'd liketo tell you about, he's my favorite steak out of all of those four prime cuts. this, my friend, is the feather blade steak. or the bladesteak or in america you call it

the flat iron steak. look at the fat marbelling here . it's absolutely delicious. if you give me the fillet i will throw it back to you, if you give me this, "yes mother!" that is what we're talking about. come and have a look at this as well. â£17.90 a kilo, for really good quality beef right, this is the blade, so it sits about here. like that. moo! it's these hard sinews

that kind of make this cut a little bit unfashionable once you've taken it out you're left with the best steak ever. any good butcher will do this for you. phone them up say i want a feather blade, they'll do it for you we're going to put a little bit of oil over the steak here. i've got a thick bottomed pan on a very highheat. i'm going to rub the steak all over with the oil. heavy on the pepper, heavy on the salt. pat it in.

salt and pepper on both sides. so we go to a pan, i'm going to put just alittle bit of oil in here as well. i'm going to go in with the steak just going to wipe my hands. also very importantly do not take your steak from the fridge and cook it. take the steak out of the fridge an hour before you use it, cover it, let it kind of get to room temperature. if it's screaming cold in the middle and screaming hot on the outside. it's going to toughen up and be horribleand fairly miserable. the flat iron steak really benefits from being cooked medium rare

i'm going to turn it once a minute, every minute. you want even cooking from both sides. so being equal with both sides keeps the moisture in the middle which means when you rest it, it then comes back out again and gives you a beautiful juicy steak. that's the way do it, that's the way all my chefs do it and that's the way my steak house does it that's the way i think you should do it

the supermarkets around the worldlove to sell you a portion, kind of eight ounces. i would advise going to abutchers and instead of getting a thin little centimeter steak get a double steak. that will serve two people. that way you could get a really darkoutside and it can still be medium rare in the middle if it's half the size of that whateveryou do to it is going to be well done. it's almost impossible to cook to your liking. if you love food, get a double steak. now there's a couple of things you can do for a beautiful natural flavor.

my friend adam perry-lang he used tolike rubbing steak as he turned it with a little garlic. it's very subtle, i actually really like that. another thing you can do is you can get a little butter. when you turn the steak and it's sizzling on top, you get that butter and just put it on just like that.

and that sweetness from the butter isreally beautiful and again that's going to add to that beautiful caramelisation and my last little trick is herbs. this is thyme, you could use rosemary, you could use oregano. what i do is go into this pan and just take that fat and give it a ruddy good whipping and that will again put in beautiful flavour. i've cooked this now for about three minutes oneach side as soon as that comes off we give it another little whip of the herbs

the juices are starting to come out that's gorgeous, that's like a little free gravy just for you. then let it rest for two minutes. that method of cooking a steak applies to cooking over wood, charcoal and anyof these classic prime cuts. let's come back to the steak over here. i've cooked this medium okay, which is the max you want to go. this is nice, my wife would love this, iwould like a little bit more bloody. look at that feather blade steak is just the bomb. not many people know about it

so it's super, super cool good quality extra virgin olive oil here and if you shake it, it just marbles. that my friends will be the perfect steak. this was â£17 a kilo instead of â£54 a kilo for a fillet. let's have a little try of this steak so good!

mmm, i prefer it to a fillet steak, anytime, i'd be happy to never,ever have it again that! is where is that so there we go guys, that's the perfect steak, that's the feather blade steak, or the flat iron steak. amazing, go talk to your butcher. and don't forget if you're going to suscribe, please subscribe but go to manage your subscriptions and clickon email alerts. so that we can let you know every time we do a new video. thank you very much guys, lots of love. mister oliver. if you want to watch anymore videos on meat,dj bbq's your man. there's not much

that man can't do with a bit of meat and a log.