woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


wood branding iron personalized

hi! this is jessica with expressions vinyl and today i'm going to show you how to make at-shirt layout using silhouette studio and i'm going to cut it out with mysilhouette cameo. i'm going to use the easy- weed heat transfer for my t-shirt. sofirst this is what i want to make there's a few different elements in itand i'm going to show you how to put it all together. i'm gonna start by clicking on my text andi'm going to put in happy and i want to

wood branding iron personalized, change the time that i just downloadedwolf in the city and it's been my favorite this week. so make that a little biggerand as you can see the red lines are where my machine is going to cut, so i'mgoing to have a problem if it cuts these little pieces that are running into eachother. so i'm going to right click with mouse

and i'm gonna choose weld and that isjust gonna make it all one word with no little pieces cut out. i am going toselect my text tool and i'm gonna type in camper in all caps, double click and select it all and changemy font on that to something just a little more straight.ok i'm going to double click it and select it all, and i'm going to space it out a littlebit. it's really close together so i'm going to do like 110%. that looks better, (alright i'll make this bigger) and as you can seeover here i took out my a and did a little tent since we're camping so i'm going to doubleclick and just select that and delete my a and then i'm gonna put a couple ofspaces in there. so now i'm gonna go to

my library and find my little tent (oh right hereunder my adventure) ok so this is another little trick will take him over to hisown little space, right click and press ungroup and now everything'sindividual and i can just pop my tent out and drag him over to my camper andthen draw a box over these guys and just delete everything there. ok so back over click on my tent makehim a little bit smaller to fit in there and then i kinda wanna play with myletters here get a little more space there for thistent so i'm going to right click on my word and everything is selected and i'm goingto ungroup it because i want to make my c

bigger and a little taller, and then i want to make my e and my r alittle bigger and just select my r and make him even bigger and then i'm going to make my tent bigger so you might want to play with this a littlebit untill you get it where you want your letters i think that lookspretty good just make my tent a little taller by clicking on this box and just stretchingit out a little bit ok now i'm gonna click my left button and drag over that again andselect everything right click and group it back together so now it will just movealtogether which makes sizing and everything a little easier alright now i want to go find my idaho, sogo back to my library and i'm gonna type

in states and there's all my states so i'm going to do the same thing, drag this guy over to his own space rightclick, ungroup, and then pull my idaho out and drag him over and thenselect all this and delete them ok so my idaho looks a little crooked i'm going to straightenhim out with this little green button at the top ok that looks pretty good and i'm going to make him a little bitbigger so just stretch him out there with in that corner ok now for thetricky part i'm gonna show you how to do the lettering on a curve. i'm gonna go to mytexts and i'm gonna type in my camp tyger

ok, i'm going to space this out a little bit let's try a hundred andthirty-five percent, that looks pretty good and we can play with that too now i'm going to draw an oval from my drawing tools over hereand actually make it an oval and then click on like my camp tyger so it's selecteddouble-click until this little circle with the plus sign shows up and i'm going to put my mouse right in the middle there and click and drag it over to the circle andonce this little circle hit my oval it's gonna catch on so i want it to be on thisside i want to it be in the middle so you just have to play with it and draguntil it grabs where you want to now it

looks pretty good actually so you can double-click you know andplace it where you want on your oval i'm going to drag it back over and see how we'redoing and i think i need to move over just a little bit double click, select my arrow and drag itand now i think i want my letters just a little bit closer together so i'm going to select themand then i'm gonna go over to character spacing and let's try like 125 ok now that looks better. ok those got switched to the other and i need to center it again ok now what we want to do here is selectthis right click and click on convert to path and that way i can take my circleaway but my letters stay curved

and now we're going to add our 2015, add that into the shirt shrink itdown and put it in the idaho so this can show you all the different things you can do increating a shirt and really personalize it for yourself now we're going to type in the "redfish" and i'm going to use lots of spacesand shrink it down. i need more space you could do redfish in separate letters but iwould like to keep them lined up, and it's an easy way to do that ok, so we got the red fish in there. i think i'm going to do a fewmore spaces still ok click off there and then just adjust it with myarrows where i want it to go and i wanna go back to my library and find my arrows. so let's show all designs and scroll down silhouette store has a ton

of images so if you're ever in need of onethere's tons you can buy they also have their free images of the week ok here's a chevron pattern this will work for my arrows double click on those and then shrinkthem down so they're pointing at idaho and this i also want to keep in line soi'm gonna go up here to my duplicate tool and i'm going to mirror right andthen i'm gonna use my arrows and drag him over so it'll stay on the same lineevenly spaced and i'm going to adjust my red fish just a little bit ok so we have a happy camper t-shirt ready and nowone trick i like to do is to draw a rectangle draw a rectangle across myimage and click back on it until all

these little boxes show up and then i'mgoing to just tighten that up so it's a nice box around all and this will cutaround the image and it just helps with weeding and keeping everything together ok now the most important part since weare gonna do this in heat transfer is we need to mirror it but before we can mirror it weneed to group it all together so we select everything right click and groupand then we are going to mirror right and that makes it a mirrored image so i'm going to drag this down we don't need it and then drag my image back into thecorner and now i am ready to cut it out

so i go up here to my silhouette button, click it and my cameo is not connected right now but i will show you in the adjust cut settings whatyou need to do so go down and under material type you'll want to find heattransfer material and smooth and this does have some presets so speed is at 8 i would slow that down just a little bit because there are so manydifferent elements in this cut and such little words with the redfish and the15 thickness is at a 4 depending on your blades age that's probably be great if it's a brand newblade i would definitely move it down to a two or three there's also this testcut button which just cuts a little tiny triangle in the corner and it's a greatway to tell if you have your blade set right

and then i would click sent to silhouetteand have it cut out