woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


wood branding iron makers

a printout for this project is available in the video description. thanks for watching again iknow it's been awhile since the last project. this was a fun one. i really didhave a lot of fun. i love making these. it's really easy, you don't need a lot ofroom, you don't need a bunch of tools, doesn't cost much so

wood branding iron makers, and it's a project that you can carry around with you which is also kind of fun. i have to thankted for suggesting this to me back in september i think it was. he showed me a picture ofthese wood rings that he

made and he didn't go into too muchdetail on how he made him but he said there's other people making them online and also he said he's going to be selling them on his etsy shop. let me show you what we've got here.i'll move the camera. by the way, i'm wearing this.i had an x-ray the other day. i thought i fractured my arm. the doctor said it's most likely tendinitis. so i have to lay off it and it hurts to move. i turn 40 in a couple months so maybei can expect more of this stuff.

here's the packaging of the wood veneer that i got you can pause it now and take a look at the details if you want. i spent $38 and i got several sheets of wood. all different species of wood. these are really thin cuts. you can see how easy it bends. it's about the thickness of thecardboard of a cereal box. we have walnut, oak,

that looks like a pine (birds-eye maple) not sure what that is. you can see all the different kinds. so you can make a variety of rings. walnut is kind of like... not a reddish brown but a grayish brown. depending on how they cut the wood you get these different patterns in it. i don't know if it shows up wellon camera but the light changes it. it's really weird. almost like a suede or microfiber. this is handy to have for all different kinds of projects.

what they didn't include waspurple wood. [purple heart] i thought that would have been fun. i have seen in some other packs.i should have grabbed a different one. it's actually a purple colored wood. let's start! no... let's take a look at a ring and then start. this is the first one i made. i put alittle brass tri-force inlay there. i like the colors. i like this reddish-brown and its dark enough that the

brass shines and pops a bit. this is my son's. my 11 year old son madethis one this is his first attempt. you can see it is not hard to do. here is my... second one. i did this brass inlay a littledifferently. this one is going to be easier if you have a hard time working with brass.so i'll show you how i did that. this one has this little bit of a wave to it.i thought that looked neat. don't worry about doing it perfect in the beginning because you're going to findyou will like different woods better.

some are easier to work with than others. first thing i will do to make a ring iscut some strips like that. even though they're bigger than i want the ring, itgives me some extra room to work with and sand it down. so this about .5" (1.27cm)you don't really need to measure this is 12 inches long.so approximately .5" x 12" long. so take the wood at this stage,put it on the sand paper, put your finger on the back. do that until it has a littlepoint that way when you roll it there's not a step. it just tapers down intoitself really well. next we go microwave it.

get a glass of warm waterand you can soak it first a little bit to help it bend. wrap it around like that i am just letting it microwavetill it starts to boil. now wrap it around somethingthat's going to be a little bit smaller than the size of the ring you want to make. let's see how this is bending first. that's alright. i'm just wrapping it around my utility knife.

it had only been awake glassfor 10 minutes or so then take a rubber band to hold it together. this needs to dry. you can just let it dry overnight. you might speed it up with a heater or use a blow dryer. i'll just let this sit for a while. it has been a few hours now.i speed up the drying time with a blow dryer. it still needs a bit more time to dry. let me show you one that i did a few days ago.

the problem with this one is that it didn't roll nicely.it actually just folded. you can see all the kinks. it's going straight and kinks.if that's your problem. if this is happening to you, put this back in hot water. let it steam longer and try again. i did a few others they came out nice. let me show you this one. it's all dry. you can see how well he keeps it's shape.

it doesn't unravel let's take a second to talk about a ring sizes. this is my wedding ring and i don't like towear it when i'm working with power tools because it can get caught on thingsor smashed and it actually can really injure you pretty bad if it does getcaught on something. using sockets is the way to go because everybody's got a set of these, if you don't your neighbor probably does. but before you glue it, you needto put on some packing tape not much, just one layer around will do.

that will help the superglue not to stick. so put some tape on whatever you use. put on your socket like this and then take some time and push down really hard and roll it. you are going to do this for as long as you feel like it's tightening up. what's happening is, it's rolling out any gaps in between the layers and it's bringingthem all to the outside it's getting tighter and tighter, and i'm not letting up. i'm always holding on to it

so it doesn't slip loose again. take a little bit of time and smash the layers flat if you know what i mean. you don't want this raising. you want them all flat so that the center isn't higher. i'll just do this a little bit more. and this is what we are left with. you can see there is no real gapsin between the layers of wood. and i'm not letting go on keeping this very tight.

now i'm going to use this super glue. it is really fluid. you can hear it sloshing around. you want to see it flow like water inside when you buy this, whatever brand you get. here it says 'penetrating' if you buy the gooey kind ofsuper glue it's not going to seep into the wood fiber so it's really not going towork. you have to get the liquid stuff. i always get it on my fingers usually not that bad.

just a little bit. it's soaking in just like water. it does not take long to fuse thelayers together. don't keep your eyes directly over your work.you are going to find that out pretty quick because the glue fumes go straightup into your eyes and it burns. this little piece slivered off. let's glue that back on. you are coating the whole thing in glue. being careful not to get it on your fingers. give this a few minutes to harden and we will be back. it's been about 5 minutes.

if yours is really stuck, if you have a hard time getting your's off, get a crescent wrenchput it on like that. just apply some pressure down andyou should be able to break it free. because it's a socket you can put thatin so you have something to grab. i can twist this now. whereas if i don't have that on this is pretty hard to twist. i have nothing to grab. so that's really handy. also you can put this in your drill and just use power tools and getsome sandpaper and it flat.

i don't think we're going to do that. ithink we're going to skip to keep this simple. now let's cut this lip off. just so it's not so rough at the end. the glue didn't seep all the way in, so we're gonna have to put some inside. now let's clean up the edges of the ring. this is a 150 grit sandpaper. you will find that it sands down very fast. just about 30 seconds of sandingand it's starting to look really good. next we're going to figure out where we want the inlay.

and you want to choose the spot ofthe ring that's the thickest. because we're winding and winding it on the inside of the wood it ends right here,and on the outside of the wood ends right here. so right here is the thickest part of the ringand that's where we're going to put the inlay because when we work on itwe are sanding it down a lot and we don't want it to get really thin. so if we did onthe thinnest side and sanded that down a lot and we it would be really thin hereand really thick on the other edge. so pick the thick edge of you are going to do an inlay. this is the brass that i use. this is just hobby brass.

you get this at hobby stores.almost all of them have it. i think he can even get this at home depot. it is thinner than the wood veneer. it's easy to cut. you can use tin snips, but these tend to bendthe brass and leave impressions. it's better if you can have some like this that are actually more like finger nail clippers. because they pinch the brassand won't warp it very much.

the triangles we are cutting outfor the tri-force are really small so each triangle you see here isactually the whole tri-force. we have to cut those into smaller sections. here are 3 triangles. it's enough for three rings because each one of these triangles has to be cut up into 3 smaller triangles. it gets really difficult in the end so what i suggest is to cut up a ton of triangles andthen you will find three that match. the correct size. i just eyeball it.

it's a lot easier... cutting a bunch of triangles and findingones that match, than it is trying to make three of them perfectly. here's all the triangles i cut so farthis one's big this one's average that one is small. i'll keep cutting until ihave three that look about the right size. then i will hold them in pliers and file down the edges. so that all three match. it's hard to get the angles exactly 60ΓΆΒΊ on all sides.

so i file them down abit and when i have have three that look about rightthen we're good. if you don't have a file, use sandpaper and sand down the edges. i hooked up a macro-lens so you can see what we are filing off on the edges. it's hard to hold still but here you can see the edge. when i use clippers it puts thisbevel on it so i'm just grinding that down so that it goes intothe wood straight and clean. then position them so that they are alllined up the way you want them on the ring just to make sure that it looksright. maybe one of them needs a little

bit more filing. maybe one of thetriangle is a little bit off. once you're happy with it then keep thetriangles in that shape and we'll move on to cutting out the ring. this is the part where it transitions. where the end of the wood is. sand that really smooth so that there's no bump. for this part you want a brand new blade. if you use an old blade it will be very difficult. try to keep the tip of the blade from breaking. to pick these up get the tip of your finger a tiny bit wet

and they stick right on. when it is where i want it, i pushit down hard with my fingernail and scratch on the edges. tracing where i want to cut. there's the triangle. if youhave a sharp blade it's not going to be very hard to dig this out. just don't twist the blade or you may break off the tip. this is not a normal working position for me. i have the overhead light really close. i'm trying to keep this on camera.

just slowly shave out the little bits. flick them out. you want a tight fit. you can just smash the wood. make the wood bend around the metal. that's good. it needs to go a little bit deeper. you can see at that angle it fits right in. i'm going to do all the others and we'll skip ahead.

the top triangle is a little too big. let's file that down. the top one needs to go deeper as well. how do you glue it in? i want to keep these in the same position i took them out. a little bit of super glue. i think i got it in wrong. flip it over. this is the part of project where youpretty much are gonna clear fingers. let's put in a little bit more.

it's not wanting to go. there we go. now the next one. smash it in as flat as you can. that does not look right. let's take it back out. yeah, that's better. let's put glue back under there. this thing is flicking around. it seems to fit right. let's just smash it in.

you want to get it lower than the wood, because you can sand the wood down. smash it in and now we will wait for this to dry. it only takes a few seconds to dry. i will use this same rough sandpaper. you're seeing it down so that the world and the you are sanding it down so that the wood and the brass are flush with each other and you canactually send the brass down as well. it's not that hard of a medal.this part of the process also helps sanding also helps clean up any scratches in the brass that you might have made when you were

cutting it or pushing it in. i can see right here is a bit of blue. once all the brass shines the same way then you know you are done. there it is. now i'll go down to a smaller grit sandpaper. what is this 400? i'm going to do a lot of sanding now.this is 220. then i'll go to 400. you can keep going into the 1000's if youreally want to shine this thing up.

i'm going to balance the ring out.i put this inlay in but i can see that it's set a little low. this ring is thicker than i want. size the height of the ring after you put in your inlay. you can see how the tri-force is more centered in the ring. don't worry too much about it, just send it to the right spot. the last sanding was about 600 grit.now i will to coat the inside with superglue. what this does is, it's going to penetrate all the way in so that you can get this ring soakingwet with water and it's not going to get ruined. then i'll do another sanding and

then we're going to wipe it again with afinish coat of glue. i just want to make sure the whole thing has a nice coat on it. soaked in all the fibers. that will keep it... waterproof and strong. a few seconds to let this dry.then one more sanding and a polish coat. you can polish coat it this way. put some superglue on a rag and smear it. [don't use wool or cotton cloth because it may burst into flames]

[no, i'm not kidding] what do you think? i think it came out pretty good. let's compare it to the first one. this first one i put a spray coat on. it doesn't feel that nice on your fingers. the same lacquer that we used onthe swords. it feels kind of grippy/rubbery. but the superglue as a finalcoat is nice and smooth. don't use a lacquer. i wouldn't recommend it.

here's a second ring. let me show youhow to fill this in another way. i cut out all the tri-force shapes. i willshow you on this camera here. this might be an easier way free to do it.i hollowed all that out just by eye. i didn't match up any triangles.it's a lot easier to do it like that. i'll show you how we are going to fill this. we are going to grind the brass into a powder. you can get brass powder by making it yourself. you want a fine file, not a rough file,to get fine bits of brass. you can use plumbing fittings. they are brass.

if you want other metals like copper... we will make a pile of copper, aluminum and brass. it does not take too long to build up. for copper you can use electrical wiring or plumbing parts. even old pennies.they have to be passed a certain year. i think it's 1984. [i was wrong, it's 1982] the started putting cheap metal in pennies. older pennies contain a lot more copper. i'm using an aluminum nut from something.from some piece of hardware.

it files down really easy. all these metals are soft. it does not take much effort. here are the three metals.it does not take much to fill in a ring. here is the brass. see how small thosebits are? the finer the file you use the better it's going to work. there is the copper and the aluminum. it just falls in there like that. you want to pack it in

tightly. i have a hex driver to help tamp it down in. you don't want gaps or anything like that. fill it with a drop of superglue. and let it harden. it's starting to show up. that came out well with just a light sanding of 600 grit. that is brass powder. it is quite thick so it totally beatsany kind of paint you could do

because it is not going to wear off. a coat of glue on the inside and outside and this is done. let's take care of some business. we have some viewer mails to read, we have to end the contest. i have to thank ted again for this project. what a cool one. it's lot of fun.i like projects that you can hold and take with you. things like this that are small. you can make them for cheap and give them as gifts things like that really fun project so ted if you have any suggestions on how imade it, how could have done it differently

or easier, let us know in the commentssection. anybody who tries this, send in yourphotos. i'd like to see what you guys do. you know you can see online other peoplewill use two different kinds of woods. a light and a dark color. there's a lotof other things you can do with these rings that i didn't show. so send inphotos of you have them if you guys decide to make some. and again, you're awesome. thanks ted. go find his etsy store. buy his products if you want. speaking of viewer mail... this one is from jonathan emerling

remember in the last video i mentioned that my brother, brother-in-law and i i did a mystery science theater. so he sent some photos of stuff he did, but let me get to thisfirst one. this is really cool you're going to love it. it's a game cabinet. check outwhat this does when you open it up. isn't that awesome? if you look at the corners of the bricks that's not just painted, those are 3d. they stick out. he built his bots. here you can see crow. look how slick that is. if you don't know what this show is that'salright. especially if you're international,

you probably have no idea what i'mshowing you. there's tom servo and a finished servo. should i go getmine? maybe i'll just show a few pictures. i'll run a few pictures right now whilei'm editing and you can see. this is the show that we did back in '95 andyou can see i had a lot longer hair back then. we filmed at a high school that built abrand new studio but nobody was using it was so new so we just had access to thatand made all those props and anyway but that's... you know, half the people probablydon't know what i'm talking about. but i really wanted to share that. thanks forthe message, that was really cool. here's one from johannes and he's fromnorway. he says;

"hi and thank you for your awesome videos you got me really inspired so i made a christmas present to my nephew and here's the result." if you check out the scabbard is identical to the one that we did in the video. hedid a good job on that. on the shield he did 3d a relief tri-force. good job and that's really cool. i love that you made it as a gift for your nephew. i love hearing that kind of stuff. so awesome, keep sendingthe photos guys. speaking of which, here's one sent in by landon graybill. you can see he's quite proud of it andhe made his just with a hand sander.

i think that's just the little buzzing palm sander. a lot more work than belt-sander but you make dowith what you have. it didn't stop him. i think it came out really nice.thanks! keep it up! here's here's a strange story; one of our viewers, javier, who is just awesome and i can't say enough about him. he actuallycontacted me he works for google and he said 'hey we're setting up the translate feature where viewers can translate into different languages andadd subtitles to the videos.' he has been busy working translating some ofthese videos and a german and you guys can do it too if you speak anotherlanguage you can really help this

channel grow by translating thesubtitles into whatever language you speak and submitting it and that wayanybody from another country who dosen't speak english can still have access to the video so it'sreally cool so if you wanna do that check that out and the little buttonsbelow not totally familiar with it but if you click the cc' down below you will see it. javier has been translating and hasdone a few and german. i'm trying to get them done in english first, but thattakes me a long time. if you're not bilingual and you can at least translatesome of the videos and english go for it

and submit it and that'll help speedthis along because i'm a bit slow. some of you may have time and like to do that kind of stuff. it's alittle bit of work but it's kind of fun to do at least a little bit. so javier was at work and he has made a sword and shield and he looked, i guess in his colleagues office and he sees this.this guy made a sword and shield. what are the chances? this channel is not that big.

these were made by florian niemann. he did absolutely killer job on thestencils. i don't know if you used a vinyl cutter, but that's nice. also he put leather on the handle and i think we'll do that in a futurevideo. that looks cool and it probably feels nice too. he made the sword with no power tools. that's funny that javier saw you did that. what are the chances?

let's end this old giveaway. i said i'd give this way before christmas.kylo ren. we will change the way we do giveaways. i'm spending a little too much time compiling all the names and things like that. i'll have to change it because all the copy and pasting is taking too long. but we will still do this same way aswe've done before, but in the future giveaways that might change a bit i'm ijust announced the winners and not make it as big drawn out thing let me double check and see if anybody...

see if anybody else joined. so this is a current list. lego city huh? same as always, i hit paste,generate a random number and we find out the winner. in case you don't know what thisis we do giveaways, a lot actuallynow. it's kind of fun and then the kylo ren video we're giving away thisguy. this is everybody who entered and let's see how many entries there are.84. you get at least a 1 in 84 shot at winning. that's not so bad and some ofyou even more because if you entered in the previous giveaways as well as thelast one. those entries are included so

you get a higher chance. here we go, hitpaste, and i promise to give this way before christmas so we're doing that. number 50. you the man mew_the_pinkmin congratulations! looking at that, you had his two previous entries then he included the picture and thatactually paid off. you won. send me a message privately and i'll get that out to you in time for christmas. i think he was the only one to send in a photo

with the code. nobody else did so thatpaid off. and it's christmas, let's give away another figure.i bought another one, a skywalker figure. a plastic one about this big.it's somewhere here. let me go find it. here it is, just a little guy and it's not orange, it's just that the camera is calibrated to the computer screen. hit paste and

let's find out the winner.merry christmas guys. 14 creeperfilmshd hey you won! congratulations. you entered in three times he got it this time. send me your address in a private message. let's end this video. that's going to do it for this video.before we go i figure we will do one more giveaway. it's christmas, why not.

in this giveaway i figure we do veneer. some of you will want to make these ringsbut you're not going to go on amazon and spent twenty or more bucks on veneer.so all you will need is a razor blade, super glue and sandpaper.i think that's all we really need to make this work. i ask that if you enter this giveaway that you promise you will make the rings once you get the pack. i think i'll include some brass clippings as well so if you want to put a tri-force on you can do that. promise you will make the rings ifyou win

and send in some photos of the rings you make so we can all see. especially for did anything creative. if you want to send photos or things like that email me at happyatomirl@gmail.com you can click the 'about' tab on on youtubeand get my email from there as well. write 'viewer mail' in the subject line so i can find it. many times if i get messages from other places it's really hard to findthem. nowadays you get so manymessages from so many different

platforms like facebook or whatever. good luck on these. if youmake it i want to see it. oh, the giveaway. leave a comment in thecomment section, wright something interesting. what you like to do or where you're from. its always fun to hear those kinds ofthings. and include a symbol...how about the asterisk, because it looks like a snowflake. it's winter. so use an asterisk somewhere and that way i can do a search

and find the winners. i'll probably announce the winners some other way. maybe even before thenext video just to speed things up. good luck on the giveaway and ifyou make the ring send some pictures and you guys are awesome.thanks for subscribing thanks for watching really is helping this channel grow.i think we're getting close to 20,000 also, landon seeing in this picture come in from you made me want to show some of the things i've made when iwas younger i don't know if you guys like to see that kind of stuff.i have a lot of weird little things that i used

to make with wood. that might be kind offun for you guys to see. maybe at 20,000 subscribers we will make a retro project from my past or something like that. anyway guys thanks for watching.merry christmas. make a present for somebody. they love these things. handmade gifts like this are really cool and it doesn't take up much room.this one is too small. that's a pinky ring for me. you guys are awesome take care.