woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


wood branding iron heads

hey. listen. minister sirwill be coming out any minute. start shouting slogansas soon as he does. sir, they say they won'twork without full payment. they will get me killed.let's go take a look. listen, the chief ministerwill come here for only 10 minutes.

wood branding iron heads, i must assure him thati've a huge vote-bank. - i will pay you in full.- you've tricked me before. you haven't paidme yet for the last job. the minister's here. start shouting.

i only got paid for gathering a crowd,and not shouting slogans. hello, friends. why aren't they raising their hands? are they attending a politicalrally or someone's funeral? as soon as i get paid,their hands will start moving. fine..here you go. he will never learn. - long live..- cm sir! - what is your name?- sanjay, sir.

- what do you do?- rallies, road-blocks.. ..slandering a politician'simage or making it good. that's my political service. whether it's a spiritualgathering or some baba's preaching.. ..or some fashionshow of lingerie models. from kiddie parties to rave parties,that's my service to the society. other than that,from arranging marriages.. ..to abducting girls..forpersonal satisfaction. basically..i deal in crowd managementbusiness for all such events.

when you've the supportof all these people.. ..then why don't you join politics? i am interested in workingfor politics, not in joining politics. you will make it big someday. just say yes,and i'll give you his job. hey..you want to take my place? if you do your job honestly,then why will anyone take your place? - sir..i am here.- i am coming. - okay, sir.- excuse me.

- your sari's really beautiful.- hey, watch this. fatso, how dare you pusha police officer like me? so what if you're a police officer,do you know who my father is? - my father is the minister..- i don't care whose son you are. and anyway, i am new in this city.get lost! i am sure he eats up all the fodder. he's involved in the fodder scam. hey..come here. sir, did you call me for a purpose?

- do you need crowd for some case?- only politicians need a crowd. i want your helpin the matter of love. you want my help? is the police going to help everyone? can't you help me out? - but you..and love..- if the mahatma can fall in love.. ..then can't the policeofficer fall in love too. come, let me show you. look there.

do you see that gorgeouswoman draped in that beautiful sari? i love her. what happened? stomach trouble? sir if the common man eats pasta forbreakfast he won't be able to digest it. - she's a pasta?- yes, sir. high-class girls are called pasta. you know nothing about these girls. it's very difficult to woo them. and even if you succeed,they are very high maintenance.

hear me out step-by-step. in the morning shewill give you a miss call. then she'll click 10 selfiesof herself and upload it on facebook. if you 'like' her selfie and call her,she won't answer. she will give you anothermiss call half an hour later. if you call her back,she'll call you to some location. you can't go empty-handed,you must take some gift. and she will come late herself. later you will sell stufffrom your home and buy a bike.

but she won't likethat second-hand bike. she will say thatshe wants a fancy bike. even if you sell yourkidney and buy a sports-bike.. ..she won't wrap her armsaround you on a speed-breaker. she will keep herhands on your shoulder. she will say that she needsto get her eyebrows done.. ..so take her to the beauty parlor. then hair-coloring, swiss facial,french waxing, italian manicure.. ..german pedicure,she will get everything done.

next she will come outand apologies for getting late. she will ask for yourcredit card and swipe it. your heart will stopbeating after seeing the bill. then she will say thatshe wants to buy a gift for you.. ..and take you to the mall. and buy party-wear, casual wear,ethnic wear, office wear.. ..and even inner-wear for herself. and you won't get anything. she will spend your year'ssalary in a single day.

then she will takeyou to see a movie.. ..get a corner seatand rub shoulders with you. and you will dare tokeep your arm on her shoulder. she will say,not in public, i feel shy. after the movie she will get hungry. she will take you to the mostexpensive restaurant in the city.. ..and order everything. she will eat only few pieces and packrest of the food and take it home. oh my, god.you will say finally the day is over.

but there is a twistat the end of this day. and this twist is called disco-theque. if you take her tothis dangerous place.. ..some handsome guy willcome out of nowhere and say.. hi honey, come let's go for a dance. you picked her up buthe will drop her home. you'll do the recharge,and she will chat with someone else. what's the point? why fallin love with a high-class girl? i see, you're tellingme not to fall in love.

okay, fine any girlthat suits you will suit me. sir, we need a simple,innocent homely type girl. beautiful looking,cultured and mannered. someone that fills our lifewith peace and tranquility, sir. you opened my eyes by telling me.. ..about the high-maintenanceof high-class girls. - correct, sir.- i shouldn't be eating pasta. a 24 carat pure localgirl will suit me. - i bid goodbye to that hi-fi girl.- thank you, sir.

i am really grateful thatyou all came here to hear me. uncle, how's everything? we must all struggle together. - long live..- yogita devi! even if we have tochange the government. we will force the governmentto fulfill our demands. you're smiling, nephew.who is the lucky girl? she is high-class, and i am low-class. there's no one she will fall for me.

i just gave a speech on that. classes matteredduring your forefathers. these days girls look for tall,dark and handsome guys like you. - really?- your uncle is not a fool, nephew. unload everything quickly. sir, just like you said. my wife did run away,but she returned within a week. - she did.- your wife returned in a week. this means that foolis worse than you.

- your prediction is right.- and your wife is characterless. maybe you don't know.. ..but that this fool's predictionis not completely right. - sir, you can call me what you want.- i called you a fool. but my predictions are right. - it's the deciding factor.- come here. if you trust yourpredictions so much.. - remember what you told me.- what? next 10 days are bad for you,so take a holiday.

i am still saying that. your stars are beinginfluenced by saturn. next 10 days will bereally difficult for you. no it's not, some tea and biscuits. i am going to get promoted. my promotion letter is lyingon the commissioner's table. i will become the asst. commissioner. take my advice, sir. go to the templeand offer 10 coconuts.

it will annul the influence of saturn. only the coward areafraid of saturn's wrath. - not me.- you will regret it. hey man..feelingthe ac inside the car. sir, the car isn't starting. open the hood. - start it now.- sir, thank you sir. i don't think you can even buy a car. whose jalopy is this?

- did you steal it?- it's mine. - tell me the car's number.- 0006. - fine, get out.- we won't meet again, sir. sir, did you see the number plate?he gave us the wrong number. fool, doesn't even rememberhis own car's number plate. - officer.- good morning, sir. did you see someone wearinga red checkered shirt pass by? i helped him start his car,and sent him away. he's a dangerousinternational terrorist.

and you helped him. are you stupid? - are you stupid?- what? sir, sorry sir.. the government didn't giveyou this radio to hear songs. i would've caught himif i had received the message. you're chasing him liketom and jerry cartoons. this is a secret operationthat's been going on for 6 months. a doctor takes 30 minutesto do a heart operation. why did it take you 6months to do this operation?

- i will show you..let's go.- sir. see, sir. my prediction was right. you're going through a bad phase. i will drive it away. leave my hand. first i will catch that terrorist,then hand him over to the commissioner. and he'll promote me to dcp. - just sit in the car quietly.- sir, we're supposed to go that way. fatso, we'll take a short-cutand get their first. faster-faster.

left..right..no, left..no, right. sir, please slow down. i feel dizzy. no point in feeling dizzy,i am on a roll today. missed him. faster. faster. sir..there's a shanitemple on the right. stop here! if you say anything more, i willstuff your face with the offerings. sir, you're going to crash.aren't you scared?

even if i am scared,why should i show it to you? who put this cover on the car? oh, god.. happy birthday sir. sir, the terrorist would'vebeen in our clutches.. ..if it wasn't for this cover. you're hurt. were you going for a picnicthat you were sitting in front? you should be sitting at the back,you're the commissioner.

who told you to follow the terrorist? sir, i am a police officer.. ..and it's my duty to catcha international criminal. that's how you willgive me double promotion. i am going to giveyou double demotion. from today you're no longera inspector, but a constable. what did you say? sir, what are we doing out here?let's go inside. are you stupid?

- this is my setting.- your setting. - your setting.- yes you're so thin, and look at her. you fool,she's that terrorist's girlfriend. he comes here every monthon this day to meet her. we'll catch her if she comes today. if he doesn't come,you can take her home. she's his girlfriend,and i already have someone. they you should begetting these two married.

i am not a priest,i am the commissioner. this is a bait to catch that fish. he will come here,you will shoot him.. ..and i will take the medal. - super idea, sir.but my idea's even better. - what? there are three criminals in jail. danger dinesh,chaukanna chandu and aalsi andy. we'll release them, throw aparty and then catch that terrorist. hey..do i look like a fool.

no, but you look likea beaked owl in this uniform. shut up. i wonder what inauspicious daywas it when we took you on the force. i don't remember the date, butyou did feed me your birthday cake. - what? i will suspend you..- look, the terrorist is here. - you ugly fool, you said iam going through a bad phase. - yes. now wait and watch,i will get my double promotion now. hey..stop! how was the car moving on its own?

sir, sorry.i was aiming for the car's backside. not your backside. sir, this is your backside's fault. it's got no meat or muscle. try hard tomorrow,and the bullet will come out easily. first you ruined my seat,and now you're cracking jokes. - you are suspended.- suspended! we recovered thesedangerous weapons from him. we worked hard for 6 months andcaptured this international terrorist.

if we had delayed any further,he could've destroyed ooty completely. that's okay, sir. but whydid you come on duty in a loin-cloth? this is no ordinary loin-cloth,it's a battle-garment. actually, the terroristwas caught because of him. - sir, what did he do?- he did nothing. that's why we caught him. if he had intervened like last time.. ..then this terroristwould've escaped again. son, did you collectyour suspension letter?

you can't wear youruniform for a month now. i can't wear my uniform.. ..but you can't even wearyour underwear for three months. always this loin-cloth. sir, earlier i managedto escape because of you. where were you this time? i got suspended because of you.. ..otherwise i would'veplucked your beard out. you should be ashamedthat this guy arrested you.

even his bones crackle when he walks. and you call yourself a terrorist. at least take my name withrespect in front of the people. after all, i am commissioner. no one will take youin a cartoon serial either. and you call yourself a commissioner. yes, son. take a selfie. it's not too late yet, sir. offer oil to lord shani.

and you will be rid of his wrath. fine, no need to remind me. first i will get my promotion,and then slap the commissioner. give me the matches,i want to start a fire. hello, god. i don't have a strong body,or any wealth. so i am here to beg to you. if you make me the acp or dcp,i will offer.. run!

- thank you once again.- hey! i've seen smoke comingout of a cigarette.. ..but this time i see a cigarettecoming out of the smoke. commissioner sir. - why did you start the fire?- to get my suspension order cancelled. - silly boy, its cancelled already.- i see. - then i'll resume duty tomorrow.- of course, you can do what you want, you helped the terrorist escape again. that's why i amdismissing you right away.

dismiss! here, have a ball. i can't build a bungalow with this,i can have a cup of tea. i had a hard timegetting you this job. don't mess things upand give me a bad name. i was supposed to be dcp,but now i am just a watchman. don't worry,as soon as this week ends. your bad luck will be over.and good days will begin. - i know when my bad luck will end.- when?

- when you leave.- stupid. get lost, or i will.. - bye, i will call you.- maya, wait a minute. - let me go.- come here. here you go. sir, you? if you knew it was me,you would've given a 100 instead. really bad, sir.i cannot see you in this condition. take these clothes off,and come with me.

take my clothes off and come nude? - don't joke, sir.- i am joking? you made a joke out of me. you advised me to stayaway from that pasta. and now you're eating pasta. sir, nothing's in our hands. this is fate. fate did all this, sir. did fate force you with a knife? - you're lying.- i am not lying, sir. it's true.

that day i was standing in my garden. that's when i saw her. pause..it's raining here. - where's fate in all this.- it is fate, sir. it rained exactly at 8am.it could've rained before or after. but no, it rained exactly whenshe was right in front of my house. the weather departmentmust have an answer for this. continue. hello. i am sanjay.

this untimely rain hasruined my jogging schedule. did you go barefeet for jogging? this is acupressure jogging. when the stones prick your feet,it strengthens the muscles. - why don't we go inside this house?- hello. just because it's open,we'll go inside. - wonder whose house it is?- whoever it is. he will help us. - it's raining heavily. come on.- no, i will go home.

wait. just a minute. - yes, let's go.- the bike will get wet. - the owner will get really furious.- that's okay. it's just a bike,it won't melt away in the rain. - come on. let's go.- let's go. - i never saw you in ooty before.- i came here for a project. i am a botany student. my name's maya. sanjay..where are yougoing with the bike's cover? mom.

if your bike's cover getswet while watering the lawn.. ..you make such a fuss about it. and now you're roamingaround with the cover.. ..isn't your bike getting wet? - by the way, who is this girl?- she is a friend. friend? you should've taken her home. what's the point of roamingin the rain like this? - come home soon.- i will as soon as i drop her. - am i a friend?- you will be if you're not.

- and later..- later? let's become friends first. if you get drenched,you will fall sick. it has stopped raining. - pause..was the cover blue?- oh, god. you should've been in cid.how did you know? sanjay, i've a solid offer. we've to abduct a girl, andwe've been paid 25,000 for the job. the client's waiting outside,just say yes.

we only supply people,and not commit crimes. go return the money. - think about it, 25000.- go, or.. fine, i will go. remember we sent 50 devoteesfor that saint's gathering. did you receive payment for it? - not yet.- fine, ask for payment again. or we'll send devotees that throw egg. - madam, take your payment back.- try to understand our problem, sir.

- sir, please.- my problem is bigger than yours. - hey..- go, please. go. - go.- wait. - listen..- what happened? maya, where are you going? - hi, sanjay. what are you doing here?- this is my office. - what do you want?- i have a friend called maddy. he's in love with a girl called tina. but tina's family haslocked her up inside the house.

poor thing. if you gather somepeople outside tina's home.. ..and make a racket,then everyone will come out.. ..and i will go insidethe house and free her. - how will you do it alone?i'll come with you too. - so sweet. - here's your advance.- no. i am not doing this for money. i am doing it for love. - but if you stay with me,who will make a racket. - my uncle. - uncle, will you help?- what are you saying?

we don't take such risky jobs. we can do anything for love, right. your love, your life. so why risk my life? - sir..- continue.. send that tormenter outside! who's making a racket? what do you want? your son tricked thispoor name in the name of love..

..and got her pregnant,and then left her. will you repeat that? who committed these atrocities on her? what? pickle. huh? pickle. is he hard of hearing? wait, i'll call my younger brother. vinod. they have started their work.call him quickly. - wow. let's go.- come on.

maya..your ring. thank god, this is maddy's ring. tina will come out withyou after seeing this ring. you keep it. what happened, brother?who are these people? - they are selling pickles?- what? pomegranate. no..atrocities..can't you hear? - what are we saying?- maybe the younger one ordered for it. suresh!

no sound, keep your mouth closed. okay. enjoy. it must be him. what's going on here? - nephew, was the address correct?- maya. - is this the right address?- maddy gave me this address. uncle, this is the address.just keep them busy. how do we keep them busy?we're stuck in this mess. - we won't leave. we want justice.- shut up.

don't just stand there and stare. we're in a recession,and they are asking for donation. no donation,we want to know who got her pregnant. how dare you?trying to blackmail us celibates. you will have to pay. i think it's working. isn't there any youngman in your house? - my elder sister.- elder than you. - tina, where are you?- son.

- did maddy send you?- oh, so you know. - so where's your granddaughter tina.- i am tina. you're tina. - i love you, maddy.- hello. - now do you understand who tina is?- i got it. hang up and do your job - tina.- maya. - let's go quickly.- right away. - what are you looking for?- my dentures.

i heard about takingthe necklace while eloping. but who elopes with his dentures? old hag..new desires. - look at her desires.- don't mock her. why are you feeling offendedif she's not your relative? there's a reason for that. - now sit at the back.- what? never. no one can touch me except for maddy. fine, you sit at the back,and i'll sit in the middle.

- come on.- okay. sit properly. even our father nevertouched our mother. and you're accusing us. look brother, tina is running away. wait, grandpa..grandpa.. stop. sit carefully. let's go. they are following us.

stop the bike or else i will shoot. tina..no one in ourfamily ever got married. you can't embarrassus by getting married. stop! stop! stop! did this incident take placeon the 10th at 10 am on das babu road? sir, how do you know? now i can connect all the weak links. - sir.- continue. although they got married a littlelate, but they were destined for it.

true..it is fate. see..even we've been meetingeveryday because of fate. is this some plan by destiny? - what do you think, maya?- what can i say.. maya, come here. - maya, we're getting a picture taking.- coming. maya.. - you didn't say anything.- say what? - address or phone number.- what for?

so we meet again. fate's doing its job. we'll meet again whenit fixed an appointment again. listen.. you've ogled at her back enough. now let's watch the flashback. - hey.. - what are you doing?do you want to die? hello. did you see your loveron the selfie i sent you on whatsapp? if you don't get here in 30 minutes..

..then i will cover him in a shroud. what is this? whose lover? - who did you call?- who else? i was talking to maya. why will maya come here to save me? lover and cellphone rechargeare very important for girls. sounds logical. but how do you know i am maya's lover? we had already sniffed whatwas cooking between maya and you.

that's why we decided to kidnap you. she will be here soon. will she really come? did she come? come, baby. no matter where the jaggery is,but the fly always comes sniffing it. look, she's here. go get her. anna, i don't want to fight you.

you will get hurt. - i didn't think..- i won't spare you. - anna, i said i don't want to hit you.- but why? that fate has decidedsomething special for us. sanjay, behind you. you will cut your tongue. anna, i said i don't want to hit you. listen, why aren't you hitting me? anna, you're the reason i got my love.

- its best that beforei change my decision.. - don't! come on. why are they after you?some family problem. maybe tina's brothers sent them. let's file a complaintwith the police. no, no, no..no need for that. after my exams are over,i've to go back home next week. if my family finds out,they won't let me sit for the exams. you did beat up the goons.

so why wait so long to thrash them? even she asked me that. why didn't you beat themup when they were abducting you? then i wouldn't haveknown that you love me. - love?- yes. that's why you came to save me. that's not it, i would'vecome to save anyone else too. maya, no one can stopfate from doing its job. even fate wants this. come to sunflower hotel tomorrow.

and we'll see what fate wants for us. she called you to the hotelbefore admitting her love. - she's quite a sharp girl.- no, it's not like you think. then what is it? yes, i'll be back soon. okay, bye. maya, why did you call me here? you kept saying thatfate wants to unite us. - let's decide today.- decide? how? there are 29 floors in this hotel.

we'll get on separatelifts at the same time. you press the button to a floor,and i will do the same. and if we both choose the same floor.. ..then even fate wantsthat we become one. what method is this? you always say thatfate makes us do things. - then let's get on the lift.- listen.. what if we get offon different floors? fate?

this may be our last meeting. so before we start the game,can we have a coffee together? stop here. she just begunplaying the game of love.. ..then why did you wantto discuss over coffee? i'll tell you, sir. 'english rap song' - why does fate always favor you?- this time it wasn't fate. - i used my brains.- brains? my friends used thecctv camera to find out..

..which floor's button did maya press. and we drank coffee onlyto prepare for this before-hand. stop! stop! stop! stop! - something's missing here.- no. something must have happenedwhen you two came so close. yes, i remember. i kicked a table reallyhard that was between us. and threw it out the window. and the city celebratedour love with bursting crackers.

those were crackers,it was the police station on fire. - sir..- continue. and after that.. - 300-400-600- daddy. - who daddy?- mom, look daddy's here. daddy, where were you? i was missing you. mom, look its daddy. what's wrong?why is she calling me daddy?

this is my husband,he died in an accident. he looks just like me. - that's why she is calling you daddy.- daddy.. - sorry.- don't be, it's okay. - daddy, get me a cake.- raksha, be quiet. don't scold her.she is just a small kid. - here you go, dear.- thank you, daddy. - sorry for all the trouble.- this is no trouble at all. - what are you doing?- sorry, it was a mistake.

it's okay. - i think i sprained my leg.- slowly. hold my hand. no need for that, i will manage. hold my hand, i'll drop you. i really liked meeting you.but i am scared. what fear? actually we came in thiscity to forget about him. now raksha's seen you,she won't sit peacefully. look, my office is close-by.you can come whenever you want.

- daddy, won't you come along.- daddy will come later. - bye.- bye. - bye, dear.- bye, daddy. - bye.- come soon, dear. - the child's really cute, isn't it?- yes, very cute. only one daughter? - yes.- i trusted you. you cheat..liar! how many other girls have you cheated?

i don't even know her. oh, you don't know her..and she still held your hand. you don't know her buther kid called you daddy! you don't even know her butyou're still going to her house! will you let me speak or not? - let her speak then you can talk!- who? come and tell her the truth. hey you won't listen, right? and you, it's all because of you..

..you see a handsomeman and you stick to them. why did you hit my girlfriend? you hit a woman?what sort of a man are you? i hit her for you. you'll hit your wifefor another woman? don't show me your face. keep it. you need to know allabout astrology to become a priest. you have to be a lawyerto get someone a divorce. but which degree helpsin breaking up couples?

a priest helps people to come together,i help people in breaking up. i don't understand like his,tell me everything in detail. listen, i was called hereto create a scene between them.. ..i reached her and brokethem up within 30 minutes. ok, why are you bendingover like amitabh to tell me this? i will pay you extra,i just have one job. - set me up with maya.- only cutting. ok, i'll find someone else. just falling in love isn't enough.

if you want a personalitylike this then come to me. listen, no one turns intoa hero by saying a few dialogues. that girl must'veleft the city by now. - we must go too.- we should go find her. we looked for her atthe airport, railway.. ..bus stand, taxi stand, everywhere. she has forgotten you,you should forget her too. - i can't forget her uncle.- amita will call in 10 minutes. she says if i don't reach home by 11,she will poison my food.

why do you want to get me killed? wait uncle, let me finishthis drink then we can leave. uncle! he also betrayed me. hey, you make your peg just like me. where are you going? at least you sit with me. did you fail in love as well? i didn't even do anything.

some dog came andruined my life for me. if i find him i won't spare him. hey, where are you going? sit over here for some time. you won't betray me, right? first my mother left then my uncle.. ..but you didn't leave,that's what a real friend is like. hello, boss! are you his friend?

i came here for a business trip,i met him in a bar. - mother actually. - stop it,i got you here away from your father.. ..away from a manwho betrayed us both. but you let me down as well. - mother, listen to me.- shut up. i raised you all by myselfand this is how you repay me? i thought i was raisingyou with good manners. are these your manners? i failed, again!

your brother who is with him.. ..he would've turned intoa doctor or collector by now. i had forgotten your father.. ..but today you mademe remember him again. mother, i am sorry mother. i won't commit such a mistake again. - i have a wish, will you fulfil it?- yes i will. i want to see your little brother. i was angry at that time..

..when i brought you hereaway from your father and brother. you should also meet your father. my meeting him is not that important. but to get you to meet mybrother is very important for me. tell me where can i find him? your father is abig landlord in kovilur. i heard he is livingin madhurai as of now. madhurai? your father must be living a lavishlife no matter where he must be.

go there and ask for aarvind,they will tell you. ok mother, i will leave tomorrow. i am going there tomorrow as well,we can both try to find them. i am going to meet my father for thefirst time, what do i take for him? we can think about that later. he could be in a hospital. then we'll have to takefruits and flowers for him. let's find him first, thenwe can decide what to take for him. give me sacrament for chuna dev saint.

why are you wastingyour money on a fake saint? what is your problem?your business runs because of him. - i think over there is bus stop.- give me the sacrament. chuna dev saint is great. great are those stupid followers. betel makers don't con you.. ..as much as these saints do. - who is this saint?- must be some fraud. people call him thecon chuna dev saint.

they say whatever hesays come out to be true. this is enough. these people cannot listento anything against him. the weather channel peoplegive us the wrong information.. ..even with all thesatellites they have.. ..then how can this fraudbe correct all the time? if he has so many powers.. ..then he should helpget that duffer a job.. ..who has failedin the 10th standard..

..10 times and 11 timesin the 11th standard. - who is that unlucky man?- that is me. - this man?- sir the saint is calling you. saint? you are mistakenhe is not even a man. he is a great man,let me catch him red handed. i said so much about you,i am sorry saint. - give me also sacrament.- why are you creating a scene? i am getting lucky,why are you jealous? what happened? you are shockedhow my views about him changed?

he created a miracle. i told him i need a job. and vijay kalya calledthat he needs an accountant. thank you saint! my life has been made,i am telling you the truth. i think he is calling me. if he is calling you,then go, maybe he can help you. are you here to find your father? - how do you know that?- he told me.

- who?- my father. go and take a dip in that pond. you will be able tofind your father, now go. - you go as well. - but why doeshe need to go into the water? you won't understand that now,you will understand it later. do as he says, go! let's go and dip in once. our things? don't bother much about all of this..

..you leave this herei will guard it, you go. okay, saint. yes. hey where is that man? where did he go? our bags. he isn't called a con artistjust for nothing, he cons people. and the man that got the job? both were involved, that's his son. you couldn't tell us that before?

well a hint is enoughfor the intelligent. i was hinting it to you. not a penny left. he took away all my money.what do we do over here? don't worry, once i take myfather's name everything will be ok. my father aarvind is the king. you are aarvind's son? yes, do you know him? the one who ran awaywith your things is aarvind.

but my mother said he was a landlord. he isn't a landlord,he sleeps on the road. he must be enjoying himselfin the bar right now. "my cage just opened up." "my cage just opened up,come here my lovebird." "don't look awaycome look into my eyes." "you are a hunter, i know that." "tell me your intentions." i felt like somethinggood was about to happen.

but i never thoughti would meet my son. the only sad newsis that your mother.. ..wanted to meet her other son.. ..but not her husband. my mother or any woman.. ..would hate a cheating husband. hey, what did i do? why? you had an affair witha woman before the marriage.. ..you hid that frommom and married her.

only i know who betrayed whom. i lost everything without any fault.i swear. i never betrayed your mother. i love her very much. i was an orphan. my father's friendraised me as his son. why don't you want tostand as this year's mla? we won't listen to anything,you are our mla. will i remain the mlafor the rest of my life?

give my friend's son a chance too. uncle, i have no interest in politics. i don't want to be the mla. sir if you and aarvind.. ..don't want to stand in the election,please give that ticket to me. i am a part of your family as well. pashupati there is a differencebetween living with the family.. ..and being a part of the family. a servant shouldforget where he stands..

..and should nottry to become the owner. i am a loyal servant sir. even a dog is loyal. but his place is outside the house. we don't bring him inside the house. only this house's son willsit as the head of this house. this is related to our reputation. please don't misunderstand me sir. if i had not made laxmirun away from here..

..and if i hadn't lied to aarvind.. ..that she had died then what wouldhave happed to your reputation then? what are you talking about?laxmi is alive? - let him go.- uncle, don't come in between. hey tell me the truth. or else i will kill you. i will tell you the truth aarvind. your uncle told me totake laxmi away from this city. so that you marry tulsi after hearingabout the news of laxmi's death.

where is my laxmi? i don't know. is he telling me the truth? yes it is true. i wanted to save thereputation of my family. to hell with your family's reputation! she was going to have my child. it would've been betterif you had let me be an orphan. and i married tulsiwithout know any of this.

and now i even have2 children with her. tulsi! - tulsi?- shame on you. you thought about someoneelse even when you were with me. - tulsi wait.- son! - i did everything for you.- move! let's go from here. tulsi, tulsi! what did this happen?

come over here everyone. what did you do?you killed him out of anger. tulsi left the village with your son. the younger son wasn't in schooland so she left him in the house. after being released from jail.. ..i tried to findyour mother everywhere. but i never found her. i tried to find laxmi as well. she gave birth to our son and died.

then i came here with shakti. but you aren't alone now,me and mother are with you. - let's go home now.- that cannot happen. just like i met you.. ..the same way i wantto meet laxmi's son as well. if i find him as well,i will be at peace. hey where are you going? - i am going home.- no, no are you mad? - i told you to come.- i won't come.

come on make a peg. - what is this?- you just enjoy. make one.everyone will drink together. what are you celebrating? we found laxmi's son,that's why. cheers! what are you talking about? - where is he? who is it?- he is here in front of you. this is laxmi's son? i had my doubts.

i got him to makea peg to clear my doubts. people first add thedrink then the water. but how do you make a peg? you put in the waterfirst then the drink. our genes are just like that,we made the peg just like that. and shakti made thepeg just like that. you make a peg just like me. that's why i thoughthe is my brother too. i have seen brothersmeet after singing a song.

i am seeing brothers meet whiledrinking together for the first time. forgive me my son. this happened without me knowing. what is this my son? why do you have this knife? to kill you! i understood that youwere my father when i heard.. ..sanjay's mother talk about you. i came here to kill theman who betrayed my mother.

but i came to know aboutthe truth when i got here. you came to kill me? hey, you are mad! you forgot me. father a part of unclesproperty was yours right? after you went to jail,what happened to that? they gave it to uncle's daughters. - uncle has daughters?- yes 3 daughters. uncle wanted a daughter.

that is why they prayed that if theyhave a daughter they would make me bald. then their wish wasfulfilled again and again.. ..and they had 3 girls. and i kept getting bald. to get revenge for this.. ..i kept teasing them. and i used to pull their leg a lot. that is why they started hating me. and then i saw a film..

..they showed the lovebetween brothers and sisters. i felt bad after seeing that film. after that i raisedthem with a lot of love. the fear of losing them.. ..made me marry themoff to 3 poor men.. ..that were ready to live with us. my sisters did not like that at all.on top of that.. ..when they blamedme for uncle's death.. ..they left the house.

i tried to stop them.. ..i named the property after them. and took him and came here. but now that i have the three of you.. ..then i feel the decisioni made wasn't wrong. why should my kidssuffer for my mistakes? what did you guys do? that is why i havedecided upon something. i understood father.

you will get those 3aunties to exit the house. and you will tell them that youhave found your 3 sons and.. - ..we have the right on the house.- no! i want that the 4 of us.. - ..live with them as one bighappy family. - how can that happen? it can happen, my son. your 3 aunties have 3 daughters. that means 9 daughters in total,didn't the uncles have other work? total three daughters, understood?

if you marry those three girls.. ..then my one and onlywish will be fulfilled. you're a father or anagent for the marriage bureau? what is wrong with this? - that is it! - why are you bothered weare getting a readymade relationship! i love a girl,how can i marry someone else? father did so! - my story is different.- there is no difference. - aarvind's son's will followin his footsteps. - yeah!

us three brothers willlove those three girls.. ..and then we will marry them, ok? you two are handsome.. ..you will be able to do so but.. ..what about me the third person? i have made a plan. listen to me, tomorrow inthe biggest temple of this city.. ..your aunties will mark the beginningof the festival with a ceremony. they go to the templeevery year with their daughter.

you go there,kidnap those girls and marry them. mother is right, you're a bad person. doing this would be wrong. - i can't do this.- you are an idiot. it isn't wrong to bringtogether to lost souls. you three will go thereand marry them, promise me that. ok! double ok! come on, what are you thinking about?

i don't think this is right. if you don't think its correctthen do your makeup properly.. - ..or else we will get caught.- i am talking about the kidnapping. i had no chance of getting married,after great difficulty father.. ..lit the lamp in the darkness. please don't blow that lamp. no matter what you say.. ..marrying a girl with force is wrong. you kidnap them we will marry them.

what's the need tokidnap all three of them? you get 1 soap free when you buy 2. - the same way when you kidnap2 girls you get one free. - yes! we will have more optionswhen there are 3 of them. i am standing up here, can you see me? - look over there, its father.- can you hear me? - yes we can.- why are you screaming? - those three are standing over there.- where? the one whose standingwith the green sari..

..she is the eldest. yes we can see her. why are you crying father? i broke her doll when we were younger,remembered that and got emotional. you can get her a new one later on,where is the other one? the one in the blue sari. she is the younger one. and the one in the pink sari.. ..she is the middle one.

where are they? those three are themothers of the girls. - hello!- hello! hello. father! we know who they are now. - we don't need this now.- let's go. what are you doing? who where those men? where are the three madams?

there is the sari. they are taking the madams,catch them. you got them to smellthe chloroform, right? yes, i emptied the whole bottle. they won't get ufor the next 3-4 hours. let's go from here the way is empty. how come you're here? move fast! - message me.- yes!

move. come on. what do we do now?we are surrounded by all 4 sides. we should leave them and run. hey you take them,i will handle these men. sanjay handle them! you'll mess with me? do you have some mineral water? this is for the god. humans are reincarnations of god.

this side! throw them up! you climb up! why should i climb? climb then i'll tell you. i don't know why he's making me climb! brother! what happened? catch them properly,this one could be mine.

selfish men.. couldn't you tell us this before? we don't have time to tell you that. move faster. catch it. run from here duffers. faster! move away! take this, faster!

take this. catch this. give me your hand. give me your hand. stop. - stop.- come on, shakti. leave my pant! i am not that kind of a man. leave! they took my pant. you have done such a good job.

tie this around theirneck before the time runs out. make it faster, get them out. if they see me in my underwearthey will get scared. i will tell them iam modelling for underwear. make it faster. - father!- yes! our wives are beautiful. why won't they be?their mother's are beautiful too. let me see them.

- what happened father?- oh god! i told you to get the daughter's of theaunties and you kidnapped the aunties? these are the aunties? father.. i am fine with it. you told us the ones in green,pink and blue. those were your aunts. you created a scene for no reason. they are coming back to their senses.

run from here before they see us,duffers. father where are you going? to go drown in some water! we will have to kidnapthose girls from their village. i hope we won't have any trouble. there comes trouble. did out plan get leaked? - how many can you handle?- 3 thin ones or 2 fat ones. - and you? -i will handle myselfand that is more than enough.

mad. - we won't spare them.- look overe there. we won't spare them. today we'll kill him. stay quiet! - greetings!- where is he? over there. put me down. put me down!

- take him.- put me down! i'll not spare anyone. - where do you want to go?- we want to go to kovilur. we are going overthere we will drop you. tell me what can i do for you? the contract for that road.. ..i had to talk to you about that. i am filling the formsfor the election next week. after i win the electionthe contract will be yours.

you will become the mla,who cares about the elections. - you have been the mlafor the past 20 years. - father! father, father! - father, get me down.- who did this? your son is hanging there alive.. ..if he does this again, it willbe his dead body hanging from there. you have become so fearless.. ..that you tried to kidnap us? i kidnapped you?

you are a very bad actor. i saw your men running in underwear. she is talking about you. do you know you'vetouched the mla's son. you must be the mla in your own house. for this village you're still the.. ..old servant. that is why you are still alive. don't mess with me.

if i come down to what i really am.. ..your 7 generationswill be my slaves. you think you are a bigshot because you are the mla.. ..what if you don'tremain the mla after all? - who will fight against me?- i will fight. i will fight the electionand i will defeat you as well. the whole city will see that. this is a house or a marriage hall? we will book thishouse for our marriage.

i am telling you this is wrong. why are you sayingsuch things so suddenly? i have been saying thissince forever. now move. he is here, go to sleep. come on! how did you like my girl?she is nice, right? how come she is yours? i fell in love with a girl inthe 6th standard whose name was ruku.. ..her face resembles hers, i book her.

- this one is mine.- catch hold of any one finger. you caught the wrong finger,she is mine. forgive me brother,i can't break your heart. you liked the first one right? youkeep her i will make do with this one. how did you changeyour decision so fast? the thing is before ruku.. ..i like kuku in the 4th standard. she was my true love. her face is like kuku'sand hence she is mine.

i will hit you,catch hold of one finger. let it be. brothers shouldn't fight,she can be yours. maya! coming mother! how did he come here? what do we do now? if we get scared thedog will turn into a lion. if we turn into a lion thedig will remain a dog, dog logic.

how do we scare him? look him in the eyes and stare at him. how are you staring at him? stare with some anger in your eyes,you don't have to romance him. make your eyes a little bigger. open them more. if i open my eyes anymorethey will fall out, what do i do now? should i go near him? hey!

mummy, save me. hey, this door doesn't open.i will die. animals run when a human runs. if i don't run then he won't either. animal logic! he climbed on top of me. his intentions don't seem to be right. - get up!- how do i get up, can't you see? use your logic.

hey, is this the timeto play with the dog? i am not playing with him.. ..he is playing with me. hey move! did he see a ghost? hey, there are thieves in the house,catch them. - the wall is very high.- bend over. - if i bend over how will i climb up?- catch them. we are out of time, make it faster.

hey, pull him down. my pant is loosening. leave me! run, run! hey, wait! i can't run anymore,this house seems to be empty. who can they be? couldn't see anything in the dark! they must be here somewhere,find them.

what a weird place. saved ourselves from the dogs,then the ghosts came after us. what was left was fulfilled by thesevillages with swords in their hands. they took away my pant as well. we won't be able to getmarried if they cut us up. if they cut our handsand feet it's fine by me. the head shouldn't be cut up. you were right,we were doing something wrong. no matter what happens now..

..we will marry these girls. i have decided this. but you were against marriage,how come you changed your mind? because i will marry only.. ..the one i love. my maya, whom i met in ooty! she is the daughterof one of these aunties. i thought i lost her.. ..but i met her againbecause of our destiny.

i will have o marry her now. what happened to him suddenly? the same happened thathappens in a young age. wake up fast. - what happened?- come and see. let's run away from the back. there are people over there as well. we will tell them that wearen't thieves we are aarvind's sons. are you mad? if auntiesfind out they won't spare us.

then you can forget about father'swishes. we should talk to them. - but one minute!- what? - the one who gets beat up first,won't make a sound. - why? if they think we are hurting.. ..they will hit usmore with excitement. that's why when they beat you up,go through it with silence. and if we come outalive we will tell them. - now find a weapon to help save us.- weapon! what do we know what willcome into our hands in this dark.

police! police! good morning sir. there were some thievesin this area yesterday. maybe that is why the headquarterssent you over here in a hurry. yes, you are right! tell us our sp is ok, right? sp sir! yes that's great! who is the sp?

our father, who else? he came here are a fake police man. his lie will help us today. i understood when isaw the police station.. ..that the policewhere transferred here. i saw you with the sp last time.. ..which is why i recognisedyou when i saw you. that is why i got everyonefrom the village.. ..to come see you.

you are very smart. they won't need a tvas long as you're here. look inside if thereis a uniform or not. why are you here with these weapons? it was shut down for longso we got things to clean. let's get to work. ok sir. i called the police commissioner.. ..that's when i found outbecause of the election duties..

..no police man will come overbecause of the shortage of staff. - we can be the policemen tillthe elections end. - are you mad? if we get caught,we will get the 3rd degree. sir, please catch this. - why this?- i have a beer maker over here. that is why i will be responsibleto get this to you every week. you just have to do onething come to my factory.. - ..and collect this.- but listen.. you just said we could get caught.

if we don't take the bribe,they will definitely have us caught. i can commit a fraud for 10 rupees,this is 10,000. i will become theprime minister for this. the priest said the 8th is a good day. we will file a nomination that day. perfect, you will winthe elections this time. this must be that pashupati's deeds. drive faster. we will not spare you.

we will kill you. we will finish you. i will destroy you.. - no one should be able to escape.- kill them. no one should be able to escape. we'll not spare you. hey.. good morning, madam.inspector sanjay on duty. ambala.. ambala..

and he is sub inspector krishna. and i am constable shakti. ambala, ambala.. thanks a lot inspector. this was my duty, madam. i think this is theplan of that pashupati. first he got us kidnapped.. ..and now he is tryingto kill us in our village. i request you toarrest him immediately.

don't do like this. forgive him.he is not worth forgiving. - you arrest him.- leave it. don't arrest him. his punishment is that heshould lose to me in the election. that is right madam.absolutely positive approach whenever you get timedo come home for lunch. why delay the auspicious moment.we will come tomorrow. 'religious chants.' great. so manypreparations to welcome us.

they are offering prayersfor their deceased father. - who are you all?- haven't you seen the uniform? wait here. once the prayers areover then you will get the offering. what is this? she just insulted us. hey, what are you doing here? why? i am a policemanso i can reach anywhere. what is this new drama? i could not become your boyfriendso at least let me be your body guard. mother..

hey, you walk in front of me. where had you gone? we heard that some thievesentered your house last night. i was checking whethereverything is fine or not. mother, who is he? he is the new policeinspector of this area. he saved us. nowadays we can have faith onthieves but not at all on policemen. ask him to leave.they just enter from nowhere.

don't feel bad about what she said. she has been broughtup with a lot of pampering. so she just says anything., can't you see? from far she looks to be twinkle,twinkle little star. but from close shelooks to be dark moon. look closely forany clue of the thief. what time pass are you doing? take them and show them the house.

- okay, please come.- shall we go that side first? we will go there as wellbut let's go this side first. i did not like the way youwere looking at sanyukta madam. the servant shouldnot forget his status. sir, he is not a servant. - then who is he?- he is the son-in-law of this house. he is sanyukta's husband. oh, sorry sir. stupid servant, why didn't youtell me earlier that he is the master.

sir, do not keep suchuneducated people on job. sir, i am savita madam's husband. - the son-in-law of this house.- sorry to you as well sir. seeing you it seemed.. ..as if you were justlow standard workers. then how will we come toknow that you are son-in-laws. maybe this is our destiny. earlier two men usedto rule this house. father-in-law and his adopted son.

father-in-law died in an accident. - and adopted son?- he is alive.. ..but he left thehouse many years ago. he is a very nice man. he got three of us marriedto his three sisters. because of him we are toleratingthe nonsense of our wives quietly. if he was here then pour conditionwould not have been like this. file a missing complaint of him.we will find him. what will you do after finding him?

do you know what they are doing? - what are they doing?- they are offeringprayers of their deceased father. and along with .. ..they are also performinglast rites of their brother arvind. being a stranger you feltso bad so just think about us. he was very close to us. come. he is the thirdson-in-law of this house. why is he sleeping in the afternoon?

he is not sleeping but he is in coma. for last two years he is in coma. - let's go.- come, this side. why are they roaming around the house? your mother has askedto show them the house. - i have a great idea.- what idea do you have? under the pretext of guardingthe house i shall stay here. i shall catch hold thethief at night when he comes. and my one will get impressed.

- where will you get the thief from?- you will become. have you gone mad?will i become? by mistake you made me policeman.. ..so now because ofme you become a thief. now listen.enter exactly at 12o'clock. first i will get holdof you and then beat you. you somehow escape andhere i will start wooing her. isn't it right? in next 10 minutesthe action will start.

till that time let me makeprogram for the start of romance. what kind of brother is he? he has come by blackening his face. hey, why are you staringat sister-in-law? come on start the work. hey, do not move.i shall give you one. hey, why is there twist in the story? why are you beating me?mother, mother.. why are you doing so much over acting?

hey, be in your character otherwisei will not help in your setting. - who is he?- he is a thief. don't worry he is taking care of me..i mean i am taking care of him. one minute. what are you doing?let me also hit once or twice. i will run now. please, will you kill the child?shall i call human rights officers? hey, someone go and catch him. - he is running.- let that rascal run.

you got up from sleepat the wrong time. till now i was beating him. being a policeman you are crying? - aren't you ashamed?- i am not crying. i can see that.go and cry in the police station. come on, let's go. one second. hello. did you come to get mysetting done or to kill me? why did you change the plan?why did you beat me so much? what are you saying?we have still not left.

what do you think thati did not recognize you in mask? what are you saying?we are just on the way. there is no need to come.i am leaving from here. meet me on the leftside of the temple's wall. i will commit suicideby climbing there. - you just insulted me.- hey.. ..has he gone mad? let's go. hey, what is it? you came 10 minutes earlieryou delivery boy of ghosts.

hit me now that you have come. make me a ghost after beating me. where are you going? stop. stop. where are you going? beat me. make me also a ghost. wait.. wait.. he is the son-in-law who was in coma. black pant,black shirt and doing drama of coma.

you beat me so badly what kind of sound is this? it was nice to knowthat you are arvind's sons. what was the need foryou to become a ghost? one day i went tobank and came to know.. ..that a fraudulenthas embezzled our money. because of fear of my wife'sthird degree interrogation.. ..i could not get up afteri fell unconscious that day. whenever he gained consciousnesshis wife asked him about money.

from that day heis permanently in coma. i might not get boredwhile lying so i roam.. ..around at night inopen air by becoming a ghost. because of fear of ghost noone comes out of the house after 10 and because of thiswe three meet every night. why don't you all get along well? because this marriagetook place against their wish.. ..that is why they areannoyed with us till today. we do not have any otheroption than to stay away from them.

now what to hide from you all. it has been years since weslept with our lives in the same room. if you stay away then the distancein relationship will increase. to be a husband and a fatheris not a post but relationships. you have to fulfill them. our case is absolutely hopeless. i had thought that my three aunties.. ..would be staying happilyafter father left the house. i wanted father to meet the family..

..but your conditionis worst than him. so what if interval has happenedbut the twist will come now. 500, 600.. take this. take this. - shall i help you in accounts?- for what? hello madam, good morning. - why have you come here?- good morning. if we come regularly thenthere will be more understanding. between whom. between police and public.

last month you had changed the tyres.do you have the bill? here are the bills of the tyres. there are bills ofsix new tyres in this. 6 tyres? even after includingstep piney there are 5 there is not justmiscalculation in tyre bill. tell me how many servantsare there in our house. including both ofus there are 26 servants. - and how many are salaried.- they are 24. but in the accountthere are 45 people.

- look at that.- are you having doubt on us? madam gives the payment through bill.you do not interfere. we do not get paid for doing nothing.we work so we get salary. like you we are notdependent on wives' money. idiot. it is my fault that i havegiven you too much importance. from today my husbandwill take care of accounts. - will you take care of it?- yes, he will do it. he will not let you down.

all of you come up. come up quickly. quickly. come up quickly. look, his hands are moving. - how did this miracle happen?- yes, that only. this miracle is becauseof sundi sudoko. - sundi sudoko?- yes madam. this is a part of chinese acupuncture. in this by massaging on soft parts.. ..of the body a manbecomes alive again.

shakti is specialist in this. and when he gains consciousness donot say anything that might hurt him. - just be careful.- if you do like this.. ..then he might go into coma again. no, no i will not talk aboutanything that happened in the past. he will just gain consciousness. thank you so much. from the time he has gone into coma.. ..there is no oneto take care of garden.

everything is finished. from tomorrow i willmake him do the work. till today no doctor could treat him. how did you do it in just few moments? sometimes what doctors cannot do,can be done compounders. sundi sudoko planhas become successful. what is the matter?is it something urgent? as it is you must begetting threatening calls. but we have got informationthat your life is in danger.

then what should we do now? go in such a roomwhere you do not sleep. - such room is just of our husbands.- then the problem is solved. - i cannot sleep there.- just adjust for your life. okay, but be careful. - yes.- come on. ..there is lot of thunderingand i am feeling scared. shall i sleep with you tonight? even in this age youare os strong mother.

there is lot of thunderingand i am feeling scared. someone please pressthe mute button of the clouds. they aren't letting me sleep.i shall turn and see. - mother.. - not mother butfather of your future children. hey, i was asking where is mother. she is in father'sroom for her safety. with your father? have you gone mad?she is with your father. is your mother roaming sim card?

mother, i am feeling scared. why is your hand trembling? i am getting nervous. actually i have never sat withany beautiful girl on the same bed. why are your hands not trembling? hey..don't tremble.. i mean don't go. do you love me so much? i will have to answer this questionnot by becoming shakti kapoor.. ..but by becoming honest alok nath.

mother, are you feeling okay? your body seems to be hot. i am not hot but my mood is. - what happened, child?- who shouted? - what happened, maya?- why are you screaming, maya? what else should i do if not shout?what is he doing in your room? they were sleeping inour rooms for our safety. what is the problem? i had gone in your room for sleeping.and..

after that she hugged me. - and, and.. and then.- she hugged me and slept. - then she screamed and came here.- that's it. i really like this aunty. if this was the plan thencouldn't you tell earlier? okay, okay go and sleep. the entire mood has been spoiled. come on maya,we three will sleep in our room. at least you wait.

uncle, you must have sleptpeacefully after so many days. sleep? when we were alone atleast we used to sleep on bed.. ..but yesterday we slept on the floor. don't take tension.everything will be fine. we are helping you all so much. - help us a bit.- what should we do? by giving us credit cardsend your daughters with us. do you know whom are you talking to?

we are fathers of the girls. you are going to our father-in-lawsso that is why we are telling you. please help us a little.please, please.. - you can do this much foryour future son-in-laws. - okay. three of you are great father-in-laws. yes, anything for love. we shall fill the form oncethe inauspicious time is over. absolutely right.fill it at an auspicious moment. we will surely win.

what about the offering in the temple? when you will file the nominationthen we will make the offering. you do not worry. then we will leave. - sanjay, come with us.- yes. where are you going?that is a government office. - our life is in danger.- danger to life? i mean we cannothelp you in elections. our job will get into danger.

yes, yes.. job. i will come with you.rest will go with them. - okay, you go.- okay. -shall we go?-yes. all the best madam. sanjay, this goldenopportunity has come your way. - take advantage of it. i am coming.- quick, quick.. - do it fast. - we aregetting late. hurry up and sit. i am coming, madam.

aunt, why are they coming in our car? for our security. if they are security then theyshould be in front and not with us. just anyone is entering the houseand taking advantage of it. they do not have any manners. i don't know when theserascals will go from here. maya, will you clicka photograph of mine. - take a selfie.- just one photograph. - what a problem? ready.- yes, yes..

who is she?- she is sub inspector of hyderabad. if i tell you a secret theni hope you won't tell it to anyone. - what kind of secret?- actuallysanjay and i are of one police batch. after becoming subinspector and getting.. ..transferred to ootyhe fell in love with a girl. he was getting promotion.. ..but because of fearof losing that girl he refused. - then what happened?- what was to happen? we all friends togethergot breakup of his love.

this girl acted as being his wife. - are you saying the truth?- absolutely. i swear upon him. - why are you swearing upon me?- youcome to this side, and i will tell you. why did you falsely swear upon me? i had to get brother'sfamily setting done. what if because of thatsomething happens to me? - hello. - i am liquorowner of liquor speaking. - tell me.- i am siting here. here.

- where?- this side. sir, i thought you wouldhave problem in drinking in glass.. ..that is why i have filled liquorin coconut and kept it in your car. go and drink it quickly. in my car? coconuts have now become bottoms up. did you drink? i am dead. sanjay, this was very nice.

- will we get more?- i will get it. that coconut does not have water.. ..but the liquor ownermixed liquor in it. liquor.. but that was for us. i am feeling dizzyand want to go home. sir, i cannot find the car keys. - it must be somewhere here. - youhad said that you wanted to drive.. ..so it must be in your pocket. it is not with me. look there.

hello, we are getting late. if you cannot find keys of your car.. ..then you can comewith us in our car. ask the driver to findthe keys and bring the car home. - you come with us.- but that.. she is openly inviting you. you will not get thisgreat opportunity again. - quickly say yes.- get lost. you go madam and we will be coming.

come on inspector sir. i have drunk coconutwater many times.. ..but have never drunklike this in my life. we shall call thatcoconut water owner.. ..and ask him to plantsuch coconut trees in our garden. look at that old lady. she is thinkingof getting farming of liquor done. - can we go? - speak softly otherwiseour secret will be revealed. oh, yes.. okay, okay.. i am feeling giddy and dizzy as well.

you sit this side. hey, these are myfeet and not public park. - i will not let anyone sit on it.- oh, god! i will sit on it now. okay. look, i am feeling very dizzy.i want the window seat. please, sit here. shall i vomit? - sorry, i was changing the gear.- no problem, it is okay.

will it do? it will be too good for me. i had told you and you didnot listen to me. now sit down. everyone seems to woo someone.when will anyone woo me? i think she is wooing me. all routes are clear. let's go. she is sitting alone. - go and tell her.- but how. once you path is clear onlythen our path will become clear.

- no, no..- go now. mother, i wanted totalk to you about something. before you say anythingi want to tell you something. - don't misunderstand me.- what is the matter, mother? today when i wentto file the nomination.. thank you.. thank you, thank you..greetings.. give them to me. what is it? is it a nominationor is the result out?

don't think this to benomination but the result. we are just celebratinga little earlier. what do you think shewill win the election? if a corrupt rascal likeyour father can win the election.. ..then she is shyam nath's daughter. it is sure that she is going to win. you think about yourself.- is that so? if you win the election.. ..then i shall distributemy property amongst the villagers..

..and be your servantlike earlier times. but if i win then.. - i will become a maid servant ofyour house. - what are you saying? you are my master. why would you become a servant? this will not suit you. instead of that your daughter willbecome daughter-in-law of my house. why have you kept quiet? hope you are not scared of losing?

look, it is not yourjob to contest election. go home and look after the kitchen. you want to contest election! she challenged mein front of everyone. he promised that he would defeat me if as a servant he canoccupy my father's seat. then can't i occupy being a daughter.thinking this i.. hey, if you lose thenyou will become my servant. and if i lose then my daughter willbecome daughter-in-law of your house.

does anyone put her daughter on stake? okay, sister said so in angerbut you could have said something. - you just kept watching the show.- he insulted father. anyone would have donethe same on her place. sister, if you lose then will you.. ..get maya marriedin the servant's house. why are you taking tensionfor such a small matter? madam is surely going to win. you do not know that pashupati.

- he can stoop to any level to win.- in elections you need to.. ..rise up and not stoop low. in create players help in winningand in elections it is the public. if we have public supportthen madam is sure to win. in this election constituencythere five such areas.. ..like chandanpura, sonpura,shyamgarh, bhavanigarh and ramnagar that will change thedirection of this election. there are 22,000 voters in this area. whosoever the panchayathere supports is sure to win.

no one can go against their decision how is the decisiontaken as to whom to support? for so many years pashupatihas won without any opposition. but this time you arestanding opposite to him. you will have to tellthe panchayat about.. ..what you can do forthe progress of this area. only then the panchayat willdecide whom they want victorious. i know that many people promisedto get school made in this area. if you give vote to me theni will surely get the school made.

one school is already there. so what if it is 2kms away. but if we talk about hospitalthen it is 20kms away. it takes about 1 hour for a child,old woman.. ..or pregnant womanto reach the hospital. if you vote for me then i willget a big hospital made in this area. not only this.there is water scarcity too here. i shall get welldug here for the people. you may dig the well butwhere will you get water from.

- i will get a bus stop made. - i willget an office for the panchayat. i will get a marriagehall made for you all. i shall get a concreteroad built in each village. i will get vehiclesmoving on that road. i shall discuss withrailway ministry.. ..and get railwaysstation constructed here. i will get the loanswaived off for the farmers. i shall get new buses ply here. i shall get a guesthouse constructed here.

after hearing the discussionsabout both the candidates.. ..the panchayat has decidedthat the votes of all the villagers.. ..will go to the new candidate mrs.sanyukta. yes.. pashupati was making great promises.. ..then how did panchayatgave the decision in my favor. that is what i want to know.what did you say in his ears? you were continuouslypromising the public.. ..so i got hold of thefive officers of panchayat.

i told them that we would give50lakhs cash so the votes are ours. it is matter of 10,000 devotees. if the priest blesses youthen even those votes will be yours. take this, child.god bless you. the priest gave her aring in the form of blessing. so it is decided ourvote for sanyukta madam. even my vote for sanyukta madam. we will vote for sanyukta madam.. how can priest do this way?

this man gave 10,000/- alongwith the ring.. ..and asked him to give thering to sanyukta madam as blessing. i will work day and nightfor the progress of this village. look at the crowd and ask.. ..that ramesh is theyield good this time or not. - why so?- ask it. mr. ramesh is theyield good this time? madam, i am mr. ramesh. you are great.you even know that i do farming.

you will become our mla our vote will go to you. our vote will go to sanyukta madam. - our vote will go to samyukta madam.- what logic was this? every village has mr. ramesh. and if it is a villagethen he must be doing farming. common man logic. sanyukta, my sister. my sister.

great! sanyukta madam'spopularity is increasing. i wanted to talk somethingimportant with you. even we want to tellyou something important. - what is that?- first you tell me. we wanted to talk aboutmarriage of our daughters. you are talking of marriagebut we have chosen son-in-law also. son-in-law? who is he? those who are protectingus for so many days. sanjay and his friends.

super. great choice. we also wanted to talk about them. we should call their familiesso that we can finalize the proposal. there is no need to call. i have come. why are you looking at me like this?i am back. i could never win your hearts. but my sons turnedout to be magicians. they won your heartsthe moment they came here.

i am very happy. what did you say? your sons? yes. sanjay,krishna and shakti are my sons. - throw them out.- hey! why did you come here, father? you should have waitedfor some more days. i did not feel sadon my father's death.. ..as i was sad when thismurderer escaped hanging to death. for last 20 years we areperforming your last rites.

if you repented a littleof what you have done.. ..you should have committed suicide. father, father.. what happened father? call the doctor. there is no need to worry.the attack was mild. but we will have to keephim under observation for two days. - thank you doctor.- you please do the follow up. you trapped our daughtersin love because of money. what else can we expectfrom sons of a murderer?

enough of it.do not cross your limits. if we had to trap your daughters.. ..then we would have elopedand got married to them. and you could not have done anything. till today if we have remainedquiet then that is because of father. i am not challengingyou but telling you.. ..that very soon youwill beg and request.. .. to give your daughterin marriage to us. that day we will marry them.

hey, if you are a realman then do this and show us. you have still not seen my real form. - now see what a real man is.- hey.. i am a kind fellow forthe one who talks lovingly. and i am a storm forone who messes up with me what is the matter? you are sad because auntychanged her mind about marriage. i am worried not aboutmarriage but about aunty. politics is new for her.

she has not seen its cruel face. and pashupati will now show him that. sanyukta madam will surely win. sanyukta madam.. - why did you slap me?- how dare you touch me? did you all see? on one hand she asks for votefrom low standard people like us.. ..and on the other handbehaves as if are untouchables. tell everyone what you did.

tell, you tell. you slapped me becausei am of a lower caste. tell them if thereis any other reason. sanyukta madam is no good. - go back.- sanyukta madam is no good. pashupati's next planwould be more dangerous. hatred for aunty willincrease among people. and pashupati willbe closer to victory. 5 children died becausesanyukta madam's banner fell down.

and many children got injured. political activities are at its peak. it is a great setback forsanyukta madam's popularity. parents of victim'sare demanding for justice. here is our child's murderer for vote. hit him! slowly, slowly sanyukta madamis losing her popularity among people. and pashupati is becomingpopular among people again. it seems that public hasdecided to make him as their leader.

after trying all means.. ..father and son will togetherstart attacking directly. thank you for welcomingme in such a grand way. this pomp and show is not for you.. ..but for my futurewife that is your daughter. leave my daughter. let's go from here. come fast. who will help us? now only two days are left.

let these elections getover then only we will rule. - who are you?- i am the crown of police department.. ..and father of terrorists. i am rdx. crime is scaredof me and corruption.. in this election it ismy duty to stop collection.. ..corruption, commission,manipulation and violation. crime cannot escape from eyes. don't make rdx angry. i have not spared theone who has made me angry.

my one punch isequivalent to 100 punches. whosoever needs its samplethen make a line and stand. what is this? you had asked me tosay big dialogues and punches here. but after seeing theirweapons i cannot say anything. don't worry. i have come with you. you are sitting รข½ km away and overhere death is standing close to me. your courage is your weapon. if you get scared thenyou will be beaten by a sword. you keep o throwingpunch in whatever you say.

now tell me my punch. tell them that you like lessof noise and more of bloodshed. wouldn't it be too much? if you do not do it likethis then you will be killed. as it is i am not going to be safe. hey, i like less ofbloodshed and more of noise. before i get angryshall i give you one? this punch has gone waste.what should i do next? - give him the sweet box.- okay.

take this sweetmeat. before leaving do notforget to say the dialogue. if you ask for sweetmeatthen i shall give you rice pudding. if you make facesthen i shall cut you. hey dish antenna dth.. rdx raaj shekhar. snacks are for enjoymentand rdx gives punishment. i have got a chance soeven i should throw a punch. you need matchstickto burn the gunpowder of rdx

but for this rdxto burst aim is enough. i am saying to stop. where has he gone? he came courageouslyand went away after a blast. why didn't you tell me thatthere was a bomb in the sweet box? some things should be a surprise. they must have kept a prize for me.. ..by now as i blasteda bomb at their place. enough of your surprise gift.

i am not going to support you. you had promised me thatyou will always support me. - what is this?- when did i do that? who will save us? raj shekhar. not only raaj shekharbut rdx raj shekhar. - rdx! - i have got this nick nameby my destiny. i have got it after thediwali of police station. and you!

you do not do any work without money.. ..then why are youhelping him for free. oh no, do you work this way? - go away from here.- he does other works also. do you remember your breakup? he got it done. sorry brother. but i got thatconnection connected for you again. i will handle you later. sir, please release us from here.

there is lots of work to be done. you must be having lots of work. but i just have one workand have to finish that. if i would not haverecommended your name.. ..then you would nothave been posted here. if you would not havesaid anything against me.. ..then i would have become acp by now. okay, you cannot release me. but at least keep me withyou by getting my bail done.

as it is you seemto be bodyguard for rent. who has got the keys tothe lock that has been put here? with you. sir, this city is a little different. to clean a place they do notburn rubbish but the entire colony. in diwali they do notburst crackers bit blast bombs. are you telling me or scaring me? if you talk courageouslythen they will respect you. i will teach you how to be courageous.

first act stylishly, then threatenthem and then give them box of sweets. - okay.- shall i execute my plan? promise me that you willsay what i ask you to say. i give you the guarantee of your life. okay, it is done. all dialogues are yours. all punches are also yours. then what is my need in the scene? sir, i have still notfound the keys of your house.

as of now i have keptyour belongings inside. why have you putgarlands on these photos? is it their happy birthday? all these policemenmessed up with pashupati. if you have thoughtof messing up then.. ..there is no placeleft for hanging the photo. don't you need your promotion? are you trying to scare mebecause it is having its affect? many people have come.

they must have come toattend the marriage ceremony. they have come foryour last procession. - who is it?- hey rdx by coming to our place you willtry to kill us by blasting a bomb. i did not eat and drink anythingbut just broke a petty glass. attack! hey, you beat us up again. no, i did not beat you. just wait here.i will get more people.

listen.. wait.. stop.. - have they gone?- to serve them coffee was left. today because of you icould escape from those 10-15. but what will i do iftomorrow 100 of them come. - i am there, sir.- you are there. i may or may not survive. what has happened, maya?why are you crying? whether i laugh orcry does not bother you. you destroyed m life for your benefit.

look maya, everythingwill be fine after my victory. oh! you still feel thatyou will win the elections. you lost the day youthrew sanjay out of the house. maya, stop. maya. i think we should call back sanjay. even i think that is right. they have suffered a lotbecause of a small mistake. you think father's murderis just a small mistake. you can forget thatour father is no more.

but i will neither forget nor forgive. hey, suddenly rdx is missing. he is not missing and i knowwhere he would be at this time. i assure you that i will fulfillevery promise that i have made. - was he alone?- he beat us up very badly. we were beaten in thedark so just imagine.. ..what would havehappened in the daylight. his body and muscle does not match. he seems to be not at all powerful.

but when he starts beatingthen he suddenly becomes powerful. you are absolutely right. are you throwing thelast punch before dying? hey, keep quiet. i have cometo extend a hand of friendship. the fight that started with asweet box will finish with sweet box. i will fall at his feet and apologize. hello, who is speaking? it does not matter who i am.. ..but rdx has come thereto serve you with sweets.

rdx.. if you want to see yourfamily happy then vote for me. he has really come. that is not sweet box but your death. you said wrong about sanyukta madam. so he has come totake revenge for that. if you want to stay alive then fallat his feet and beg for your life. we will give it to the opposition. if i apologize in privatethen i will be beaten up.

if i apologize in frontof public then he will forgive me. becaue he is politician. forgive me sir. it was not my fault. i just had one original dialogueand even that you have said. pashupati, i was not responsiblefor whatever that happened. even i am saying this.. ..that i was not responsiblefor whatever that happened. i was just a puppet in hishand and he was planning everything. on his saying i croppedup the topic of caste.

and on his saying i got thatbanner fall on school children. whether it was the topicof caste or got the banner fall. what have i to do with whateveryou did? let me do my work. - let me give this sweet box.. - ihave told you everything truthfully. then why do you want to kill me. i know there is bomb in this. it does not contain bomb but sweetmeatmade from almond and rendered butter. whether it is bomb or sweetmeatyou just speak with your eyes. sir, what nonsense is he talking?

your ideas are superbut this man is a fool. he revealed your secretsoin front of everyone. - hey..- father.. go away from here. you are insulting sayunktadevi. cheap, cheater, rascal.you play with the emotions of people. aren't you ashamed? i came here.. you play with the emotions of people.

- i..- shameless people. but in box there is.. first time such a policemanhas come to our village. who reveals secrets ofpeople without saying anything. no.. no.. - listen to me..- i am feeling proud in lifting you up. if mr. pashupati will get angry then,he will kill me. i was going to settle everything by.. ..apologizing andyou spoiled everything.

if you distribute everything amongpeople then what will we be left with. so do you want thati should lose the.. ..election and becomethe servant of her house? so by distributing moneyyou will buy their votes. for five years we havebeen embezzling public's money. so now if we return some ofit then they will surely vote for us. do one thing. put thousand rupee note in eachenvelope and make it reach the voters. today itself.

how will they cometo know that it is ours? every envelope will havea pamphlet of our party. what if that policemanagain creates a problem? i will take care of him. sir, are you planning to go somewhere. i am going from here becauseelections are getting over tomorrow. if pashupati wins thenhe will kill me in happy mood.. ..and if he loses thenhe will kill me in anger. whatever may happenbut i have to die anyway.

- sir, listen to me.- excuse me. hello. sanyukta madam's men have left with.. ..5lakh rupees to distributeit among the public. - really?- of course - great. i will just leave.- what has happened, sir? i have got a golden opportunity to.. ..arrest your auntsand impress pashupati. men of your aunt have leftto distribute 5lakhs among people.

i will arrest them. - did i crack a joke?- my aunt is very smart. he will get you engaged in this 5lakhand will do business of cores here. how are you so sure about it? don't you believe us?hey, start the car. now you will come to know. hey, i hope you are notmaking me fool like others. sir, do not insult the fools. look, they are coming.

your aunt is sarupnakhaof modern times. i can stop her fromdoing illegal things. as i am vibhishan of modern times. just wait and watch what happens. sir, the speed of truck is increasing. how will we stop it? just imagine it is stopped.now look what i can do. hey, he is rdx. let's run from here. they are pashupati's men.

by hiring pashupati's men isyour aunt doing waste paper business? oh god there is facebookselfie of pashupati on this. what are you saying? - hello. - won't you stopdoing your stupid acts? how dare you stop my truck? what did you think thati will not come to know? my men are scattered everywhere. you will not be able to escape,understood. i made a mistake.

you should have toldme about your heinous deed. i would have done your work myself. are you a policeman? now i will prove myfaithfulness at any cost. after that i will come infront of you and make you eat sweet. come on help me inrepairing the puncture. i cannot help you in this matter. the picture is about to getover so at least do some work now. at least you do.

sir, he is distributingit among the public. father, the work is done. brother, that rdx distributedthe envelopes in the village. stand away from each other.you are close as if in love. here, are the keys of the truck. i have distributed yourenvelopes among people. i have given two to some peopleso that they can give you fake votes. get new clothesstitched for you from.. ..the money that isremaining in these envelopes.

you can keep this. okay, i will get a shirtstitched from a curtain. - sir.- what happened? by mistake you did not getphoto clicked in a sari. what? your men are so powerfulbut they are useless. i will give you an example. every envelope has photographof aunty and not your. so they will get the votes.

- how did the pamphlet change?- how do i know that? your truck had got puncturedso i changed the tyre. then i took that truck to the village. the moment i was aboutto distribute the envelopes.. what are you both doing here? we were helping you. it is not required. we will do it. - you go away.- okay. so it is the work of those cheaters.

tell me rascal,where did my pamphlets go. i will not spare him. - let the elections get over.- will we win, father? i may become an mla or notbut will surely become her relative. i will make him sufferand destroy her pride. - hello, tell me uncle.- where are you? as you had said i am bringinghooligans in the trucks. go straight to sanyukta's house. i have made all arrangements.

just remember that she shouldnot come to know about you. - even i am coming there.- understood uncle. i should see 5000 people there. you decide how do you arrange it. arrangement will be done, brother. now either this side or that. but before that i willtake care of that policeman. no, no there is no problem.everything is fine here. i have set everything.

you just come to pick up the girls.okay uncle. what have you set? i have kept the back door openand explained everything to girls. - what else can we do than this?- okay, fine. - come on.- come quickly. - thank god! she is not here.- father. father. but what will mother say? don't worry abouther and listen to me. pashupati can do anythingto win the elections.

i do not know what willhappen tomorrow morning. your mother is very stubborn. do not spoil yourlife for her stubbornness. go child. go away. - but father..- don't waste time. go. it's us. by sending maya awayyou did a good thing. even we have called the boys hereto take our daughters away from here. we have done our work andnow let us leave the rest on god.

there is so much rush outsidethe house as if some sale is going on. - how will we make the girls elope?- i don't know. who are you? uncle has sent us. uncle has even sent me. let's go inside. uncle seems to be lazybut his planning is solid. look, he has calledso many people here. come, come.. there isno time for discussion.

go back home. i will not go. is it a joke? father sent me here andyou are sending me back home. now i have decided.let's go to a temple and get married. aunty hates me and if i do this thenshe will hate me more. then this family can never unite. agree to what i am saying maya. come, come.. everyone come. - what kind of signal is this?- this is not a signal but hick up.

by closing the nose the hick upsdon't stop but the breathing stops. i am closing his mouth. if he opens his mouththen we will be dead. wait for a second. here, drink water. get down. where will you take this out? maya, maya. she is not here.she has gone to sanjay.

how dare you send her there? i cannot hear whatis happening inside. do you know what the problem is? why is she shouting? brother, were theremore bottles in the fridge? - no, there was only one.- that is it. madam feels her husbandhas drunk the water. she has the habit of drinking coldwater. that is why she is shouting. i do not need couragefor my daughter's..

..happiness but thereshould be love in the heart. now even you will revolt against me. i am saying that itsresult would not be good. tell me one thing.why is she showing finger in anger? because he forgot to fill the bottle. that is why she is threatening. have you gone mad? - what happened? is everything fine?- he has sent maya to sanjay's house. even i would have donethe same if i was in his place.

at least she remains happy. you would say this. i havenurtured her for 9 months in my womb. that is why i will feel the pain. poor thing. she is hungry. shehasn't eaten anything since morning. she would have survived onwater but you drank the entire water. but it is good deedto make someone drink water. only if you had drunkfrom your own bottle. now that you have drunk from herbottle then you have become a sinner. but you had given me.

if he gives you poisonthen will you drink, do you know that maya has left? no madam, i do not know. if you do not know thenwhat do you take salary for. till she doesn't find thethief she will not be at peace. i have just drunk waterbut have not committed any murder. even then i will fall ather feet and apologize to her. don't go now as madam is angry. she will kill you.

for me the dignityof the family is above all. oh god, so much anger. i don't know what she is going to do. why are you beating him? i had told him to buy water,but he did not. - leave me.- sister, wait? - let me go.- keep standing. if i am not forgivennow then i will be killed. - get a side. get a side.- let me go,

- but you..- please. forgive me. forgive me. i didnot know there was only one bottle. forgive me. - who are you? - i am the sinnerwhom you want to shoot. - i am the one.- hey! - uncle!- why are you falling at her feet? - uncle!- save me uncle. save me. - she will kill me.- why is he hugging him? he is uncle of our boss.

this means we aresurrounded by our enemies. we have got trapped very badly. uncle, there are two moremen so please save them also. - whom are you talking about?- about them. catch them. stupid, they are not my but her men. where is your daughter? my future daughter-in-law. she is not here.

she has gone to sanjay. you are backing away fromthe promise you made that day. was this your plan? if after killing your father.. ..i would have killed you then thissituation would have never arisen. son, whatever i didwas for your benefit. - get up, sir.- stop him. - arvind.. - i could not becomean mla till you were alive. hey everyone, look what has happened?

what did you do?in anger you killed your father. look what has this man done? your brother hadjust pushed your father. but i killed him. as i wanted i snatchedyour father's position. from that day tilltoday i have been an mla. but till today people havebeen calling me your servant. but from today i willbe called your relative. if i lose only then.

- even if you die.- sister.. - mother..- aunty.. who raised hand on aunty? my father raised it. what will you do? now he will be beaten. he has been beaten. for my father mr.shyam nath was like god. he loved my aunties like sisters. he brought them up with loveand did not let them suffer at all.

and you dared toraise your hand on her. so much violencefor a bottle of water. forgive him madam. at one time in life my uncle used.. ..to have bath withliquor instead of water. and today because ofthat water he is being beaten. i have committed the crime.so beat me. seeing his fight iremembered kung fu of china. - he is a real man.- i have taught him how to fight.

wait for 5 minutes.i will show a demo to you as well. look, he is puting his lifein risk and fighting for us. i want my daughter to marry him. boss, we have brought him. i had told the villagers thatvery soon i will be on the shoulders. - now put me down.- we have found people to be beaten. whenever they both have helpedme they have caused problem. hey, wait otherwise i will kill him. okay, kill him.

what kind of man is he?he is not bothered at all. he is a rascal.first he had snatched my girlfriend. then he snatched my job in ooty. and now i am goingto die because of him. wow! beautiful.. - what did you say?- i was talking about the wood. - even you are no less.- how daring they are? they tied up a policeman. i had not thought..

..that i will get truelove of my life in the climax. and this.. i had heard about chicken roll,veg roll and cheese roll.. ..but the roll of love is solid. i want to eat thisroll of love every day. he is banging likethe bell of the temple. this was the demo. have you got hurt? the sauce was remainingin the roll of love.

i shall tie a bandage. maybe the whole worlddoes not talk to me.. ..but i will play thegame of love with you. - naughty.- you hottie.. hey, why are you trembling? why do you put ac in the house? tell me who that woman in red is.. ..and who is beating theenemies and looks beautiful. she is the youngestdaughter of this house.

- youngest daughter..- yes. i thought three brothershave got three wives. but here the youngest one remains. that youngest one will be my wife. come, come.. not just one.. ..but i have calledfor 5000 men to kill you. now i shall showyou the drama of death. come out. come, come.. come on.

hey, he is the leader of our group. and you called us to kill him. power is not in money but in a realman. and that is not you but sanjay. why did he kill everyone? because he raised a hand on my aunt. he not only did that but he is.. ..responsible foryour grandfather's death. he is the rascal whotrapped your father in.. ..wrong allegation andkept you away from the family.

now the tables have turned. i am dead now. not only pasta but localbreakfast is not in my destiny.