woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


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in this video, i'm gonna show you how toinstall a pocket replacement window on homes that have vinyl, aluminum orwood lap siding, or a brick exterior. common to theeastern part of the country. now if you live in a stucco home, whichis typical of the west coast and some other regions,

wood branding iron edmonton, make sure you watch that video, which youcan find at lowes.com/videos. but regardless of what kind of window you'rereplacing, if you haven't watched the removal part of this series, be sureto do that first. and if you want a professional toinstall window, just call lowe's.

now as i mentioned in the last video,different brand windows install differently, so be sure to refer tomanufacturer's instructions. now on your window frame if you havewindow weights, you may be able to fill the weightpockets with loose fill insulation. clean up any debris or old paint fromthe opening, and add flashing tape as required by themanufacturer. next you wanna check the holes on thenew window and make sure they line up with good existing wood on the frame. if not you may have to remove any badwood and replace it with solid wood

filler. to prep the window, first remove thepackaging material then install the sill adapter in the sill accessory groove.before you install the window, it's a good idea to do a test fit. with the window closed, set the bottom inplace and tilt the top into position. make sure the window isagainst the blind stops, and that the sill adapter is on theoriginal sill. next drill two weep holes in the sill adapterfollowing a manufacturer's directions. ours are quarter inch holes about aninch from the ends

with the bottom lined up with the bottomof the sill adapter's vertical leg. remove the window from the frame andapply a bead of sealant. along the blind stops, head and sill. putthe window back in place bottom first, then the top, making sure it's againstthe blind stops and that the sill adapter is on thesill. to secure the window, insert a shim near the top of one jam lined up with the hole in the frame. drilla pilot hole and drive a screw about halfway in. repeatthis on the other jam. next, check that the window is plumb andsquare by measuring the diagonals.

they should be equal. to adjust,insert shims at the screw holes as needed. then drillpilot holes, and secure with screws. then drive the first two screws all theway in, and cut off the shims. tshe next step is outside. apply a bead of sealant wherethe new frame meets the old frame, all the way around.also apply sealant along the sill adapter and original sill.but don't cover up the weep holes. to seal the inside take some insulatingfoam that's recommended by the

manufacturer and following their instructions, applybetween the window and the existing frame about an inchdeep. let the foam expand and cure. once its cured, check that the windowopens and closes properly. finish things up by re-installing theinterior sash stops or new trim. and don't forget lowe's carriesglass cleaner to keep your new windows crystal-clear. a pocket replacement windowis a great practical solution for repairing old worn out windows with a lot lesshassle. now if you've got some other projects on your diy list,

check out our lineup of how-tos at lowes.com/videos.