woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


wood branding iron designs

hi. this is marty from blue lightning tv.i’m going to show you how to burn or brand images into wood. this tutorial is an update to one i did quite awhile ago on an earlier version of photoshop. i provided this logo design and wood texture background, so you can follow along. the file is located in thevideo description or project files. keep in mind, the appearance of your finished woodburn effect will look differently depending

wood branding iron designs, on the wood texture you use. for example,if the wood is smoother, darker and has a different color than this one, your wood burneffect will also be smoother, darker have a different color. the example i'll use inthis video will be this logo i designed, however, if you want to use your own text,

open your type tool and make sure your foreground and background colors are black and white, respectively. if they're not, press "d" on your keyboard or click this icon. choose a font, make itssize relatively large and type out your text. you can reposition it with your move tool. make a copy of your text by pressing ctrl or cmd + j and then ctrl-click or cmd-clickon the new layer icon to make a new layer below the text copy. fill it with white bypressing ctrl or cmd + delete. click the thumbnail of the text copy to make it active and pressctrl or cmd + e to merge it with the white layer below it. if you start with a blackimage on a white background, go to select

and "color range". choose "shadows". this makes a selection of the black shape. press ctrl or cmd + j to cut and copy the black image from the white background. drag layer 1 to the top of the layers panel. whether you're using the black and white image i providedor typing in your own text, the layers in both examples are essentially the same. layer1 is a black image on a white background, layer 2 is a black image on a transparentbackground and the bottom layer is the wood texture, itself. the next steps will be exactly the same forboth examples. ctrl-click or cmd-click on the thumbnail of the cutout image to makea selection of its shape again.

go to select, modify and expand. expand the selection 1 pixel. we'll fill it with black and since black is the foreground color, press alt or option+ delete. to deselect it, press ctrl or cmd + d. invert layer 1 by pressing ctrl or cmd + i. go to filter, stylize and wind. make the method: wind and the direction will be either ticked "from the right" or "left". whichever is ticked is fine. click ok andpress ctrl of cmd + f twice, to apply this filter, twice more. go back to filter, stylizeand wind and this time, tick the opposite direction

that was ticked earlier. click ok and apply the filter twice more by pressing ctrl or cmd + f, twice. press ctrl or cmd + i to invert it and go to filter, blur and gaussian blur. blur it 1 pixel. open levels by pressing ctrl or cmd + l. make your output black: 72. click off the eyeball next to the middle layerto hide the layer. with the top layer still active, change its blend mode to "color burn" and reduce its opacity to 60%. click the click the new layer icon to make a new layer. ctrl-click or cmd-click on the thumbnail of the cutout black image or your original text to makea selection of its shape.

go to select, modify and feather. feather it 2 pixels. we'll fill the selection with black and since black is the foreground color, press alt or option+ delete. to deselect it, press ctrl or cmd +d. reduce the fill to 40%. the reason wechose fill instead of opacity is because we're going to add layer styles to this layer. reducingthe fill lowers the opacity of the layer, but it doesn't effect the layer styles thatwe'll be adding to the layer. if we chose to reduce the opacity instead of fill, itwould also reduce the opacity of the layer

styles. double-click on the thumbnail of thetop layer to open the layer style window. click "bevel & emboss". make the style: outerbevel, keep the technique: smooth and make the depth: 50%. the direction is up and makethe size: 20 pixels. uncheck global light. make the angle: 130 degrees and the altitude: 48 degrees. reduce the highlight's opacity to 0%, make the shadow mode: linear burn andreduce the shadow’s opacity to 22%. click "inner shadow". change its blend mode to "linear burn" and reduce its opacity to 10%. uncheck "global light" and make the angle: 147 degrees. keep the distance: 5 pixels

and make the size: 50 pixels. then, click ok. this is marty fromblue lightning tv. thanks for watching!