woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


vintage woodworking power tools

yeah this is clean phil wanted and this is myjourney learning to use traditional woodworkingtools hand tools while i'm in new zealand and this is what i made thisweek it's a 17th century style bible box allhand-done all hand-carved and soul plane

vintage woodworking power tools, everything and done credit where credit's due this design isfrom a guy named peter follansbee and i know about him from roy underhill show i want to thank all of them again forhelping me figure out a gift for my wife

for her birthday i find that sketching out whateveryou're going to create helps to work out situations that you're going to run intolike how why did she have to be i do still use programs like sketchup to alsogo through and do this just to double check but i always find it's good tohave you rolling there and have it with me while i'm working on things i also use it to draw a cut list knowthat the four boards on the right side i didn't lay them out like i lay them outthe sketch very first thing you always do with theboard like this is the first inch

it's got dirt and grime on it that youdon't want and then make it more manageable i cut it in half use a hand plane to take away themillion marks that are still there and then i began doing double knife wallsdown it and cutting out 12 inch boards for them to for the top and two for thebottom solve amount what we need to do is join the edges sothat they butt up against each other we have a clean new line fold them togetherusing a hand plane widen up playing both boards same time as you fold the board'sback out the angles will complement each

other and you have a very nice job andthen i glued them together this point i cut off the first inch fromthe other end of the board and playing the middle marks out of that now ididn't cut the sport apart but i did lay out all my double night walls betweenthe pieces again i put the two long pieces in the middleof the two end pieces on the ends and then use my square marking gauge andproviders to lay out the design that chisel out and i used the beaches on oneof town the reason i kept everything togetherwas i wanted to be able to walk down the design

she's going out the same element overand over and over again so that that repetition would create consistency fine and then i did some of the best crosscutsong i've ever done in my life shooting board to clean up the edges andmake sure that the pieces are the same length i took the top and bottom boards out ofthe clamps and playing them flat here i'm starting the joinery these jointsare rabid joints or rebate joints depending on where you're at in theworld to do the rabbit joints i marked

them in with night wall i came back with a chisel use a handsalt to cut it down to depth because my green was straight enough i use a chiselto chip out most of the waste material i then used a router plane to get to thefinal death you don't need a router plane to do thisyou can do this all with just a chisel i didn't show you what i glued up thecarcass of the box but i'm going to show you me unclamping it and making sure that it issquare which was off by a half a millimeter so that i'm pretty proud ofthat part then use a chisel and a hand

plane to clean up the two three bigrabbit ends as well as make sure that the top and the bottom edges were all atequality i use the shooting board to give myselfa square edge on the top and the bottom boards i can get some more beautiful crosscutting on those to cut them to length have a solid this all up with doing someof you were strip cut song i've ever done but that's what hand planes are forand clean yeah that's terrible use the number fiveand number four hand plane to create a bevel on the bottom board

now that i have the box out of theclamps i could chisel little scallops and to begin with the carcass of the boxonto the bottom first and then clamp it up set it aside and move on to the top the top board is pretty much like araised can i use the market knife to mark out where i wanted the lip on thepanel to be and i used a antique skewed iron rebate plane to get it down to the18 inch depth that i want it then i used a number for hand plane to roll over theedge and then put the mortises into the carcass for the hinges mark it out use a chisel tap along and i used arouter playing - in other ways again you

can just use the chisel to clean outthat way transfer the measurements on to thebottom part of the top panel and cleaned out those spoons so the finish i used on this was a steelwool and vinegar finish because this is a light color would i need to add moretannins into it so that the solution has a more dramatic reaction so what i painted on first was aconcoction of leftover coffee left t let that dry sand it down paint on thesteel wool vinegar mixture when you do this finish wear gloves and if yousplash anything on your skin

wipe it off immediately this point makesure you let it sit so that all the water content leaves theboards and then i put on two coats of shellac sanding in between after the second coat i use steel woolto apply furniture wax and then i bought that and i finished it up by putting thehardware back on so it's all maybe it's made from one board big box store takesabout six hours to get most of this done finished we'll take a few days dependingon what finish you choose to do but if you enjoy this or you're inspired tobuild something like this

please leave comment throw me a likesubscribe there's going to be plenty more projectsand try to get one out every week or every week and a half i'm real happy with that will happenwith this thanks peter thanks