woodworking tools for the beginner

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old woodworking tools forum

i want to show you this new plane i just picked up it's a quangsheng no.62 low angled jack plane, and i managed to get it at a good price, in a sale. so let's take a look straight out of the box. well there's a

old woodworking tools forum, corragated cardboard outer sleeve corragated cardboard box itself here is the plane, and as you can see, i have taken it out before. it came wrapped in this plastic bag, which hadsome rust perventative

oil on it. that was wrapped around with some bubble wrap. as far as i can tell it's sustained no damage during transit. so what is a low angle jack, and how does this match up to my expectations? this is the quangsheng no.62 lowangle jack plane in many respects it's a low angle version of a no.5 bench plane.

but obviouslythere are some differences the frog is part of the casting, and is at a much lower angle i think this is 12-1/2 degrees there's a lever cap then we have a single blade no chip breaker on here and it's put in the plane bevel up so the effective planing angle is determined by the bed angle, plus whatever angle you decide to bevel

the front of the blade. the bed the iron rest on has been milled. and, as opposed to the standard bench planes, getting a milling machinebit down to that bed is a lot easier. thesewings are much lower. and we are only trying to create one flat surface, not a pair of surfaces to mate with the frog. so i'm hopefull that it's flat. the adjustment mechanism has both depth and lateral adjustment working very much like a noris adjuster

and a lovely feature on these planes is that by unscrewing the front knob a bit we can adjust the position of the front (or toe) of the sole. opening or closing the mouth up. just looking at the machining on the plane itself it looks pretty good. there don't appear to be any sharp spots the moveable toe in the sole seems to be machined well, against the rest off the sole all nice and flat

if i adjust it to it's extremes, it's still nice and flat. fully forwards, and backwards. again nice and flat the handles have a nice feel to them. nothing sharp, and they feel sturdy and all the brass machine screws have a good finish. the lever cap is is a casting looks quite nice, good finish on the top i suspect that the face that touches the the iron it looks a bit rough. just check that with

the straight edge blade of my tri-square and that doesn't mate too well. it needs a little work against the iron itself i can feel a little bit of rock there. so i'll need to do a little work to get best performance from it but this is an out of the packet review, so i'm not going to do anything to the blade. no honing, just straight back in the low angle jack is quite well praised for being able to tackle difficult timbers but i personally feel that's probably more to do with the fact that you can quickly change the blade to a steeper bevelled one giving you a higher effective playing angle

probably, straight out of the box, it is not any better than a standard 45 degree bench plane but we'll give it a go, and see how we get on this is quite a difficult piece of timber, spruce i believe. with quite wild grain so that should be quite interesting. so, i'll just wind out the blade until we're cutting actually that's quite annoying, and i should point it out right away i can't reach, and i've got quite long fingers, i can't reach the depth adjuster whilst my hand is round the handle

i can with one finger, but that's having no effect. i need to use a finger and thumb even though the lever cap is quite loose so that's quite a pain. of course, ordinarilly i would be setting up using a little shim so i'd have a free hand. that's a reasonable shaving and that's giving me tearout already so far not that great so now that it's taking a shaving, that's actually pretty thick

probably about three or more thou'.a little disappointing but i'll plane down a little bit more, and see if it improves that's perhaps a little better, but still twice as thick as i'd like and it's struggling with the difficult grain, and i'm getting tearout in a lot of places so i think i'll get no further than just a little over two thou'. i'll measure those up, and include results at the end of the video because, obviously, doing it from touch is a little inaccurate definitely producing quite a lot of dust too. so i think it's safe to say that in terms of plane iron, it needs

a little bit attention before we can do any good work with it generally though, the finish on the plane is good. the handles are comfortable i think with some work on the plane itself, particularly onthe iron and perhaps sorting out the contact of the lever cap to the iron we should be able to get a plane that's working really well i'm not going to suggest you go out and buy one yet, because i think as far as this goes it's quite an expensive plane, although it'smid-range it's still quite expensive

and unless i can get it working better than it does at the moment, it would not be on my recommended list i really like to compare the out of the box performance of this plane, with ones from veritas and lie nielsen, so if their suppliers would like to provide me with one, i'd do a comparison video and publish it on this channel so let's take a look at the thickness of shaving i'm able to produce straight out of the box and that's 0.1mm now i've just spent literallythirty seconds on my fine india stone

and thirty seconds on my mdf honing board let's see whether it's any better well i think that speaks for itself. certainly looks a lot thinner to me. full width shaving and that's less than 0.05mm so just one minutes work on this plane has turned it from something pretty average into very good actually and i suspect that's as good as a lie nielsen or a veritas, out of the box so there's a real challengeto them you send me one off your production line, and i'll compare it with this

whether it's worth paying twice as much to save yourself a minute's work who knows? the quangsheng no.62 low angle jack plane do