woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


nicholson woodworking files

i am charlie historic and today i wantedto give you a tour of my shop so this is jack bench woodworking shop to her the jack bench the original jack benchthe one that i built for show with mahogany and little book match bonierthat i've got just double height just very easily with the drill andmobile-based built-in can talk more

nicholson woodworking files, about that we can learn more about thatin my psych jack bench dot com vc moving back over here got my table saw gottasauced up i've had this for 10 years i bought it as soon as they were availablei went ahead and bought one cuz i just thought this is the this is the rightthing to do have a six and i love it's

been a great machine next to that i'vegot my robert table and just homemade table but i bought a selig i was gettingrid of his tools but gives me real well and let me see from there what my nextthing i have the small finger jointer i need my six-inch delta jointer it getsthe job done do it over and get a larger one butagain i got it used gotta deal so it worked for me one of my favorite machinethat had a lot of favors machines but one of my most favorite ones is thisdelta sander it is a beast i can't i can't show it would into that thing andit doesn't slow down it's it's a terrific machine back here i just iraqice mostly store my finishing finishing

this place here a few other odds andends while relatives there in the quarter the all of my my veritas sharpenher own this ass is all i used in does a terrific job that makes you a fast andsharp what more could you ask for and the last year that my drum sander this season get another machine iabsolutely love it's a great because once you set it up it takes a while toset them up once you set this thing up is just as useless job euless also havemany macs 16 inch mmm 16 minimax what can i say another wonderful machine sickis also a beast look at this thing fourteen injuries i can you beat thatand it'll actually do it through i've

done it i try love that machine thenback here i have 16 inch planer i hardly ever use it not not my favorite machine but if iever have a 16 inch wide board i'm ready for it is it's kind of a clunker butanyway it doesn't work then i have a bridgend spindle sander pretty nicelittle machine for these things cost it's amazing value of this machine ofthis too i don't use it a ton i tend to use the other standard more their signson this thing is just right delayed again i buy a lot of my stuffused i got this thing used from a guy who was operating and really i don't doa lot of turning once in awhile they

need to turn the peace for a project ican think my way through what i can make it an expert turnbull by any means thenhave my drill press and it's good it's an old industrial pretty heavy cast irongrill press and what's special about this is i inherited from my dad if youlike to know that i am here to this from my dad pretty hard pressed everyone upgradebecause of that reason and then the seat back here got my dust collector does a good job and would i amconsidering though maybe maybe upgrading from the felt bag to one of the pleatedpanel filters that they've got now maybe

there's something down the road nextthing i hear here i just or of more than ends here old machinist chest actually hear thatfrom my dad to actually give with so much inheritance sanding supplies allthis these are all carving chisels here love to carve i can't help it these cool chisels here chisels these things these are awesomethat there's cute they're banned there's chisels they are to use the whole set ofwhat's next back here got my rigid planar this i usea lot i use it it's it's it works really

well it's not super heavy duty but formost amazing things and just it's quick easy machine use so i really use this alot next to this i am either saw and it's a good soft we have had it for along time probably fifteen years or maybe you have over 15 years at leastand what what i did special with this is why i souped-up dust collection on thisi noticed various others down that the dust flies around here so i put thesecardboard shields on here when i bring the saw down all the fallen apart nowbring the sun down if you treat a tunnel that the dust is forced back to the thehose and i have the hose connected to a garage sale vacuum cleaner vacuumcleaner with auto-start so every time i

start this later saw that the vacuumcomes on automatically and it does a fabulous job does collection the onlydownside is that all craftsmen vacuum cleaner is hands down the noisiestmachine in my whole shop but it does the job and it was five blocks of courseback over here clamps a guy's gotta have clamps. i have claps on the back wall over by the drill press and i have clamps over here the ones that i used the mosti store them over here on the wall. i going to do a video review on some of these clamps igot a pretty good story on that but not for this particular video. and finally inmy shop i have my hand tools that i use quite a bit. the ones i use most often. my bench

chisels, planes, i use my my old #7 bedrock #7, i use that quite a bit measuring tools. look at this cool mallet. mary may, special custom mary may mallet. a couple of planes. i've got the veritas block plane and i got the veritas apronplane. i love love love the block plane the apron plane, i never use it. i just don't use it. what else have i got here? a mallet. you really don't need three or four mallets, but i've got them. files, more sculpting types of things. i use those a lot the old nicholson number 49, thatis a go-to tool. actually just the other day i was working on something, and i don't use these... cheese grater things very

often but the other day i had it had anapplication for one and i thought ok, i finally get a chance to use that. i'm glad. well, what else have i got back here....just a couple of marquetry panel's, not marquetry, a couple of veneerpanels. practice pieces i did a few years old with tom schrunk. another practice study piece i did when i was studying with tom. another practice piece with with tom schrunk. the man when it comes to veneer. this is my first... , i forget what to call this, for sharpening i madethis before i really even knew anything about woodworking i made this and it works surprisingly well. people laugh at me when they see it but it does the job, forhoning. sanding blocks, what's cool about these you just take the scrap aluminum tubingsquare tubing that you can get it

steel supply but some psa sandpaperon there and you can get a nice perfect square sanding on whatever it isyou're doing once in awhile mostly for veneer work. regular mechanics tools. you have to use those once in awhile and then one of the things i am absolutelymost fortunate about to have a sink. finally i have a sink in my shop. notmany guys have a sink in their show up and believe me it's great. so that's thebasic a run down in my shop. i store lumber up in the garage, maybe i will show you thatsometime. for now that was a quick little shop tour and i hope you liked it. anyquestions for sure if you have questions send me an email

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