woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


essential woodworking tools for beginners

today were going to make this woodworkingproject for beginners this nice little chisel rack you can make this out of standard sizetimber that you can buy from any hardware store and requires no sanding and you canmake it in an afternoon so stick around and i will show you how to do it. first thing you want to do is layout yourchisels that you want to put in the rack have

essential woodworking tools for beginners, them spaced out a little bit we will probablygo about 34cm something like that you want to allow for space on the end as well so itdoesn’t hit the sides for the rails i just got 42mm x 19mm woodfrom the hardware store setup a stop block on my cross cut sled and we just need to cut4 of these out remember if you don’t have

a table saw or cross cut sled you can justuse a mitre box and a saw and just cut that way this way just faster it will take me about10 seconds to do. in between the chisels i’m going to uselike a one inch spacer block or 2.5cm so we will just move another stop block when cuttingskinny little parts like this ill use a little stick to just hold it down so it doesn’tget trapped and come fly out at me you just need 2 post about 190mm long or 7.5inches long roughly. to avoid sanding i’m going use a nicelysharpened hand plane i just sharpened this one so its razor sharp and it a few passeswe can get a really super smooth shiny surface okay all i’ve done is laid out my chiselsroughly how i want them i used a little spacer

block in between just to set the distancesso there all pretty even. so i’ve taken the clamps off now i justwant to get top surface and bottom surface dead flat so its all nice and clean lookslike one nice neat piece of wood to do that i’m just going to use the hand plane againwhich is the veritas low angle jack plane which i really love if you don’t have aplane you can just use sandpaper and a sanding block that will do the same thing as well. so i’ve got everything squared up now everythingis smooth nice and shiny we didn’t have to sand anything love it and project you don’thave to sand is a good one were ready to glue up because i’m gluing end grain what i’mgoing to do it rub some glue right into there

because if you think as end grain like aslike straws so its going to absorb much more glue than the face grain so we will just worka bit in there but i’ve got a pretty decent surface area for the size of the project soit will hold it no problems at all well i hope i’ve done enough to earn yoursubscription and i hope you have like this nice little project don’t forget to takea look at some of my other videos and subscribe to my channel also you can follow me on socialmedia particularly instagram where i am most active boy okay i will take that part outoh don’t take that part out okay i ill try and put it in