woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


essential traditional woodworking tools

hello and welcome to show #9 this episode will be about the tray we need to finish and about the dovetails. we've had our fun visit to joaneen's workshop and now we must pay for it with

essential traditional woodworking tools, the drudgery, yes, drudgery of dovetails actually is isn't drudgery at all but let's go we are making another tray this is the second of the two trays

the one we will make now will be a half inch shorter in length so it can slide underneath the upper tray we have already marked our dovetails and made our saw cuts now we will chisel the dovetails out and here we go. these are very small dovetails and i need a very small chisel

this is a 1/8 inch chisel and it is perfect for making small dovetails very carefully place my chisel in the knife line and very gently tap it i must not hit too hard at first the bevel of the chisel will push the chisel past the line so until i get the cut deeper

i must be very careful and remove a small bit of wood each time i will finish this later and i must do the ends differently these ends must come off and i will use a different method. first i must chisel the line i'll hit it one more time and it should break off and off it comes.

i'll finish that with a chisel on the ends i chiseled the lines and now i will cut them off. i think this will be fine. now i will transfer the dovetails onto the ends but before i do that you can see i made a groove here this groove is for the bottom panel now i will put a groove on the end pieces

my lines are scribed now i will transfer the dovetails onto the end pieces so i know exactly where to cut. i will lay the dovetail board over the end i have marked the dovetails and darkened them with a pencil and extended the lines down to my baseline and i have marked the waste area

i don't want to make any mistakes now i must cut very accurately along my lines good. the cuts are right on the line often i will use a coping saw and cut out much of this space and finish with a chisel but my coping saw has a thicker blade than the small dovetail saw i'm using

so i must use my chisel but this is soft wood and i don't have much to remove so that's what i will do with this thin wood. now i will trim this with a chisel i carefully fitted these with a chisel and now we can put it together let's see how this fits. that looks good it is together

there is one thing i want you to see look at the end. little square holes. they are from the groove that i made for the bottom panel you can see them on the ends. what do we do about them? there are a few things we can do. i could have made a stopped groove the groove would stop an eighth of an inch from either end

and then it wouldn't show on the end but a stopped groove is more difficult to make than a continuous groove like i made or, i could have made a mitered dovetail like i did on the apron of the tool chest a mitered dovetail would not show the groove and there is another way to do it and that is a half blind dovetail this is often done on drawers

the dovetail doesn't go all the way to the end you don't see the dovetail on the front so that would hide the groove also. and here is another example i made this candle box and it has through dovetails here and for the upper groove and the lower groove on the bottom i made half blind dovetails

so this is another example of a half blind isn't that wacky looking? isn't that wacky? let me look this is a better side. how is that? is that wacky? i'll stop saying wacky, let's call it rustic i like that word better. isn't it rustic? here is the lid

a candlebox was used back when we used candles for lighting so that is another way there is yet another way i made several boxes like this one for practice at making dovetails and on the end here i promise to hold it steady this dovetail on the bottom

is half as thick as the dovetails above it this is for the groove the groove is hidden behind the wood here so from the front you see the half dovetail and from the side it looks like the others it's unusual, but it works well. now on this particular box i made a mistake the others are perfect but this one has a mistake

i sawed all the way through when i was cutting my pin board so i had to make a through dovetail on the bottom instead of a half dovetail so what did i do? i had the square hole i patched it with a square peg i took a square peg glued it into the square hole and trimmed it off with a sharp chisel

and you can barely see it and this is what i will do with the tray i am making. that is what i did with the first tray. you can see it here. look closely and you can see little square pegs on the end where i plugged the holes so that is what i will do with the bottom tray.

congratulations, pat yourself on the back for staying with me, i know it has been a long and boring show for you. everyone else is playing candy crush whatever that is but you stayed with me so pat yourself on the back. i hear music which means we are out of time so in one more show

we will complete this project we will glue this box up we will add the bottom and we will apply a finish. we will do everything that we need to do and in show #10 we will be done so that will be exciting and we'll see you then