woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


electric wood branding iron custom

today we are going to be mounting a 50 inchlight bar on my truck. let me explain what i have done so far. that piece of duct taperight there is marking the center of the windshield. as you can see on the light bar itself i haveput a piece of duct tape signaling where the middle of the light bar is so i can just linethe two pieces up. then i built this contraption between two ladders to help support the lightbar and so the light bar can just be resting

electric wood branding iron custom, on top of this i have put the level on thecenter there so i can make sure the level is in the right place for the light bar. thelight bar is going to be level when i mount it. this is just held up with some wood, ducttape and some scaffolding. now i’m going to set the light bar in place on the top.now that the light bar is in place positioned

to where it needs to be. i’m going to putthe level back into place so that the boards always stay level. so right here, this ishow we are going to design the brackets for it. so from the top corner we are going toscrew the brackets in right here on the frame of the truck. it just has to extend enoughso that we can screw it into the side of the light here. so the metal has to be at least6 inches long. i’m going to kind of curve it to go along with the lip of the metal here.then bend it out a little bit so that it will fit. so bend it out, angle it out just a littlebit so that it will mount with the edge of the light bar itself. now if you bought ashorter light bar you would have to angle your bracket it in and then curve it up. i’veseen some of those with like the 40inch light

bars. since this one is 50 inches and it’sjust a little bit longer then my truck we have to bolt it, angle it, straighten it,and that’s it! lots of cars will have similar seams or creases in the frames on either sideof the car. so this crease right here is the exact same on the other side. so you kindof use those to reference where you want the medal bracket to hold up the light. so mineis going to go just a little bit over this line. i’m going to make sure that it goesover the same distance on the other side, to keep it universal. so right now it’s bent perfectly so thatthe curve of this won’t ever touch the bracket. i’m going to mark where i can bend it upso that it will connect where it bolts into

the light. right about there. that will giveit enough clearance for this and allow it to bolt into that. so now i just need to bendit up so that it’s parallel with this bottom part right here, that mounts into the car. make sure you are using the correct drillbit for the bolt that goes into the side to hold up the light. you want a bit that willcover up all of the threads. you can see on this particular bit that you can see someof the threads on the top and on the bottom of the bit. so i’m going to go ahead andswitch to a bigger bit, and that will make it so that the screw slides right into theslot with gripping on the threads or destroying any of the threads. now i can drill a holein the side of the mount, since i have it

all pinned up against the truck. this is justlike a rough placement right now. when i finally put it on i’m going to put a bit of calkin-between this and the bolts so that no water of anything will seep inside. plus i haveto paint it and trim it. so it doesn’t look like just a piece of iron. now i’m justgoing to trim it down a little bit so that it will match with the curves of the truckperfectly. so that it will sit flatter against the truck. now i have the light bar boltedin on this side. right now i have to get this hole lined up so that the light is level onthe top and its pointed straight forward. so how i’m going to do that; to level itup and down with the ground is pretty easy; i just need to raise and lower the light baruntil the little bubble is in the middle.

so it needs to go up a little on this leftside. then as far as pointing straight forward i’m going to make sure that the gap betweenthe windshield and the light bar itself is uniform on the whole side. so i have to dothat both at the same time while i am getting this in place to figure out where to drillthe hole on this bracket. now before i install the finished bracket in place. which is thisguy, now that it’s all painted up. i’m going to take some clear silicone sealant,and just go ahead and put it on all the little holes, that way it won’t leak and it won’tget water inside of the truck and it will help kind of weather proof it a little bit.now the silicone is in place and i can go ahead and install that bracket. the mountis installed. super sturdy. the reason i use

a couple different kinds of screws is because,even though these are both 2 inches they are slightly a different length and i wanted tomake sure that the nuts on the inside were able to stay on. you can kind of see the nutsright there. the reason i used these two darker screws is because they are a harder gradeof screws. they are more durable, but they didn’t come in the two inch length thati needed. those ones as well are tied in with nuts there in the back. so on the wiring harnessthis end right here with the black and red cables this is what attached to the groundwhich is somewhere on your frame, and this attaches to the battery terminal. then theseends go inside the cab. that end right there connects to the light bar itself and thenthis end connects to the little switch that

turns the light bar on and off. so what i’mgoing to do is i’m going to take these ends and stick them inside. in the fire wall thereis a little hole right there. you can see that i already have one wire coming out frommy car alarm. so i’m just going to take both of these and stick them through thathole and they are going to end up inside the cab underneath the dash board. as far as wiringgoes i mentioned before that i came back out through the firing wall. then i screwed thison just through a mounting bracket. you know just to something that something else wasmounted onto. then i have the grounding screw right here that some of my other things likemy stereo and had lights are grounded to. then i just took the power and wired it intothe power terminal of the battery. as soon

as you do that this little guy right herewill turn red. then you can just press the button and the light will turn on and off.so as far as the wiring for the light goes i just drilled a little hole into the caba little bit bigger than the cable and i have also siliconed that as you can tell. so thesilicone is going to keep the water out. it’s not the most beautiful job but i can cleanit out in a second. on the inside of the cab i have that big black wire coming down here,and this is for my car alarm. then i have connected them here and run it down underneath.i’m just going to clean all that up and then stuff it all up underneath the firewall.the switch, which is what turns on and off the lights. i’m probably just going to mountthis right here kind of out of the way cause

that light is going to be on all of the timeand i don’t want that blinding me so i’ll just have it right here where i can just reachdown and click it whenever i want. surprisingly enough the weather stripping went back oneven though all those nuts and bolts are in place. so the whole thing is still going tobe relatively quiet and water proof because the weather stripping fits on. if it wouldhave fit. i would have just cut it here and here and left the weather stripping on, oneither side instead of where the bracket is. alright so now for the cotter pins on theside. i assumed that this would rotate fairly easily, but actually when you clamp thesedown i actually have a lock in washer inside of here as well and one on the other sideas well. when you clamp it down it actually

holds really tight. i’m not super worriedabout it. the cotter pin idea was that i could take a really long one, and just stick itinside that little hole right there and as it goes into the hole it will go thought thelittle slides in the heat sink. just like that. you can’t really see it because ofthe camera angle, but it’s going right in-between these little fins right here. since therein one on this side and one on that side it’s going to keep it level straight up and downor whatever position that i angle it at. so i can take the pin out rotate it down andput the pin back in. obviously with this camera you can’t tell a whole lot cause it doesn’tpick up all the lights from the head light, but you can tell a huge difference when the50 inch light bar is on. one more time in

a cemetery so you can see that the normalheadlights can show about 3 headstones out, and then with the 50inch light bar you cansee quite a bit farther. if you’re interested in buying a 50inch light bar i have linkeddown below. the one i bought was about $250. so pretty cheap. that’s it! if you haveany questions don’t forget if you have any if it helped you and don’t forget to subscribe.thanks for watching.