woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


cleaning woodworking files

hey, welcome to kevin's korner, todaywe're gonna be talking about the arch-enemy of almost any paintproject and that is contamination as well as give you some great tips on how to prevent it show around the new evolution paint gunand some other award-winning

cleaning woodworking files, fantastic products the gun ships just like this with thefluid tape and cup attached as well as a gun wrench, a pre filter

a fitting and a cleaning brush and although thiscleaning brush is nice to have you really need to have a better guncleaning kit for all your spray guns now this believe it or not is not aspray gun cleaning kit, it's a welding file kit and although these tiny little files canget inside the machine surfaces of your paint gun they never ever should is for cleaning up the welding tipsnot spray guns

this is eastwood's master spray guncleaning kit and it's a great investment it comes with all different sizes of allkinds of different brushes and different lengths, tips interchangeable pics a soft bristle brush and enough spray gun lube to last you pretty much a lifetime to last you pretty much a lifetime but this is what i'm most excited about this is eastwood's award-winning aerosolinjected cleaner this cleaner virtually eliminates theneed for

for that five-gallon bucket of cleanupthinner in the corner of your shop and for generating a bunch of liquid waste now although it can be used for otherthings in your shop like cleaning fuel lines or brake lines out during your projects assembly primarily, my favorite use for this iscleaning out spray guns it ships with this additional top to fit into tight recesses or it's got a conical shape here that willseal to a paint gun

and force the contamination the fluidsout through the fluid passages but it is a solvent so i'm gonna wear gloves when i show you how to use it the way it works is really pretty simple all you're really doing sealing up opening the trigger the cleaner you can see exactly what happens you can also use a cleaner

to provide a fine mist for rinsing off the other areas that over sprays going to get on in the body to paint gun now if you think about it you know thatthe only real place that paint comes into contact with you spray gun is right down through here from the cupitself into the fluid passages and inter mixes with the air that's coming up through the gun handlein the gun body so

not only is it not necessary to dump this gun and completely in thinner andlet it soak it's probably really not a good ideabecause most times these internal passages are aluminum and thinner has acertain amount of water that corrosiveness can actually rot the inside of your paint gun and cancause contamination inside your paint gun and then can come up and get lodged lodged in the capin the fluid tips and end up in your paint job so really and truly

throwaway that tank that you used to soakyour paint guns in and pick up some of this clear it's all you need to clean your spray guns that's prettycool now one other thing you may want to thinkabout is a digital air gauge this screws onto the gun body at thebottom of the gun at the air inlet and you can instantly and accurately

check the pressure of your gun whether you are making changes in the booth or youjust want to double check your compressors output this is a nice thing to have and alittle bit of insurance and reassurance now the gun comes with a 1.4 tip already installed you can also get the 1.2 a 1.7 or a2.0 so essentially you've got four spray guns with onlyhaving purchased one and some extra accessories

so if you're diligent with your cleaning you can have four spray guns for the price of an evolution which asyou know is a bargain now you may have noticed that i didn'tput the gun cup back on the evolution that's because i wanted to show you this this is a system that i started using along time ago in collision shops it's the p_b_s_ system or paint preparation system by 3myou can get it through eastwood

basically it's a cup system with these liners that not only do they eliminate a lot of wastebut save you a lot of time and give you extra storage capabilities, here's how it worksp_b_s_ has an outer cup and an inner liner you can get these in differentsizes basically what you do is drop your linerin fill your materials into the cup snap on the cap, screw on the retaining ring

your ready to to install this onto your paint gun now you will need an adapter to attach thep_b_s_ cup to your spray gun you can get this from eastwood as well and itspreads on the same way that your gun cup threads doesn't need to be gorilla tightened itjust needs a little bit of a snug because it's atapered fit on the seam pop it down give it a twist your locked in not only are you ready and you can seeyour fluid level on here there is a relief

valve here for displacement just likethe hold in the top your cup when you're painting and your level isgoing down it displaces and it doesn't starve the gun of fluids and give you a mis-coatdry-coat or over spray, it's a really neat system ontop of being able to be very versatile it also gives youthe option for if you're doing a two-ton or you want to save colors that needa long pot life that comes with caps

input the cap in the top sit this guy on the shelf for later on the last thing i want to talk about issomething that i get asked about an awful lot and that is how to set up yourspray gun well i'm going to show you basic setups where you can get a good headstart get a nice gun set up and then youcan dial into your tastes a little bit later and it starts with an empty gun

with no air going in just holding it and dealing with the controls now there'scertain controls spray guns that every spray gun has; the fluid deliveryand the fan control but a gun like this has an airdelivery balb on the bottom to where it gives you an added convenience feature where you can reduce your pressure instantlyhere on the fly without either going to wall regulatoror into the digital gauge

the next thing that i want to talk aboutis fluid delivery the basic setup is pulling the trigger all the way and taking your fluid delivery which is backed up almost all the way and pulled forward until you could feel that trigger move you could see myfinger moving you can see the trigger moving basically until it acts like a stop

you've got almost a hundred percent fluiddelivery and you're lining the gun to do what it was designed to do the nextthing is i don't know if you can see it or not but there's a little indicator i can clearlysee it here and this is my fan control open your fan up all the way which is usuallycounter-clockwise so your fan control open all the wayyour fluid delivery opened all the way if you've got an inlet air valve down here open it all the way let the gun do what it was designed todo

this is a carburetor it intermixes liquid and air in the fluid to it atomizes like a carburetor does so let it do its job now with the basic gun setup we could throw some air in this thing this is water s i'm not going to poison myselfbut i can show you some basic tips and here you can see how these controlsreact would take my fan control and tighten it all the way up

you can see i'm making a big big circle right herethat's not what you want to do in a paint job and the only reason you ever want totighten that up is to get inside a fender when we just can'treach you can't fit the gun inside and you're trying to mist coat just to cover it up never ever on exterior panel would you want tohave this type of a pattern so that's why i say fan all the way open you get the nice elliptical or footballshape right here and you can do your pattern and your nice fifty percentoverlap

now your fluid that's another thing you can take that guy and choke it down nowi'm barely getting a mist a shade down or some custom painting that's one thing i'm getting a nice mist open that guy all the way up and i'm hosing it on just like agarden hose that gives you versatility and anothertool in the tool chest

and essentially when your spraying an exteriorpanel in a wide-open bay this is a great paint gun this is greathere but the most important gear that you've got is this key right here that's theultimate safety gear you guys protect yourselves paints safe paint the world, thanks for watching kevin's corner see you next time