woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


antique woodworking tools michael dunbar

hi everyone good morning and as lisa said my name is julie dunbar. i'm the assistive technology specialist here at the assistive technology exchange center- a program of goodwill orange co. in santa ana, california

antique woodworking tools michael dunbar, my email is on this slide and will also beprovided to you at the end as well so that if you have questions you are welcome to email me or contact me. just a little bit about myself before weget started i graduated from southern ill.university

with a bachelor's degreein speech and language pathology in between undergrad and grad school i worked at the ill. center for autism. that's where i had my initial exposure to autism and at and became so interested in it that i started to research graduate schools in the country that would actually allow me to emphasize aac and at. i found purdue u. in indiana and got my ma from there in special education.

i did a practicum with grades prek-12. from there, i taught special education in the chicago suburbs, before becoming a region rep consultant for an aac device vendor. i actually worked as a regionalconsultant for 4 and a half years before i was hired at at specialist for atec. that's just a little bit about me (next slide) this is just our agenda.

we're going to talk about using core vocabulary in aac systems as we talk today, i'm talking about any aac system; low tech, mid-tech, high tech. when i was teaching, i had nine kids in my classroom and every kiddo just about had a different system but we utilized core vocabulary in all of them. i taught kids who were classified as moderate to severe so i had some that were pretty challenging and the goals were set pretty low but still we focused on core vocabulary in my classroom.

it's been what i've done over the span of my career so far. we're going to talk a little bit about languagedevelopment more specifically about core vocabulary and then get into some everyday situations andhow you can make core vocabulary work in those situations. we'll talk about young kids preschool age then go all the way up through adult hood. just so you can see the broad range span and how core vocabulary can be essential to your life

i'll go over some resources and we'll have time for questions too. it seems like a small group so feel free to type questions in the chat box. before we begin, we're going to set our expectation high. when i work with people, i presume competence. i don't assume incompetence. i really want to set realistic goas but my expectationsare always high for the clients that i work with this quote here

really expresses how i feel and was written by an aac device users. [reads quote.] i very much agree a lot of times we see devices that are set up with phrases for basic needs such as i'm hungry or i need bathroom but communication is so much more thanthat - we need to move beyond teaching kids or adults how to express their basic needs what does research tell us about core vocabulary? uh... also following that back do youthink your someone who really would like

some of the accident happened uponarticle happy dependent concorrendo accurateword but that's pretty cool out there and visit affinity marketing commentingon hot do you think that it would be then on ibelieve the etc come through with at about two hundred work eighty five to ninety president clintonday comes from a list of three hundred four hundred kind of a time when you think about itactually not a lot of life but again the bulk of the work thatwe've been on a daily basis

compliment market and again unit two hundred department atwork thirty five to ninety two catholic yay taking a look at the rate that i havewith the down here at the bottom and i don't know we could do we have a way that peoplecan work on in the stock market leader can emptor you know

people tend not raised her hand or theyhave a yes no above their uh... above the main room ldds no and i think in half everyone head anyone at the name dolly partonentrapped twenty four hours know yet that their part me not make it i think that's aboutright back what about how anyone that that the word and all at twenty four hours

bowed activated have anyone fender electric dot blottwenty patrick not what i need and that powerpointpresentation julie before the advent of the past week but they were turning on their notintentionally at all uh... turning their backs a word thatthe call brings vocabulary not outwardly do you think it often but most of theprobably effective tactic in through the events that occurred in oklahoma looking at play

there were repeatedly in my head are greatly don't move very often at all the work beating green we're going to go like rhyme in art accor vocabulary choudhary created fairly arcane andprobably more people paying mattered go ahead and pittsburgh slightly shall we talk about quite a part of aword

not only did the book about me they are ready to be that and that not it depicted gender nottypically what we'd like to go feedforward crop the board for all ofthat all open paul is eighty-five mind with that group at a worker optimal moonlightwhich is let me simple powerful they can't happen mall vocabulary but look at the white the theory

in a variety of awakening a variety ofbatting they can go a long way track let me take a look at some of the sec the word out i think it would benefit me make thecargo i think the bhopal go out friday frightened people at if you take a look at the way up and he did not all of the year so thatwe are just a few that i mentioned to

you we got open up the ripped off make it down i want to stop it trying to stop the word turning back said one of myfavorite talked about if you look it up in the dictionary thathave over a hundred different definition

repeat this election i think that i can't think of that arefairly confident that turn on a return call turnaround train that leaves turn up and down order will be economy and he think thatand plastic bucket my attorney work time another example of the poor word thatare not to mention

the word get i can get get back get going remember way back and be back up go back back off out the red meat make that making dot

pretty hard way gave me more good morning more passion when i was working at the importantbrandy eighty thunder three of the regatta commonly start withwhen i was doing a compliment the campout new tactic anywhere that you can andteaching as well

if i had a low-tech board again ofdetective eye-to-eye contact our program doc reason being that i can make that theywere to work injected a handicap that even if i have a child that wantedto take that their confidence in the neck contractthat maybe they're playing with the thing that first within five minuteslater they wanna play with the track and then a few minutes later they'reready to go over this field began dr quill buckled or whatever itmight be

i cannot find goldmine ab he talked about although if it's amazing and now indicating that you know if igive them the workout and so then how did you get in more than just one batting now they've got a word that they can usein a variety of situation rather than just activity we're gonna talk more about that

that quickly so we think about electing vocabulary eighty them fortunately they're quite diffuse eighteffectiveness eat the ac out there right now theyreally do political climate padding-right they're pretty setup cleanup animal all you have to do it tweak it toyou and even number

icon economy your apartment advocate anddo whatever it might be even better than eighty are or magiccarpet vocabulary for the most part can be programmed nextweek i thought the planet i'm that really and i think the we canmake or vocabulary words project about any stop maybe action a quick look at it again at the small number of article three ofthem frequently and it doesn't vary across settingsgender edict that

okok aboard the only thing where beforeokay brent sadler ended vocabulary there can be broken down and depending on who you are interactingand your vocabulary dot two thousand report deliberate argued that recruiting and made you change depending on thetopic respecting again might be important in the act not conducted everywhere tornadoprobably if you think that the

because it's ready to do it happened inoklahoma but maybe a month ago we can bet thatword in quite some time immedi weekend pretty beneath its recentbirchwood hypocrisy again brings our extended look at me andthey can be out in the work depending on the firsttime or not you could be and they get achance to come on your topic impossible to accurately predict withsomeone like that day actually when you're talking about rejected factory if you can think about black and went todinner with online

after you were exactly that and he talked about didn't see a brand new york outdoor whoever it might be about what you are ordering the problem was really talking about thefuture you're probably talking about optimizingyou happened at work that day you what you were going to do over theweekend again we can't predict someone like thatthat's a in that setting

the giving entire adult jet itsfinancial order even and get them very far yet they can order downtown again helmetnot important but we want them to be able tocommunicate beyond that bob debbie hackett equipment ideally allowcould not go i think that implementation of prop that loving environmentnaturally article one and i think that the rate this yearand it uh... apartments or anything crumbling uh... one and i think they canopen that my first year teaching

had direct contact the and i don't knowand you know about it but it could be affected by it had peoplereally faded jeans and you had a different dates for every activitythat she had a cockpit that and he had a calendar eighteen he had a pac ten feet in power we have to come by but how do they workon there

but they're not that we did have a lotof topic i think that that paperwork compact and he really didn't need that here that pretty thick need them on andagain i believe that earlier we wanted to get him beyond that point and and using more approx leadingbanking actually communicate beyond just beat the want based entirely on the bike that wasreally got to focused on core accurately hand

that particular child armed with the cabinet at of or could it bewith me director of the dates of the vaccinewhich i'm not too keen to move back to the cocktail anything having to keeping the picnicbehavior problems and over time we couldn't figure outwhere these behaviors are coming from i won't bother him we tried lots ofdifferent things in the indict either and we discussed a lot bill actually went on with their dad youknow that absolutely everything

to light suit he would point he paused to he wouldtuck it there she was a penny seaweed you know if you didn't payattention to talk about this year to protect when the hair thank you so it's not ok maybe he just really had setbacks in i can appreciate that well i mean indict even think bottom every elderly he had

we put something about shape i like itshould where did you get your son you're super cool beltline evident the internet really didn't feellike you would like to any of the things that are one who said that i thought it wouldtake a look at the moment but i think at the core of popularity uh... over time he was pretty doingpretty well the biggest mistake

containing the list of trying to figureout what's going on how do you want to come by and i were talking a little girl tiger cwe were teaching her how to conquer see it and he came running over with theenlightened idea ideal and bernie that personally independent-minded dog and i thoughtwould be to the following day and he will be more blueberry and one scene cool up

well-motivated friend pat conceivably and that's what he wanted he wanted tohave the queen she's thank you peter we told mom that we thought that mightbe a little extra treatment shopping that it won't peter stock they can't mean data bank the trend it's what you want to thankthe lord it will be limiting the picture here we are eight uh... giving him at the departmentcapillary in teaching and how do you

feel that way gape and what he needed to be able tocommunicate what it like you really want ended a hummingbird now parenting even that somethingimportant heavily impart practical catron is weekend delight now than before every weekend to work with right nowwith more is back here to put a picture of it it last year to represent the word apple

they needed to represent the work that it must be represented the workbook intended to represent the workout they can't meet activity pearlacademyeven teaching thing and i think there's dominate the bookback out there now and to allow you to both of them or lookat everything you don't have to be olympic figure out what people it's been done for you but don't let that be tribute band

and being part of february it's not going out of the important youknow that people are now would be returning on it's just sometimes we can get back there and then we have kids who can label everything i've met a doctor to label you know everything about him around

but if you happen what they're doingeverything they don't really have anything day but they can tell you a network maplooked up at the thought whitehead kit that can be that's youknow i can hold up in apple anything like that and making coming apple i can go to the book they think they want i can be like thatmaking coming at the time but i have antique daylight apple ifthey like to meet

they can come back predicting what he's doing apple they cannot be fairly common ita i don'tneed it because they don't like that or even without that i can actuallyeconomy i don't need to be getting like three we want and he'll dictator things andnot just leave a lifetime so act they don't need to get develop itbut i'm not iron understanding how important bombarding our new york andkeep renowned for your lead we really need to be focusing onteaching partner privately well

okay mikey st david's day you'd like me are youknow about it it not again this is one of the articlethat i can bangin edit out let them back in two thousandthree and let them be recorded languagesteamboat type array inadvertently intervention cracked and while founded directly somethinghere without anything work may not ninety-six overeat but firstback ago greatly parkersburg evening out inthat bag

and if you take a look at the libertyact there's nothing more now on it inward vitality ones quickly have mine want in morn somehow all-time it better the backing out in the red and again

indeed that many expect respectabilityeverything on a daily basis yet at the table where the important forat a necktie theory uh... statement from the actualexplained i think i would like to include that and communication and deep on the eight th of the individual workof art chain patient i'm keenan and not all therefore communication pippen cannot bebe significantly i'm prehistoric patent

communication required act up throughthe populated individual grade it's all part of me federal balkan subject to change it might not be collected deployment ban we wish to thank you again japan to tighten that and into my teaching thing going is much better thinking and studentarmando treat the redacted that she didn't get you're going to talkmore about that later

acting letdown cochran that they didn't study all right the language used by effectivecommunicator and won't be until they didn't by uh... ada lagi already eighty they actually tracked the data oror the word that they are living through a blood sample that that he founded in nineteen ninetyfive percent of the permission individual removing we're not having any

and you are looking forward to completetheir exit they're putting overweight fiesta athaving wind dot mcfadden i want to do you aviator ally now but they were moving forward to convert them up again ninety to ninety five percent of thetime approximately i didn't understand thetime they were using a and you're going toattack really

the most renowned in addition to the single rate than ordaily and then elected recruiting the kind they were looking to be redacted free they were really being novelcommunity-based and when i think effective communicatornot necessarily thing and i don't have been work and when you want it they may still be putting you know theymight not be dramatically crap

but there's a building that point hot and they're doing it was born onfebruary in with the won't work but that could be even better and crop we should really be careful we commonly creek toward not that easyif someone it and it you know if you have onebutton that and i want to know the background baked apple and that they may notrealize dwight gooden somwhere i had its

own way activity right and we don't know if they're going to beable to use bathroom he galloping hill paperback and event dot one button who don't just twenty pre-treatment mapping the battle in bed fairly often pregnant with my disney he'd invite iwould probably want one but make that

my name is julia i worked for a pack you'd like that ok concrete turnersuperfund but we do you really want a bucket on in the late for that the individual humiliate them away and i'm noah adams deliberate anydifferent and that we can get numbers modeltacuari and they can fill communicating hochberg think about the leak it going to talk they'll come out being bookbag

if that one way and by about the timing at if youweren't penetrating into a ragtag typically they really want i think about that whenwe're working with people even if i need a child with nine yearsold never had to be uh... we've goteverything away equivalent doctrinaire act and have kept it simple net might be

it's just a little bit about thepickering resolve it and a number of work they can't take abreak at given and how old they are i dot eighty-nine coming october betweenfive and twenty where nadia couldn't know every child in a different kind ofdevelopment but it was really teknokrat by about two years old and i think thatyou couldn't it wait and i might not be delivered prettydramatically we've got about it that way i pat ryan uh... who headed teaching ina bit at don't work

the device spender when the teacher at cumberland county you know she denying that but i meanhe's a really at that level of three oh and i think they can got out of townwhere it that impact that you can work with that and barely even just keep that in mindthat typical robust around here when we talk about talking to learnwhere they're going to talk a lot of time upset you think the unexpected will

alert me they don't even have any eighty at them and they're thrown into the world ofacademics right away it typically developing child hasacquired the majority of core accurately here she will need without the first great battle however children with me again often and i look for people tobring it back up with they'd be a moment ago vocabulary

world report back and as we know by the time to get the paper childdeveloping tyler thirty here crt part of a popular quotesabout work but shouldn't i think both needed littleit's hot first before they can mine rather than the other way around we can't find them to put back in timeto start learning academic material and i want to talk

if they don't have that foundation oflanguage before academic its target may not have a lot of academic thatpretty chain language but you've got to go if we focused on the languagedevelopment the academic though follow-up next won't be i'm currently has actually be the firstone hundred word document if they can have that and they did not being that if you wouldneed a variety of tv guide patrika we

thank you i think is the way in which the emperorkaram compiled from various requested and at the first one hundred word ithink that they developed in thailand given went back and look at what's goingon alone bread tilts there's only one who wanttarget now that the bank i had feeling in my pocket mutilate kindenough to it would work here

anthony can't comment first one hundredwork and you can in you've gotten social function word except more e thank you at hotmail back-biting it's location marked the proposition in holland up out here in the air and expected boys being a little hotmail who will go out and buy it early pronoun

of course my income dot the naive emu eggs common action record-breaking bird heretomorrow and when you think about you know againpeople use will be eight how often he had to work the republicanparty on communities import or art yet if they really do it that we should beteaching you can take a long way okay netfile when they can't function

now this is another thing i in a lot andthroughout my career she could be right back but creepy incomes i want i want antoineantoine but they can tell me i don't want they can tell me i like he can't be i don't like and ask how much smaller than tocommunication and just reflecting objects another absolute communication convening

you know again we know the kid everybodyitem meaning people pretty line comment but i need to be like ng think they've got sent back off time dirt biking object but more information and how often do we e arab forget to keep their abilities it have asking about the but no one evercochran anak

may need to deal with it what that lie not that we really want to keep them atthe black kids that are being but again it depends on the city or the q jairo the company and why why like that they want to give acting right if youbelieve me responding to questions we want them tobe able to respond back apnea i'm something

protecting her exact well again back on the rules to be withyou i don't want that topic no angry and yet they look at out of the atlanticstuart they've actually quite a few of the language development start uh...focusing on people with eight even unit

it better to get out of keep doing what sacramento ca but thatmore we get to the birthday the chief i don't really make a goodtake indecent language development break it down eight states in kentucky west behappening within that the bigger than that plotted because you've given me a little bitmore of a black person of the last night about chart it take a look at these one

right on the left right here and look at the communicative content diet that you don't get me in thefunctions of me commenting effecting object talkingabout responding protecting that up i'll come out very early on in the midstnow and again i need though many people whohave been v eighteen fifteen for here that i didn't have to be

the request if need be one beginning and that's about it we want them to be able to do my iwanted to let out the epa able to do all the thing and one thing to deal with you and yourmoney their land and burning and at night i don't have to look at governor clinton

okay we got back at the viet thank youvery much appreciate that elect me pack raptly and passed it quickly night appetite eventid several kinds ofcape fear i want and then we try and give thembrought three years and he may dot light and they kept me up and perhaps evenfeel like i don't want pretty quickly oregon where you know you have turkeythreaten you can come down yet immediately what could be and they might be conducting i want thecookie

their except one gridlock nothing theycan be with appetizing environment who keeps everything presenting at the beginning of thatfield really only cover on the very today uh... as if they teach in implementationi happen to think every msd anywhere between one two threepoint three that the card that we're barely scratching the factthat again if you want more information andmeanwhile recruitment recruiter materiel we're planning on unhappy with any money

instructor very valuable undefined andand the family teeth and particularly for the things we've gotten uh... because if you're availablethere's one that took it is not pragmatic there's one that the people bob packwoodhate on that crazy that oppenhiem thoroughlythree-part yeah that map might be the money part there before we go intothe next credit under any question that the park

okay it directly but i had just taken inand will make sure we get back to your dream when we talk about returning incorpoaccurately early right that linguistic deductedthat how do you know how i want to put thefulcrum populated with though important politically development annotate can't bridge you know i don't hear me because i have a much harder time

getting big willing to get the money and i'm one of the people i can't really no matter what that meantthe michael evil whatever it might be printed fabrics you know that you have aproblem with that it shocking but let them pembroke backupindividual blvd eight-b at the movie beyond the patentgrateful and hopping on because they're just nottaught how cute alike and because we don't know how cute

if republican comparable calgary wary that will come and again that's quite a few repressiveout there now stepped up its mind teaching individual either be he captures bikini everybody now if you can download i regret thatanything cool mote than ever made up of corporateaccurately

gifting appear sort out the kurds adults were great word i worked with either to regret their common you'vebeen reading program uh... implementing and again we're going to take a look atthe dot sportsline anoop even the big majority of the workthat are not liked accor happy anyway believe that we were in line the tortreform and don't below they have to be held itto be deputed being better on here

on but we're going to go away david com down however mike now adn no i mean this is an alcoholic includingending up sick but very on that's left they've shown here hurtfuldonuts those were great that break that down by the leaflet

about two hundred twenty correct opportune time to a break and thendelete my account they played it got unique and would beinternet search for adults were correct that the free reports the topic okay that lately highly-paid covered workwear vocabularyand might so important lectern talking about them at theinstallation that come out working for an adult

and take a look at how we can eating growth activity got one thing that i found i'm allotmentgetting ready to do with the consultant it did not that sheets are either can'tdidn't want to throw that capillary agents had a hard time seeking theirfocus from downtown began baby had never really had thatexplained number four one depicting people usually get abecause i'll take a look at the art deco or especially an update yeah you'reright ideally grow accurate the bulk of my bday

or didn't make that date no i think that phrase i want to talk about should get in la k i did larry two of them are randstad dot block p i'd expect proper everywhere it'll take a look at the denver thatyou've got a you're going to give it the bukkakechoir party

but what can be hard to say i think thatthe people we focused on nam so much cheatin' heart attack there anyway email uh... practical situation lag timehere it'd taken to a comment about but come out country cohen's after it got me and taking a look at how we can make itwork for if required look at me her big boobs here we all know the bookbrown bear brown bear what ecpi in the lot group called back to you a lot of time that but it used to teachthe homework

and the color which is great we wantedto know what their colors they like it to be normal but we can give it to keep so much morethan acu i actually like reading the thing butwith different purposes in mind specially with kids especially it gives them a repetition they need they didn't really work out uh... they can't anyway and of course wehave prospered constantly and throwing i want to actually make that

more natural but if you don't even like the youdeport out by doubt that there'd be requesting setting although i think that the book but thetie-up and opened the door ramble uh... their after they're pretty yet and that we get to meet with them aboutproperty tax and that kind of been hell opted for anwhile or maybe bob brown bear brown bear we know that you can correct that youknow orthotic tree

but we cannot be equipped with bed ithink the eight-day and have the campaign for that i hate being any opportunity to work or maybe they can act that what do you see i take a nap time in the backyardweapons of the day program what you'd be who are if you make questions were openand get a lot i think that's all it takes if you make the question or abandonedwhen you're paying on an activity or

something you're trying to keep you're happy directory even active there's no way to canberracan open the question without even breaking river kathy lee doug that anything when he had a pictureof the bear hunting with a child what impact and they think that here at bay tell me something about the bare

hit bakke brown i don't like maybe they can't get there he could be a look at any rate have tobe taught how to patrick and if the actor the tyler dr eden forward that theycovered but and collect so they're going to be left britainyou're teaching abner thing and and how to tell them your other children in the environment what do you feel

and outside the country at that point immediate activity eight wouldn't want that let me eat or again please and if you don't evenwant to be answered that question exterior of activity like like this is the weather map in the midusually combat arming or they believe in kindergarten first grade

and you can predict that innocent kidsare expected to know that level expected very definition for the way thebattery at the air precipitation hurricane congregation and prepared uh... question here and i think that the question to thegroup tues to slap it eight one i don't thinkivan eight quite unhappily eight april deccanherald

abandoned contact where people whoardent eight pm eighteen world but even i think film at a lot of untilhe gets t-shirts working or eighteen excellent too trappings of we'll keep on doing thedifferently at the end payment form contracting attn babylip bumblebee learned before but they chat you have been beateneconomy i'm i've met breaking people who've been field for very long timethat what they kind of here it wedding they play

will pay you know i really need tochange hardening something if you're right my kid there my ankle art epicjatropha and they are really doing much beyondthat uh... why do you think you have to keepyourself and how to do that a mind that after picking up tacuari it deviated buyback exactitude column began i can go on for the ball imprintedpicture and now that i want to know but even define and vote for him yeah i didn't want to derail you i justcompany spent a lot of time looking at

all here's abc's deduce that we couldfind on utube and a lot of them should people are not uh... falling into some other traps thatyou've described eighteen he did you know and and and andi think the envelope but i think that when you're planning activity orlaughing it try to make the question moreopen-ended not gonna give you an idea other thevocabulary kneecap felt the time uh... you know the animal we talk aboutthat but i think that was before i don't know about you but i thought ofyou may be bad weather but not great

living at northern california i don'tthink a lot of work if you want score hot you know i know is that we'regoing to be very often there really is the work i mean a singer hurricane and though privately baloney eat at them and i've done a little limitedvocabulary or do you have limited april megabytebecause my mother is to do whatever it might be if that were going to put on but if we take a look act arbitrageolympic side and that i looked it up

defined about current form and they have to you know defining or you great what i'll be a lot ofhanded the definition will be read by the teacher or parent and then abn the the child had north to route betweenwagner board and the center factory it did not functional because they'reprobably happy new year but not great much you are not like that

again we have a comment i think that make for security eight unique in my district none of the teacher they were thinkingabout order privately i read about it i did retrieve speaking out at the startof the year experiences that really great to each other i'm i'm not going to be fixed back anytime commented absolutely teachers doit at that kind of apartheid that hw italian most teacher

don't get any credit languagedevelopment happy when marion or no i chose to go that route lifehackerinundated with in princeton i've done a lot i think they don't getthat back with a funny because when you thank themand then you show them there were great barrett you're marryingactivity then it becomes working on acharacteristic they might be able to get to know if ihappen that everything the definition and having a child went through theentire evaporate

if i teach them to accurately look aheadof time what happens on something about right and they tell me ebbing right what goes in here now ithink we did the nottingham track because advice or working with a lot ofkids they're not at that point that werethere instream grammatically back where they're using for patented yet i'm doing great debate here

and again i really think that are nothappy new year now we have to demonstrate that theyknow to contact recorded something in my mind if they did not write that when i readthe technician i can't wait for the back-breaking but how do what you're doing is justmemorizing now you got to communicate the combat why did that mean here they can't do something right herearound that

onto the record i have printed in greenarctic where we're at the rate the having drag artwork things work they could actually named given by anadult when they were talking about them campaign i don't believe in hateful they were talking about global warmingeducation tax credit up to speed up with a computer weapons were still up andfocused on core anyway that the type of thing that i didn't get them for quite a while

and but he's not dramatically cracked he said he had been doing that for agreat day but he didn't when you've got clemency actin did tell her about her that date turning doren take two hundredturned up a lot it you've got three demonstratingunderstand the combat and he didn't need the worker came outof the port city

you know what it did with it rapid no but he didn't really react in a singlepregnant haven't connected with it epic what might be you know i i i think what dan and thencome back a lot of the victim of the kid you know even in tokyo ticket baby thatguilt that we've already stimuli common record retire when you're doingidentify and on the body part nine years now out

autobiography thought you were not blind eight feet deep spending too muchimmediately politic something heart respond behind that and that's a common yelled at least acopy of it but let's not forget that partly bikinipocket ko completes the word fill-up he completes the repeal of that at some point i love doing if i think the blackinviting them to the doctor who have

never been copied yellow if you can getso many activities uh... within the therapeuticpatent-pending and also in the environment to reallymake it more reopen that they've been pretty i identify eat theworking that have a cardboard box competitivemodeling let you know the the curtain working i didn't tell you what they'devite aspect bring in a big balloon now that you can't help but want to get backto the people are presently it will get an idea of the real quicklywhat date

like they don't like now live in what bob can bother theminto your behaviors thinking that katy can pick out prettyquickly from one like eat for government trees well i think that they can be like theopti power i think that went down to hand over thesky didn't feel they can tell you that can happen and i went back down it don'tmake that counts and loud certified the better

and and and and i think evil and they can talk about that okay net white not let up it's always that they're notcoming that come about that and i think in middle or locate bent i'll be very ithink i don't know a lot about the food them out atlantic hot whenever i want to haveit i needed break very often again bernie

it would make a lot of bad things happenrenaming whom i did not directly deal with the fact that there are probably not going even further mail in that piggy bank county pumping about jupiter i'd be subjected very popular it the biggest one you have the right baat and now i'm leaving work better prettycommon yet

army something about mercury quote doesn't bind it bookmarks one later patent a pretty hot other democrat happen none of those infront of the time and now demonstrating condom that thebabbitt panic rather than just legally you know if i plan to its hard and longat what they had at that and the present my might get recarey doesn't tell me if they know anythingabout it they've learned anything about material at the top

again open-ended understand or something like how something about olympic before abbe respond if nothing is it that the presidentactivity you can use it to you like the work thatthey think they can't but mom modern mahlet it got a lot of different thing i think next likely my pocketbook

pocketbook get pat buchanan ideology and i had my ok giving defeated i thinkthe fact one of the fact that they don't because if they think that or whateverand i did again if we act up in the question you know in et al uh... reaffirmation of the brain theresomething about the brain and prime enacting them blogspot artifact and legally burning

whether they're going to be a up at the olympics bernard baruch goldstein pittsburghaccurately let me give mum video give up here carpentry but something about thirty help me with the dania that would actually answer given by thatbecame that daynard kid out when they were talking about position

that helped me move and they asking thatyou helped the family define recreation air dot net organist what happens if your metabolism screwedbreakdown what is being give me my in college subfamily and public okay and demonstrating that they understandthe concept what frightening how'd it go no black common activity idiotic deal ifthat's the development of the past week

immediately because the doctor we want them to be able to add lighterand the fact that the doctors described in the right thing we want to be a birth date my head hurtsa lot but they can't tell doctor that he might reverse something though i think you know that they werenot a and make them think that that they can get a different one why don't they because i had apunishment worker don't have a car or hyperion my and they can meet with mein your body are regarding

pretty bent without the tape and i'vemet them yet dot that they have never been prospect that they can eitherindependently work a lot of effort to try to figureout what the fuck man but they could tell you what i'm hungryi wanna during apoptotic necktie are you having a hard time traveling alot of the don't want to be independent and want to be able to go where theywant to do what everyone literally acting you know and then you can order

meeting pat robertson exchequer whateverit might be i need help define the grocery store that they can get help can i get to know i'm here no can i get the dayton time through onthat now what kind of the laptop you know when tobe back in time i need to take and something like that iat work something that they need people aboutthat time i need to resend ibm no i have a lotof adult uh... improper and to use my

path electing because then and they have to deal with a compimpromptu everyday setting up the appointment when they meet me going to be we want them to be able to communicatethat i have a video that they're trying tobring home a little bit more bugaboo every show that video depending on howmany other austin bay they'd like to share

do you like to hear from manhattan if people get might go there puttingeight-b heading back to back and i'm asking that because heidi my experience in the school districts isa lot of people right now but i think it's where they spent they were devoting equal effort orperhaps more effort to teaching academics as opposed to teaching communication can the child graduated from high school

probably knowing some academics but notbeing able to communicate i would agree with that bad they met my over alarming union uh...and yet mean going on the internet now i think the either one person right nowuh... deviant art but your blood-typing but that did not get the exact academicthat could happen again oppenheim i think it's because people just don'tdelight if their teaching require activity andteaching communication academic will follow no gambling blitzkrieg eat academic

kit dot com and having not found easton of language and topic anything they're not learn they're not talking toher and they become in trying to talk to situation and i can be a lot more time uh... you know that when you get intothe trap of over teaching about minute by minute program each of all the plane at work at thistime for me there own labeling they're not in making that theyunderstand the combat

uh... and out that none of them or notyou can word or are we getting to you overdoing it multiple-choice filled thekey to commemorate the enough it is the perfect day but they haven't really learn the concept of don't like to get theirstart that's been my my overwhelmingexperience the good thing and uh... there they go right now nine wastaken american reading the giving it

that developing abraham cryptogram forindividual actually cuz i know i think he came out of the hard part i didn't have a factory learned that iwant mommy i have a common court inteqnet used for a great battle uh... but beyond that it was a lot ofdeveloping my own cereals and if you're not going to come downwith that understanding language development usually domestic and

but you don't really realize that youcould be getting a bit effectively kick uh... improper occurred pre-treatmentbetter out there thank you allow you to focused on core vocabulary you know there's this great hittingvideo work and it uh... it could be coming more and more about chris so if you do you approve of protectingyou know and she found out a lot retaking part of how to have her contactinformation is available we don't have to look bright andarticulate y they can get you know that we puttogether by a group of individuals who

argued eight paper that level conduct of the group that i'd it peopleyou can find can you give a compliment good spirited free from a couple minutes long but if you consider the matter is thatthey're trying to get across it's just going to divert parkway todayhome even more okay so again when you're hearing itfrom people who use eighty to nineteen th and held the card good morning

and it's a pretty big methods from them you know in just a couple of things thathave signed you know when the griffin walked up to the curtain leading thefight content-type michael and i'll be happy with malcolm feedback that unkind friendly people you'd beinterested to technical contact and and and if the other thing that wehaven't talked much about it today but we have to be willing to lend systemsienna upon did teach it no it kinda keep a computer in front ofbottom line you go back to you i need tear out andbeijing probably figure out a couple of

income baby don't showman and teach them they're not going have any idea althoughi think that it can be up that came with me eight feet that that we have to learningsteel and be willing to even without theproper economy modeling to teach the predicament vocabulary i'mkeeping kingsley and just if you're a pretty busy area and ihave and we're told that

eight dealing with spa in the west bank that had to let thembring em teaching material the carpet and language speeches chart acrobatic feats extract the datasecurity etc it actually being completely anymore and and and we'll actually be better and actually be detected rightnow but right now it bernie pretty it will not be

to whenever you get that back and takethe material from that if you are not guilty of it they wouldwork for you the eight in it's cute they provide treatment outbreak reproduction or development court date and of course that can be done at yourown heat and it will provide weekly floweractually benefit to keep it could be sent

we're taking a course that that they arecorrect again that pretty taking baseboard by different topicsthat are available right now everytime samatha occurred at that pointi think that i think he tax-free that barbara you can run your own hotmail it kinda hard to it europe and there's alot bear and pretty much anybody can prove that theywant to learn it and bridget take a look at a and i don'tthink that request

stoppard acceptable librarians are notthat i thought that it well the grade school in california otherwelcome information on activity page and then another document that you willbe repeating incoming active act ricky to inquire of capillary note a lot of other indeed it with and in the evening teacher can orplanning i cab fare out there it's actually a great it's importanthappily and upended aid one of the columndelinquencies that correspond to you can kind of day

i have a childhood directing the word but we're gonna look at the activisteight one though i have an adult is giving anyone a mac under our experimental argument formarketplace kit therapy linguistics available bearings outbreaks weakening and and to a few dollars morethan that but there is a lot of the oval shape up it's actually came from uh... a friendof mine mcpeak they quite a bit

they can take a look at after great resource because uh... whenyou start looking at the apts two people are developing there are a bunch that don't have any concept about korva cadillac rightness barrel out there thanks though many yak doubleday thatwould be great respect for you and even admit the cookie out it can be confident i can tell you

now put back on unique that it based onany ng bahay you'd better really easy with the ac in battle really fun and he and most of them are pretty fewgateway kite but that'd it break today again i knowwe it really scratch that their any if you have question please let me knowand and and and you got my contact information here you're welcome to emailme from our great requesting that you have i'd be happy touh... today active are very few

and it again the email jews eat act liike goodwill dot thank you so much to me i think the think everyone pretendingappreciate it subtitles by the amara.org community