woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


antique woodworking tools for sale canada

hi friends! this the 2d day of the show i will be your virtual eyes and hands here today. i will try to make you feel like you've actually been here also, will try to show your miss makita (ally mello) she is here today

antique woodworking tools for sale canada, ok, let's start our virtual tour, guys!! ok, as you can see miss makita will sign a poster for my youtube channel! her real name is ally mello i think there are only two models in 2016 who work for makita

she came from california for one day for this show she is actually a nice lady as well!! ally was nice enough to pose for my channel too i suggested to use these two guns for it i said, hey guys are you shocked i'm posing here with miss makita??!!:) the woman who was watching us said we looked nice together and the guy said, the picture looked good till i showed up..:)) i agreed and appologized :)) we came to the veritas exhibit. the largest one here.

i spent quite some time here... and did a lot of shooting here here we'll see their new tools this is the router base for dremel... these are different size/style handles for their hand planes any plane can now be ordered with the handle of your choice let's take a closer look at this stand sawes are on the top and the hand planes are on the sides different designs/systems

will show them to you there are different types of block planes here anybody can pick up any plane and take it to the bench to "test drive" it pm-v11 alloy ok, will show the saws a bit later a 90 degree sanding block miniture chisels... and a mini spoke shave :) don't even know where one would use such tools...:)

their small router plane and a whole bunch of different block planes... ok, here we can see their spoke shaves here of different design and profiles... to plane the concave and the convex surfaces i own this spoke shave and love it its design was borrowed from an old spoke shave... it has the sole that can be set to work with both the concave and the convex surfaces next is this miniature rabate plane

i'll just show you all of them for gnomes:) and finally, the saws 14 tpi 16 tpi 20 tpi 12 tpi a plough plane i liked their bench dogs/clamps

very nice bench clamps indeed ok. let's take a closer look at the stand... some of the tools here are non-veritas because lee valley sells a few other brands these guys aren't new but it is nice to see them in one place low profile... i liked this idea of an ultra low profile bench fences they're nice for planing the thin planks not cheap...

again, their pm-v11 steel supposed to be excellent for the woodworking tools there were narex chisels there sold by lee valley nice that steel holds the edge well and comparatively easily sharpened and more toys for the boys... different systems double and single blades

another mini tool ;) dovetails' layout tools... 1:5, 1:6 etc angles... and the brass mallets... i asked this rep to show their 2016 hand planes he asked to finish dealing with this guy... 2016 miter plane... $329 i still wanted to inspect closer their older model

i actually liked it better...:) this is their sharpening station there are a couple of brands that make similar machines... 80 grit 180 grit 600 grit and then 1200 grit he said you can take to the water stones to sharpen it even further... made in canada!

and its angle gauge and that is how it works... earlex hvlp systems... rover drill bits... titanium, magnesium, nickel alloy and here we have the laser printer/pyrograph one can engrave different media or even cut this type of thin veneer some examples...

you can even do this!... epilog laser that is how it works... in real time there is even some smell of the burned wood i saw him making these medallions... lathe cutters... all of them are premium cutters ($50-100)... all kinds of lathe accessories...

rober sorby tools... there were also some local woodworking clubs/gilds the boy liked those toys...:) and that what the guys in that club do... make and play with the toys...:) i bet it is fun! :) all men are big kids... :)) the pieces here range from quite primitive to pretty advanced... and this vessel is of a high quality indeed...

one can ask all kind of question here this toys were for sale about $50 intarsia... this is a famous presenter/inventor from california i couldn't video his seminar on his inlay techniques (copyrighted) but he let me video his equipment this router bases are his inventions they are used for different inlay techniques you can use your own router motor in these bases, obviously

and some of his inlay jigs with the microadjustments to do inlays and he teaches how to do these things in his seminars woodpeckers.. and this is the owner and his wife the brand became pretty prominent in the recent years i love their products clamps coping sled

super precise measuring tools and the next exhibit some misc. stuff for tuning your woodworking machines... featherboards etc... looks like a budget router table top for $130 i liked that enclosed stand for the router table top it had the dust collection enclosure inside for the router carter they are the band saw tuners, so to say...

and some systems for the lathe like that hollowing system with laser and that jig to do the roundovers for tuning your band saw narrow band saw blades' support quick tension release by carter carvers here you can see this really really old tree cut (sequoia)

and the year rings' corresponding dates it blows your mind, doesn't it!... the human life shrinks immensely when you are looking at that cross cut... and the center is probably like 2000 years old!!! unbelievable!... ok, guy, that is it for day 2 and tomorrow i'll come back to video the final day of the show thank you for watching! i will upload a few seminars from this show soon... good-bye