woodworking tools for the beginner

woodworking for beginners the beginner's guide to woodworking woodworking is 100 that can also be arewarding profession if you love to ...


10 essential woodworking tools

hi, and welcome to a new video. in this video i have 40 woodworking tips, tricks and hacks for you. so if you like it please subscribe, share and give me a thumbs up. number one: create your own woodfiller. this is a really simple hack to make your own woodfiller. fill the gap with glue

10 essential woodworking tools, rub som sawdust on it... let it dry for a while... ...and sand number two: clamping with hot glue

if you don't have hot glue you can use hot glue to hold the pieces together. just leave some open spots here for the hot glue. press firmly toghether. hack number three: clamping with ca glue. this is the same as hack number two but using ca glue in stead. number four: release hot glue quick and easy. simply add a drop of isopropyl to the glue... and it will release immediately. number five: avoid glue squeeze out on miter joinery.

lay your pieces in line... ...add a piece of tape now, this brings me to hack number six: clamp miter joinery with tape. to add more clamping pressure you can use hack number seven: clamp miter joinery with rubber bands. add some rubber bands like this... ...or if you want more pressure (make it double). and there you have it. number nine: perfectly flat sanding surface. use a piece of glass (float glass)

lay a sandpaper on top you can even apply some spray adhesive to glue it to the glass if you have larger pieces you want to sand number ten. sand curved objects. take a piece of plexi glass like this... add some spray adhesive ...and glue the sandpaper to the plexi glass now you have a flexible sanding strip for curved objects... ...and you can shape and bend it like you want. number eleven: drill bit screw holder.

simply add a magnet to your drill bit... number twelve: nail holder on your hammer. simply add a magnet... like this. number thirteen: don't hit your finger with the hammer. number fourteen: bit holder on your drill. add a dab of hot glue and attach the magnet to your drill. number fifteen: pilot hole with a nail. cut the head of the nail. number sixteen: drill straight holes.

use two pieces of wood and hold them together like this. number seventeen: depth measure on drill bit. measure the length you want (in my case 3cm) number eighteen: drill bit counter sinker. if you don't have a counter sinker you can simply use your drill bit. number nineteen: sharpening pencils quick and easy. hack number twenty: metal dowel. cut off the screw like this... ...use some sandpaper

number twenty one: clean small areas. use a plastic cup and make a hole in the bottom for a drinking straw. like this... number twenty two: avoid paint spill when adding paint to your paint brush. use a rubber band... ...and stretch it like this. hack number twenty three: avoid paint bleed under the masking tape. sometimes when painting over masked areas the paint can bleed under the tape. to avoid this you can paint the first layer the same color as your background.

in this case white. so first i paint with white color, and when the white paint is dry i paint with my contrasting color. now there will not be any paint under the tape. as you can see here... ...the paint got under the tape and this is what we want to avoid by painting with white first. number twenty four: save your paint brush without cleaning it.. simply add a plastic glove... and add some tape.

number twenty five: don't waste your paint tray. simply use some aluminum foil... ...add paint ...and when you are finished just throw away the aluminum foil. number twenty six: anti slide glue up with nails. cut of the nail head... ...and now you can clamp this togheter these pieces of wood will not slide around now when you are adding clamping pressure. twenty seven: anti slide glue up with salt.

spread the glue on your piece. ...and add some regular table salt. when you are clamping now you will get more grip preventing the pieces from sliding around. number twenty eight: simple marking gauge. just add a screw in a small block of wood and you have a marking gauge. number twenty nine: use pencils as push sticks. if you have small (thin) pieces like this you can use pencils to push it through the blade. note that this should only be done with very thin wood pieces. hack number thirty: (wax on screw). sometimes it can be difficult to drive the screws in...

just add some candle wax... or you can even use soap... number thirty one: make your hand plane glide better. simply add some candle wax... like this... number thirty two: quick zero clearance insert on a table saw. just use a thin sheet of plywood, and some tape. ...and there you have it. number thirty three: avoid tearout on plywood when cutting on a table saw. just add some tape... number thirty four: cut thin strips of wood on a table saw.

if you have a cast iron table you can use a magnet... make sure it's behind the blade (not on the side of the blade). number thirty five: split long boards on a table saw in a limited workspace area. for example if there is a wall there and i can't run the full length through the saw. you can do it like this... number thirty seven: improve jigsaw cuts with a piece of tape. this makes it much easier to follow the (cutting) line. number thirty eight: dowels from a rake handle. if you have an old rake or something like that...

you can easily size them down if you have a cross cut sled on your table saw. set the blade height like this... ...and add a stop block. number thirty nine: mill metal on a drill press with a dremel. make sure you wear safety gear. number fourty: easy push block. if you want to make a really simple push block... you can use a anti slide mat (i think that's what it's called) use some hot glue and glue this on your push block.

...and make a handle on top of this. now you have a really good push block. this is the commercial version and this is the homemade version... this slides very easy (which we don't want). ...and this is (almost) impossible to slide. this has a very good grip. you can of course make it more beautiful than this.